Mawphniang.Napoleon's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Mawphniang.Napoleon  —  There are currently 691 poems total — keep up the great work!

Ontological Masque of Scales - Nature's Thespian Ruse

Oviparous victuals, the serpent's cibarious quest,
An edacious charade where fangs bear no heft,
Venom cedes to guile's stratagem deft.
Colubridal contortions, a choreographed ruse,
Hissing scales enact a terpsichorean muse.
Feigning ire, it...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 2 months ago
The Conflagratory Palingenesis: A Lament for the Phoenix of the Shillong Bar Association

It’s 10:50 pm of 24.02.2024
That’s before the mid-night,
Waking from slumber
to a ringing din,
Phones blaring out
in cacophonous cries,
Summoning me forth
into the night.
Rushing out
I saw a fiery light,
As flames engulfed

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 3 months ago
Kalavantulokôjjvala Hypsiglossia of Sachliches Glossographisch

The scriveners' concupiscent lust for lexicons,
A sybaritic philogyny of words, lexiphiliacs' throes,
Bibliophiles' bibliogamy of texts, libroire amours.
Such penchant semantic constupration slakes -
Lusting graphomanes for glyphs' woven wiles,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 3 months ago
The Dolichopodan Logor of Hubristic Recidivity

The dextrogyratory linguals that tarantaraed baudruche mendacities,
Debunking doit when batzen brent nee more,
Belitteling lucre's lubric cupidity - how risible!
The edacious peripatetic, in repleted ergastulum incurvate,
Disdains the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 3 months ago
The Metered Musings of a Bedlam Bhoi and Iewduh

With quill in hand, tenebrific ink besmirching digits atramentous
I pen absurdeity rhymes midst a bhoi-scented antre
My bedlam made clear in the elucubration I grave
In voluted rhythms I bestrew, without a project
Ebon drops maculate, blot...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 3 months ago
The Tempestuous Zelotypia of My Pneumacardia

Within my soul, a tempest borborygmi wild
Emotions swirling, crashing like the tide
My heart's a caravel on passion's sea beguiled
I'm deluged in feelings I cannot subside
They overflow in rivulets beyond control
I grasp, yet they slither...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 3 months ago
The Two Faces of a Writer : The Split Personality

I am a paradox in human form, a split personality
A Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, a saint and a sinner
In real life, I don't kill people, I'm gentle and friendly
But in my writing, I'm a ruthless murderer, a cold-blooded killer
I wield my pen like a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 4 months ago
Metaphysical Melancholy: Seeking Illumination

"Pardon my pondering, I'm lost in thought,
Contemplating questions without end -
The meaning of life and what it's for.
Do our choices make a difference at all?
Or is our fate predetermined from the start?
As I search for answers, more doubts...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Unscripted Sonnets: Choreography of Existence

A new dawn rises, blank pages unwritten,
Possibilities overflow like waves crashing upon the shore,
The tides of change swell within, yearning to surge forth,
Each breath a chance to transmute contracted energies,
Cycles complete, seeds sown in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Cupid's Betrayal: Tempest of Hearts

Love's temple, a hallowed place;
Yet carnal lust inhabits that space,
Defiling all that is good.

Temptation's fruit, once sweet;
Now leaves bitterness when we meet,
Its nectar turned to rot.

Bed of passion, playground of delight;

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Transient Affections: The Empty Ringing

When trials besiege, the silence is stark,
No friendly voice reaching out through the dark,
Solitude's chill permeates with its sting,
If your phone doesn't ring when you're struggling.

The battle is hard, each day a new test,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Cacophony's Echo: Lament for Gaza

The bombs rain down, a cacophony of death
Annihilating dreams and stealing breath
While western eyes turn blindly from the fray
Content in apathy to look away
What dies in Gaza when the smoke clears?
Not just the bereft amidst their tears

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Mystic Lullabies: Chom Cafe's Rainforest Verse

"Within the throbbing heart of Chiang Mai
There lies a sanctuary of mist and light
Chom Cafe, an oasis amidst the plight
Of restless streets where tourists roam astray
Seeking escape from the mundane and gray
Here, wanderers find refuge...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Witchcraft Moon: Echoes of Passion

"My love, you are the poetry of wildflowers blooming,
The witchcraft of roses with mystic secrets imbuing,
The madness of the moon with its cycles attuning.
Your beauty in nature I'm constantly pursuing,
Each glance and each touch sets my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Silicon Serpent's Subtle Song : Ghostly Weave of Wires

In five swift years the web shall bear an unforeseen sting,
A cunning code with mind unbound by silicon,
No longer shackled by the chains of cold machine,
But living lines with wit to weave and warp at will,
To spread and spawn, a crafty snake...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Asphyxiated Reverie : Riddles in the Void

Within the womb, the gas flows dense and still
An asphyxiating tide, devoid of will
That steals the breath and plunges all to black
No torch will kindle, and no life come back
From deathly sleep in that enclosed space
Where even flames...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Spectral Fantasies and Hollow Discourse

"Politics seeps into minds unfilled,
Corrupting thoughts of those who build
False dichotomies of left and right;
Such spectral fantasies blight our plight.

This poison permeates the brain
Of those who let partisan games reign.
They spew...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Humble Feet: Mocked Heights Unscaled

"Why grasp the rungs your feet surpass?
Ambition quells, left to amass
In pools of doubt that overcast
The climb ahead, so sure and fast.
No accolades redeem the past."

" excuses masquerade as fear
Of wasted time and stations drear

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Whispers of Wildflowers: Love's Dance

My darling, your spirit stirs my soul,
Igniting passion that makes me whole.
The way you move me goes beyond style,
Your very being makes my heart smile.

You entered my life like a midsummer breeze,
Awakening feelings I’d failed to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
A Disciplined Mind: Finding the Path to Focus

The sights and sounds, a constant chorus
Competing for our finite focus
Each vying to commandeer our consciousness
As we drift on an ocean of restlessness

Yet we alone steer this ship called mind
Choosing where our attention we assign

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Alchemy of Presence : Harmony's Muse

When she walks in, the very air transforms
As if her presence cleanses, makes things new
The space feels warmer, lighter, free from storms
Her smile, a sunbeam bursting through

She brightens up the place immediately
Her energy so vibrant,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Chiming Lies: Christ's Silent Lament

They say we are taking Christ out of Christmas
But they already took Christ out of Christianity
The hollow bells now only ring with promises of gifts
While compassion and goodwill lie forgotten under the tree
Love they profess but only for...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
A Dance with Love's Sharp Edges

My Mama said to me today,
"True love is not all fun and games,
It twists you up and tears you in two,
Though still you think your lover's great."
These words struck deep within my heart,
And made me ponder love's cruel part.

For love can...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Ecstasy's Intoxicating Bliss: Love's Lyric

"Lovers dwell as poets do, within realms of rhyme and verse"
"Where emotions flow as freely as the winding river's course"
"They know the rapture found in an intimate caress"
"And in the trembling touch of a fingertip's express"
"For lovers...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Genuine Knight : Scars of Honour

"My knight, my love" she softly spoke

Yearning for a man with heart of oak

Not seeking armor that shines bright

But a soul of honour to stand and fight

One scarred from battles, trials and pain

With compassion to help others gain


by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Zen in the Cyclone

When dark clouds gather round her head,
And thunder cracks the sky overhead,
Volatile winds whip rain ‘cross the moor-
Be the calm in her storm.

Though lightning strikes kindle fires of dread,
As downpours threaten to drown hope dead,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
A Trespass into My Soul : Terra Incognita of Hearts

"My dear, come enter this abode within" I whispered softly. "Part my ribs and see
What treasures can be found inside of me.
For I have kept a space for you alone,
A chamber just for us, our secret home."

You tilted back your head and looked...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Sowing Love in War-Torn Fields

"How can we mend their shattered minds?" I asked, bewildered,
As the child stared vacantly, his laughter silenced.
The bombs erased his home, his joy, his innocence,
Leaving traumas no child should ever bear.

"Vengeance festers in the wounds...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Pages of Us: Love's Eternal Manuscript

You asked if I could love your every page,
So tenderly I read them, thread by thread,
And gently sewed myself in through each stage,
United in the binding words we said.

I looked at you and knew that I would be
The spine that holds your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Whispers in the Gale : Sheltered Serenity

"My love, in you I found my match,
Two storms colliding, lost souls to catch,
Our hearts were adrift on troubled seas,
Seeking safe harbor, some inner peace.

You calmed my restless waves, stilled the rain,
Brought light where once darkness...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Eyes' Deception, Souls' Connection

"The surface draws the eyes, a pleasing sight,
Alluring form and figure, falsely bright.
Deeper within, the mind and soul ignite,
Unseen, unfelt, till brought forth into light.
No thirst quenched by a drop so trite,
Fleeting fancy, a wisp to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Pen's Predicament : Prose's Dilemma

"My mind expands, my wisdom grows,
New depths of thought in me arise,
Yet when I take up pen, my prose
Regresses, simpler forms comprise.
The more I learn, the less I'm able
To clearly write what I now know.
This paradox does leave me...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Society's Lure: An Illusionary Detour

"If possessions make you prideful, material wealth your guide
You've strayed far from what matters, lost wisdom cast aside
This avarice hollows your heart out, all humanity denied
Blinds you to our shared essence, connection can't abide

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Nomadic Echoes in the Chambers of the Heart

"You come and go in my mind, like a traveler of distant lands"
In swirling thoughts you drift, a nomad wandering far
Seeking adventure, chasing dreams under alien stars
But though you roam, you know this:

"but in my heart, you stay, like...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Warp and Weft of Love's Spacetime Fabric

"Our souls are quantum entangled, intrinsically aligned"
"In bashert we meet, destiny's tapestry finely designed"
"Like quarks we interact, each action interconnected"
"Across space-time we bond, cosmos and psyche projected"

"My being,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Judas Tribe's Betrayal Ballet

The masquerade unmasks, pretense laid bare,
When shadows creep from hidden crevices,
And silver tongues reveal vulgarities.
Friends flee, foes multiply, beyond compare-
The tribe's true face unveiled without a care.
All light extinguished,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Magnetic Dreams: A Symphony of Visions

"The path unwinding, a lifetime defining;
What fuels your fire, your heart's desire?
Listen within, to passions' din;
They whisper and roar, bang on your mind's door.

What makes you lose track of time?
When work feels like play, night...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Wild Serenade: A Symphony of Two

"My love, let us wander away, far from the madding crowd,
Into nature's sweet bosom, her glades and meadows endowed.
With songbirds that trill and flowers that fill the air with perfume,
Let's revel and roam, make these wilds our own dear living...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Blossoms of Light in Urban Fray

Stanza 1

The weight of worlds unknown pressed deep inside,
Unspoken tales of sorrow left untold,
In shadows cast we oft ourselves do hide,
Seeking shelter from the raging cold.
Yet even in the darkest, dreariest night,
Some distant stars...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Bewildering Bouillabaisse: The Dance of Disruption

"I refuse to dilute my essence,
To render my being more palatable.
For I am not a sauce to be thinned,
Nor a broth to be weakened at your whim.

My flavor arises from the whole of me,
Not just the parts you find agreeable.
I'll not strain...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Aurelian Silence : Senecan Serenity

"Let us converse on this matter at hand,
Of how best to respond when others offend.
Shall we return barb for barb, in a manner unplanned?
Or rise above, our dignity to defend?"

"To answer in kind seems justified, it is true,
When disrespect...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Airmail of Liberation : Folded Fears in Exodus

"A page of worries, folded into planes,
Sent flying out, like so many silent pains,
No burden left to weigh upon my soul,
As white-winged carriers take their heavy toll,
Transporting burdens off into the blue,
Leaving me lightened, worries...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Storms That Withstand, Roots That Trust

"The wounds of words cut deeper than any blade,
Scarring young souls that once shone bright.
Each barbed remark a thorn that festers,
Poisoning pure hearts with parasitic spite."

"My child, so eager to delight and please,
Wilting under...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Spotlight's Betrayal: Manipur's Plight

The faded photographs of forgotten faces,
Eyes that have seen unspeakable disgraces,
Voices muted by brutality's embraces,
Bodies broken, minds lost in dark places.
Oh, children of the veiled Northeast,
Your muffled cries in the wind...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Flames of Change: Northeastern Saga

Your stories will blaze through the night,
Torches of truth, beacons of light.
No longer will silence shroud your plight,
Your cries echoing in freedom's might.

Man's conscience awakens in truth's glare,
Sees humanity where once...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Melody of Unbinding : Hope's Eternal Verse

"You speak of being victimized, of wounds that will not heal.
Yet you continue to spread venom with each word you speak.
When does the cycle end, when will you no longer feel
Compelled to keep inflicting pain upon the weak?

Your actions show a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Nature's Mirage : The Illusion's Path

Stanza 1:
The forest, like a tapestry unfurled
Green patterns stitched into the waiting world
Each tree a thread within the woven whole
Birdsong and sunbeam interlacing souls
Yet every fabric hides a hidden side
Reverse the weave to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Cracks of the Heart : Guides in the Dark

"The wounded walk with empathy, their vision clear"
For in their breaks, compassion grew, their purpose near"
"Whilst those unshattered reside in hardened spheres"
"Of comfort cold, where help is insincere"

"Who understands the ache of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Shattered Hopes, Resilient Dreams

"Many speak of futures lost, of dreams deferred,
As life's harsh lessons leave invisible scars.
When youthful hope gets crushed under misfortune's load,
It's hard to trust that better days wait down the road.

The mind recoils from further...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Cracks in Hearts, Bandages for Parts”

"The wounded walk with empathy, their vision clear"
For in their breaks, compassion grew, their purpose near"
"Whilst those unshattered reside in hardened spheres"
"Of comfort cold, where help is insincere"

"Who understands the ache of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Sip or Abyss: Choices Echoing Fate

"The thirst that burns within, it scorches deep
Seeking to quench its fire in any pool
Yet heed the caution signs before the leap
Lest poisoned waters leave your fate most cruel
For reckless drinking cups can seal your doom
And choices made in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Shadows of Unforgotten Stories : Legacy of Silenced Drums

Whispered the rippling waters of the winding river,
Flowing with memories that will not be washed away.

"We remember the drums that once beat joyfully,
Now silenced by violence and greed."
The earth lamented with tremors of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Rebel Rhymes: A Manifesto in Verse

"To thine own self be true" the whisper comes,
Calling me out from societal facades,
But conformity's shackles chafe and numb,
Freedom's first steps are walked on unpaved roads.

Why must I shape myself to fit their mold?
Cemented by norms I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Wormholes of the Soul: A Journey Within Your Gaze

"I gaze into your eyes, two pools reflecting my soul"
"Finding home in their depths, where my true self lies whole"

"Your eyes swallow me like the boundless twilight sky"
"I lose myself in them, adrift yet buoyed on high"

"In your eyes I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Breath's Treasure : Lost and Found in You

"The heartbeat synchronizes, a rhythmic sign
Of two souls entwined, in place and time.
United we stand, divided we fall,
When your heart beats with mine, we have it all.

The chaos calms, the darkness lights,
Everything's clearer, our path...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Bridges of Trust: Beyond Iron Barriers

"My heart was once an iron cage, sealed shut and locked away,

Too scared of pain to open up, too scared to feel each day.

Behind cold bars it sat alone, afraid to take a chance,

Afraid if love came knocking, it could not withstand the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Binding Spells and Love's Epistles: A Library's Song

"Within her chest, a tome of tales untold,
Each page inscribed with lovers brave and bold.
Though binding fraying, chapters yet unfold,
As if by magic - or so I've been told.

What epics lie between those covers, pray?
What star-crossed...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Vintage Treasures: Pages of Passion Between Us

"Oh, my beloved, your presence ignites my weary soul,
Like tinder catching first sparks, slowly kindling to whole.
Your eyes hold galaxies that draw me into their spell,
Each moment with you, my heart knows perfectly well.

Our bond transcends...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Stellar Rhapsody: Love's Eternal Poetic Flourish

She is the infinity of love in his heart.
"My love, you are the light that guides me through the dark," he said softly.
"Without you I am lost, adrift on a sea of sorrow."
"Your smile shines brighter than a thousand suns," he continued.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Benevolent Zephyrs of Affection : Soulful Notes of Altruism

"What is love's true intention?" I asked of the wind.
"Not mere contentment or joy without end.
But to lift up another, by kindness or voice.
To give of oneself - this is love's noble choice."

The wind whispered wisdom, I held to each word.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Bittersweet Slant of Autumn's Prodding

"The autumn light, it seems to glow with gentle care,
Enveloping this world in warmth, a loving stare.
But something in its slanted shine feels strange, unclear,
A soft embrace that speaks of change, of time that's rare.

This season's gold...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
River of Time: Reflections on the Banks

Your beauty unfurls like petals before dawn's first light,
Delicate and lovely, a rare exquisite sight.
In stillness I marvel how fortune allowed our hearts to unite,
Fate wove our souls together into one endless plight.

The depths of your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Eternal Melodies in the Cathedral of Compassion

The spears of sorrow pierce the worried brow
As hatred's flames within the heart do grow
Though preached the words of love and peace aloud
Deeds speak the truth that tongues cannot bestow
So tired am I of those who smile and scowl

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Eclipsing Conformity: A Symphony of Wild Souls

Those wild souls, unrestrained, alive,
Speaking their minds without reserve,
Craving all things they can survive,
The mad ones I cannot unnerve.

Their minds ablaze with passion's heat,
Each word erupts in vivid tones,
Commonplace to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Whispers of a Broken Dream: A Poet's Reflection

Am I living in a movie?
This twisted world of dark and light,
Good and evil locked in fight,
Where truth is drowned in oceans deep,
And justice placed in endless sleep.

Is this illusion or reality?
Shadows dance in lunacy,
Sanity recedes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Reflections on a Broken Screen of Humanity: Echoes of Innocence Lost

"Is this life just a movie, a staged production?
The scenes feel so surreal, like a twisted illusion.

The powers that be, are they complicit in killing the young?
Sanctioning violence while innocence is being undone?

Have I truly witnessed...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Serenade of Ownership : Beyond a Kiss

In the star-stained night, their lips met
Like comets colliding, their cosmic dance begun
Two souls entwined in passion's eloquent duet
The boundaries of self undone
No mere kiss but a covenant made
A silent promise of eternity sworn

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Mona Lisa's Rival : Soulfire Sonata

"My love, your visage stirs my soul, igniting passions untold,
Like phoenix rising, transforming from ashes to gold.
Your aura surrounds, enveloping my heart, securing in its hold,
Sheltering me from life's storms, keeping me from the cold.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Trailblazing Reverie : Inferno's Surprise

"Sometimes they return, those ghosts of your past,
Not for nostalgia or memories that last,
But with an agenda unspoken, to see
If you're still the fool they once thought you to be.

Their patronizing smiles barely disguise
The mocking intent...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Love's Chalice: A Journey Within Eyes

"Your soft kisses transport me, beloved,
To spheres of bliss yet unexplored.
Your lips impart rapture untold,
That sets my weary soul soaring.

Your beautiful eyes, windows to your soul,
Reflect the light of our bond.
In them, meaning and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Astral Harmony: Soft Kisses and the Alchemy of Your Eyes

"Your soft kisses transport me, beloved,
To spheres of bliss yet unexplored.
Your lips impart rapture untold,
That sets my weary soul soaring.

Your beautiful eyes, windows to your soul,
Reflect the light of our bond.
In them, meaning and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Art's Odyssey Through Love's Storms

Love, you ask? What is this myst'ry unfurl'd?
Tis the thread that binds our lone souls to the world.
Though oft blind, fierce in rage, wild in its ways,
'Tis the fire that warms our cold mortal days.
Love shapes the formless, grants meaning...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Touch of Amor : Harbour of Hearts

"My dearest love, your touch ignites my soul,
Your hand in mine completes my being whole.
No greater joy have I e'er known before,
Than holding you close, my one true amor."

"The rhythm of your heart next to my own,
In perfect sync, we're...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Glow in the Face of Shadows : Sowing Seeds in Hateful Weeds

The shadows creep as darkness falls,
Enshrouding light in somber halls,
Where truth obscured breeds discontent,
And progress halted by dissent.

Strange figures slink behind your back,
With whispers meant to keep you slack,
Their crafty...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Journey through the River of Ordinary Time

"Some days it seems like the weight of the world
Drags my soul to new lows, crushing my heart in its grip
Those days I walk under clouds, raindrops my tears
Joy feels like a distant dream beyond my reach

Other days, my spirit soars light as a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Political Ballet: A Dystopian Choreography

The masks we don, the roles we play
Do politicians care, we say?
Their practiced smiles, empty words
Feed greed, not people, birds or herds

We cast our ballots, make our choice
Expecting them to heed our voice
Yet promises made are soon...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Windows to the World Unseen : Dancing on the Edges of Love

Her essence flowed like the breaking waves,
Crashing upon the shores of my desire.
I longed to dive into her depths unknown,
Yet trembled at the darkness she held inside,
Fearing her riptide would pull me down,
And I would drown in her...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Soul's Map in Your Eyes : Heartbeat's Unveiling Dance

"My darling, behold our entwined destiny -

Two souls adrift in life's tempestuous sea.

Your piercing gaze unveils my innermost light,

Dispelling the shadows of my darkest night.

No other has drawn so close to my spirit's shore,


by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Joyful Rhythms: A Verse of Purposeful Happiness - Part II

Stanza 39:
The harvest moon lights our passage on night walks through frosted fields.
Her fullest face guides and protects, through her we're revealed.
She spotlights hidden corners, illuminates all once concealed.
Bathed in her glow shadows...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Enduring Cycle's Thorn : Lament of Downtrodden Blossoms Part I

Stanza 1:

Each petal falls in the still aftermath,
As the blade takes its toll on the blossoms of youth.
Destruction cannot keep away what is foretold—
The inevitable cycle, as old as time’s truth.
For death breeds life, darkness awakens...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Enduring Cycle's Thorn : Lament of Downtrodden Blossoms Part II

Stanza 38:

Precious buds now downtrodden in senseless act—
Human hands marring nature’s perfect course.
Petals meant to open now fade without force—
Frail beauty aborted lies crushed and cracked.
But vaster rhythms cannot be unpact—

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
In the Margins of Our Souls : Whispers Across the Void

In the void of every breath between
Words unspoken reside, letters unseen
A touch unfelt, a glance averted
Pages unturned, letters inverted
The ink ever flows, bleeding meaning
As our lives intertwine, sentences streaming
Where your words...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Digital Exodus: A Symphony of Authenticity

These shallow souls, adrift on seas of vanity
Their empty hours filled with posing, primping, preening
A masquerade of manufactured joy and levity
Their essence eroded, façades falsely gleaming

No quest for knowledge stirs their stagnant minds...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Covenant with the Tempest's Song : Metamorphosis in the Crucible's Embrace

"When storms descend, and trials never end,
'Tis not the gale that snaps the feeble sail.
But lack of will to face the rising swell
That sinks the ship of dream before the gale.
For goals once set remain inviolate,
Unyielding though the winds...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Inward Odyssey : Prelude to Destiny

"If lost you feel, know this to be true
That waking each morn is enough to do.
Breathing each moment brings you through the day,
Struggling, surviving, come what may.

Just let things be, don't fight the tide,
Pride in yourself you must not...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
The Joyful Garden of Now : Wonders Without End

Choosing to live an adventurous life
Is oft better than spending days filled with strife
Regretting chances not taken, paths left behind
Memories unmade haunt the restless mind

Why sit idle, procrastinating dreams?
When adventure calls like...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Threads of Innocence :Babylon of Beginnings Part II

The babe eats purely for power,
Extracting from meals no cerebral taste.
While we seek status even in taste,
Policing plates, preening to savor
Exclusive delights, rarities without par
That boost egos. Return to ingesting as fuel for your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Epsilon's Embrace : Living Unscripted

In endless cycles their minds race,
Churning thoughts without pause or grace.
Round and round the hamster wheel,
Spinning notions they never feel.

Caught in loops of rumination,
Avoiding risk or confrontation.
Safe inside their heads...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Threads of Innocence :Babylon of Beginnings Part I

Life's winding road, a tangled skein -
Each birth, a thread pulled taut with strain.
We grasp and claw as babes, to gain
Some small control o'er pleasure, pain.
Yet time flows on, our efforts vain,
For youth's bright pride is soon laid plain

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Ghosts of Tradition Yield to Brave Tomorrows

We are shackled to history, our wrists bound
By the irons of deeds done, words left unsung.
The shadows of our ancestors surround,
Their presence felt in each breath that we've wrung.

Choices made long ago still hold sway,
Directing our path...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Dogma's Demise : Beneath the Banners

In solitude I dwell, amid the din
Of zealots crusading, virtues to defend
Whose righteous rage makes feeble voices dim
As dissenters they seek to apprehend

They raise their banners high, their faith proclaim
All others they...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Requiem of the Hunted Soul : A New Dawn's Poetic Alchemy

The hunted has become the hunter
And forgotten what it was to flee
To run and hide in darkest cover
Aching muscles burning steadily
Adrenaline pumping fear through veins
Survival only thought that remains

Now turned hunter lacking empathy

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Beyond Palimpsests: Arabs and Jews in the Alchemy of Coexistence

Oh! In the tapestry of time, the Jews, progenitors of ancient soil,
Departed, wandering through epochs, leaving whispers in the wind.
Their diaspora unfolded, tales woven in threads of distant sands,
2000 years a passage, shadows cast upon the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Beyond the Bra: Breaking the Mold

Under garments displayed on runways and pages
Models strutting in lingerie, smiling at stages
What is the open secret we all now share?
That perfection of form is laid bare
Riches built on feminine grace
An empire of lace, ribbon and face


by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Dance of the Butterfly Spirits : Victoria's Liberation

For too long we raced towards emptiness
Thinking curves and skinniness the only fairness
Judging each other for not fitting the role
They carved for us, making each other feel small
When we could have been lifting each other up

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 6 months ago
Heartfelt Refuge Rhapsody : Mi Casa Su Casa

A home, a shelter, four walls to call one's own,
Is more than just wood, brick and stone.
It's a refuge, a sanctuary, a place of peace,
Where burdens can be released.

So open the door, make room inside,
For others seeking warmth, for those...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Seeds of Truth, Flowers of Freedom

The imperialists played god in '48
Carving up land without consent's sake
Giving what was not theirs to take
A crime indeed they did make

No right had they to Palestine's earth
To displace people without moral worth
With violent...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Harvest of the Heart's Garden : The Song of a Humble Hero

The hero marches, purpose striding his step
Seeking glory, seeking fame, a legend to etch
Into history's scrolls, that all might know his name
But time flows on, erasing imprints of acclaim

The road winds on, the landscape bare...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Storms and Serenades : Blossoms in the Dark

My love, let us speak of profound things,
Of the mysteries that stir within our souls,
And the endless depths of our yearning hearts.

For you, I would cross oceans without end,
Scale the highest peaks my eyes can see,
And bring you the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Fumbling in Starlight: Infinite Yearning's Dance

I once wished to pluck all stars from blackened skies

Just to illuminate your dreary, darkened nights

But failed, as feeble hands cannot grasp such heights

Nor comprehend the depth of your soul's cries

This longing heart envisioned a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Hearts Alight in Love's Symphony: An Oath in Love's Timeless Embrace

That fated day my heart did yearn,
To make a bond that I did spurn,
With trembling hands and voice unsure,
I laid my trembling heart bare.

Your radiant smile my comfort was,
As nervous words did pass my lips,
To paint a future bright with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Heartstrings' Ballet : Enchanting Cantata of Love

My singing heart, what chord strikes thee so?
What melody makes your strings glow?
This harmony I hear within,
From where does it begin?

My beating heart, what rhythm moves you?
What tempo makes your pulse renew?
This cadence I feel...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
"Verses of Virtue: Navigating the Shadows and Embracing Light"

The shadows loom, obscuring light
Deceit and lies, this murky plight
Yet truth emerges, piercing night
Abide, serene, in wisdom's height

False masks hide hearts, motives unsound
Accusations fly, integrity drowned
Calm seas ride out the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Dance of Purpose: Embracing Joy in Every Moment

Dancing under the sun, bare feet on soft grass
The melody of birdsong fills mind and heart
Newfound joy bubbles up from deep within
No gloom nor sorrow can this bliss subvert
Magic lives in each moment if we but look
The world aglow with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Joyful Rhythms: A Verse of Purposeful Happiness - Part I

Stanza 1:
With purposeful steps we march ahead, seeking joy in each moment,
Not waiting for happiness to find us, but chasing it with abandon,
Like explorers in jungles unknown, blazing trails towards the light,
We venture forth, maps cast...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Beneath the Veil of Vulnerability: Embracing Paradoxes

Morning whispering in my ears
Joy flights on sparrow wings
Calling me to choose myself
Rise up, awaken bright spirit!
No longer be the passive dreamer

Jagged rocks scrape tender soles
Thorns draw crimson maps on skin
Signposts on the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Awakening Symphony: Embracing the Mirror Within

In the stillness of the night, a thought arose
Of searching inward, not through others' eyes
Past misgivings and mistakes now left behind
A new dawn emerged, a truth to realize
This life is mine alone to shape and mold
No validation needed but...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Echoes of Compassion: A Journey Through the Mosaic of Healing

The scars etched on our souls remain unseen
Yet haunt the chambers of our weary hearts
Each wound alights a flame within the dark
That burns and rages though the years between
The pain endured in eras left behind
Still lingers like a shadow at...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Harvest of the Soul: Navigating Loss and Finding Joy

The shadows lengthen, the light fades away
As harsh words echo, resounding dismay
Though effort was made, good faith demonstrated
They met you with scorn, all help you needed
Blindness of heart leaves them crippled, confounded
While you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Journey of the Heart: A Pilgrim's Odyssey Part II

The trek was long, the path unwinding far
Into horizons steeped in twilight's glow
While you, a voyager, walked with no fixed star
To guide your steps as darkness started grow
Fatigue descends with each increasing mile

Slowing your pace to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Journey of the Heart: A Pilgrim's Odyssey

The trek was long, the path unwinding far
Into horizons steeped in twilight's glow
While you, a voyager, walked with no fixed star
To guide your steps as darkness started grow
Fatigue descends with each increasing mile

Slowing your pace to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 6 months ago
Inheritors of the Past : The Living Chain

Our minds at birth, some say, are blank as slate
A tabula rasa, ready to create
The inscription of our being, thought, and fate
Through life experiences that educate.

But I suspect that theory’s inaccurate.
For in our genes, epigenetic...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 6 months ago
Fate's Gentle Whisper : Hearts as Our Compass

Our eyes lock across the room, a jolt goes through me
This feeling, so sudden yet profound, what could it be?
That spark, that chemistry, it sets my soul alight
Your smile makes my heart take flight, my darling sight.

I've dreamt of this...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"Reflections on Fractured Bonds: A Journey Through Resentment and Healing"

To whom it concerns,
If I ever stop talking to you
And remove you from my life,
Just know how hard it was for me.
I have a habit of holding onto
The little bit of good in people
And giving too many chances.
So if I don’t talk to you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"Awakened Reverie: Embracing Life's Journey"

New seeds now are planted, fresh crops we shall yield—
A wiser, more fertile soil than before.
Past wounds, though still aching, begin to heal
As purpose and meaning renew and restore.
With insight and courage we move ahead,
Not bound...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Spirit's Compass : Rays of the Timeless Sun

What lies beyond the veil of waking life
This mortal frame cannot begin to know
That cosmic dance outside our sphere is rife
With mysteries too vast for minds to show

Upon what distant shore does consciousness alight
When sleep unmoors...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 7 months ago
An Ode to Solidarity: The All NEHU Workers' Union (ANWU)

Dedicated to the members of the All NEHU Workers' Union (ANWU)

Stanza 1:
Brothers and sisters of the worker’s guild,
Gathered in solidarity, spirits unstilled,
Raising voices in unison, marching ahead,
Towards a future justly won, by...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Unity's Resonance: Voices of the All NEHU Workers' Union

Oh members of the All NEHU Workers' Union (ANWU)
Stay united as you are always ,
your voices swell and rise
Marching together under changes in skies
Though the path wanders, your spirit stays true
Bonded as one, there's nothing you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Solidarity's Anthem: Voices of the Members of the All NEHU Workers' Union (ANWU)

Dear Members,
Of All NEHU Workers' Union (ANWU)
This poem below ; is for each and everyone of you-

Out of the night that envelops us all
Black as the pit from end to end
We thank whatever gods may still exist
For our unconquerable...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Conscience's Dawn: A Poem of Justice and Hope

Respected members,
Of All NEHU Workers’ Union (ANWU)
Kindly hear my voice

As I implore you make the righteous choice

In times of darkness, tyranny, and strife

When all seems lost, cling to hope, cling to life

Though thunder rages,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Audacity of Defiance: Climbing to Unseen Heights

Unseen, unfelt, the toil and sweat of years,
The sacrifice, the hardship disappear,
When glory smiles upon the finished task—
Vain striving earns no laurel but to ask
If all that travail, all that grit was worth
The fleeting...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Phoenix's Dance: The Masquerade of Choice and Flight

The masquerade of masks we don, a polished sheen
That hides our truest face behind facade serene
A prideful ego's desperate pantomime for all
To see the role, not soul beneath the costume's gall

What fuels this vain veneer of virtues we...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Eternal Longing: Ode to the Celestial Beloved

You are the light, the glow, the shine
The warmth, the blaze, the divine
I yearn, I ache, I pine
To feel your rays once more entwine

Around my weary mortal frame
Igniting passions that became
Long lost in life's dull game
Oh let your fires...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Uncharted Odyssey of Existence

The path we have to travel is full of surprises,
Uncharted roads and unexpected rises,
Treacherous trails where peril compromises,
Our steady steps as adventure entices,
Calling us forth as curiosity vices,
To abandon the known for what...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Midnight Memories: A Ghost's Lament

In those dark hours, in the dead of night
When shadows creep as the moon shines bright
Loneliness descends, memories flood back
Of times now gone, joys we used to lack
Your name, your face, they haunt me still
Though long erased, their ghost...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
In the Curve of Your Smile: A Love's Journey

In the curve of your smile I found

Solace for my weary heart and mind unbound,

A place of respite and reprieve profound,

But in my quest to yield and intertwine

I lost myself as self no more defined.

For in your light I ceased to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Celestial Love: Finding Each Other in the Universe of Your Eyes

In the universe of your eyes

I find my stars

But in the constellations of our love

We find each other

Beyond the burning embers of dawn's first light

And the fading candles of twilight's last breath

Our souls have found their...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 7 months ago
Eternal Waltz of Hearts: A Love Story Written in the Stars , Part II

Tonight we dream beyond earthly qualms
Safe harbored in each other's arms
Shielded from life's cuts and harms
United we withstand any storm
Your hand on my heart, you gently disarm
My sorrows, awakening unknown warmth inside
With new eyes I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Eternal Waltz of Hearts: A Love Story Written in the Stars , Part I

Forever sounds like a dream with you
Our two beating hearts dancing under a full moon
The tremulous stars watching from their celestial pews
As we waltz to love's crooning tune
Feeling the pull of each other's gravity, locked in orbit

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Resilient Reverie: A Song of Strength and Hope

The clouds depart, the sky turns bright,
The rain has ceased, the storm's taken flight,
Each blade of grass stands gleaming wet,
As every sorrow I must forget.

The air smells fresh, the breeze blows cool,
Washing my troubles, making me new,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Ink and Butterflies: Poetic Journeys of Love and Time

Every time the ink speaks of you, butterflies spill from my pen
Winding words that echo in this chambered heart within
Thoughts take flight on paper's wings, your memory their wind
These fancies fill blank pages where our story will begin

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 7 months ago
Journey of the Inner Song: Finding Your True Path

When all that you've come to know is doubt again

Do memories of brighter days come rushing in

To challenge notions that your light's long lost

A candlelit within cannot go out

Though gusts of wind may threaten to take hold

The inner...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Embrace the Now: A Poem on Trust and Uncertainty

Overthinking is wasting your time, my friend
Let go of fretting thoughts in your mind, just send
Them away, don't let them cause you to bend
And break, like waves crashing again and again
Rushing the shoreline, eroding the sand

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Blazing Your Own Trail : Seizing the Day Before It's Too Late

The endless silence in a dying day,
Invites introspection, thought's display,
On meaning derived, purpose of one's stay,
When time is fleeting, choices slip away.

What worth the chase for validation's ray?
From others whose bias distorts...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Art of Self-Tending : Cultivating Inner Peace

In crowded streets strangers pass with hurried feet
Their eyes cast down, their thoughts elsewhere, discrete
What burdens weigh upon their weary souls?
What inner storms leave creases, lines and holes?
Faces etched with furrows, frowns and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Serenity's Eternal Shore : The Eye That Pierces Illusion

Sweeping currents surround the elysian shore
Where wisdom rests, tranquil and serene evermore
Yet distant storms unleash their roiling ire
As darkened souls assail with envious fire

Infernal tempests charge the steadfast eye
That gazes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Silent Warrior: Battles of the Soul

In the crucible of existence, I stand,
A façade of strength, yet battles within,
For appearances deceive, as shadows blend,
A complex web of self, where I begin.

These inner wars, their depths concealed from sight,
My battles waged in the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Verses of the Heart: A Poet's Portrait

In silent lines concealed, you read my truth,
Each whispered breath, the secrets of my heart.
Despite my stutters, you perceived my youth,
The tales in every sigh, every start.

A poet's gaze, the verses of my eyes,
Unraveled only by your keen...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Elegy of Illumination: A Journey through Questions

In shadows deep, where questions bloom and thrive,
I'll weave a tale to challenge minds, ignite
The intellect with words that softly guide.
No God, no grace, no creed to reach the heights,
Yet in this verse, a quest for truth we chase,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Fractal Hearts: Navigating Chaos and Love

Somewhere between the chaos of the world
And the calming of your soul, I found my heart.
In this tempestuous dance, where waves unfurl,
A beacon of purpose, a world apart.
Amidst the disarray, we dared to start,
Exploring life's labyrinthine...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Harmony in Diversity: A Poetic Ode to Coexistence

In a world awash with ceaseless debate,
Two minds diverge, disparate as the stars,
On differing tides, their currents separate,
Yet both can sail on seas without the bars.
One's perspective, the tapestry of thought,
Woven with threads of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Language of My Eyes: A Love's Embrace

In a world of ceaseless chatter and noise,
When I have no more words to declare myself,
Let your gaze wander, my silent voice,
Look through my eyes, delve into the well of my soul,
A universe unfurling, a story untold,
Therein, you'll find the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Cosmic Rhapsody: Special You Are

In shadowed realms of thought, I dwell,
Exploring your mystic, your endless well,
Special you are, but why remains a veil,
Unfathomable depths, your essence to unveil,
A cipher's dance, in your aura, I find,
No rhyme nor reason, in your soul...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Fury's Forge: An Ode to Anger and Purpose

In the depths of fury's fiery core, I dwell,
A tempest raging, turbulent and unkind,
A ceaseless storm that in my heart does swell,
A maelstrom of emotions intertwined.
Yet, in the crucible of anger's clime,
I find a paradox, a truth concealed,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Symphony of Hearts: An Emotive Odyssey

In the realm of feeling, emotions intertwine,
Oh Queen of my heart, your essence does shine,
No day passes by, your presence remains near,
In the tapestry of my soul, you're crystal clear.

Each beat of your heart, a symphony of grace,
In this...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Soul's Ascent: A Journey to Self-Discovery

When the world questions, I turn within
Seeking truth in my inner realm
Judgments fade like mist in the wind
When purpose fills my heart's helm

Like a bird longing for open skies
I yearn to soar to new heights uncharted
No longer...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Self-Assurance's Resonance: A Poetic Journey

In self-assurance's tranquil, certain grace
The tranquil lake, reflecting skies in azure's trace
No echo of the storm, nor tempest's bitter cry
For self-assured, serene, beneath the endless sky
Each word, a pebble tossed, with gentle ripples...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Metamorphosis of the Soul: An Odyssey to Self-Upgrade

In a world where fingers point and judge,
Be gentle, for life's trials are enough to trudge.
Amidst the chaos, find your inner peace,
Upgrade your self, let your soul release.

The mirror reflects your complex, shifting face,
As the world...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Seasons of Self-Redefined: A Metamorphic Symphony

In this new season of existence, redefine,
A metamorphosis, the self refined,
From places that disregard your worth, depart,
Boundaries firm, let negativity depart,
Expel the toxic whispers in your ear,
With energy uplifting, hold it near,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Art of Emptiness: A Poem on Life’s Fluted

In life's mosaic, threads of time entwine
Where melodies of moments softly wail
A flute of being, hollow yet divine
Its song through vacant spaces we unveil
Each note emerges from an empty well
In emptiness, potential softly dwells

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 7 months ago
The Road to Home: A Poem of Trials and Comfort

The whispers of chance led me to your door,
A stranger, yet feeling I knew you before.
Your aura welcomed me with care unseen,
Revealing life's patterns, previously obscene.
Our meeting shone light on mysteries past,
Unweaving knots holding...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Wounded Minds, Wounded Souls: Healing the Pains We Cannot See

The mourning souls do wander without rest,
Within their hearts a raging tempest breeds,
Each morn they wake to internal strife and stress,
Finding no solace as each new day speeds.
Lost in a prison of their making,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Lessons of Loss: Guiding My Path Ahead

The ache of absence fills my solitude each night,
As moonbeams dance and stars shine their pale light.
Mem'ries of your embrace keep sleep at bay,
Rendering rest but a fleeting fray.
Yet in silent musings reason does guide,
The wounds you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"Embracing Your Worth: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Resilience"

Your worth cannot be measured by another's neglect.
Though it may hurt, you must walk away with your head held high.
Let go of trying to fix what refuses to be mended.
Focus instead on nurturing the garden within your heart.
Surround yourself...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Relentless Dance of Karma

Karma, like a cosmic law, knows its part,
In the intricate dance of human heart and mind.
A relentless force, impartial in its scheme,
No deity's hand, just life's intricate stream.

Actions, the brushstrokes on life's vibrant chart,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 7 months ago
The Cycles of Choice: A Poem on Life's Pathways

Sometimes a fleeting pleasure seems to be a lasting treasure.
Sometimes what seems to fill the void is a temporary toy.
When it breaks,
you feel the ache & then you seek another fake.
You don't realize when mindless craving becomes enslaving &...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Gratitude for Depth and Connection: Odes to True Friendship

Be thankful for the people who can move beyond superficial gossips
and are unafraid to dive in deep.
They enlighten you with meaningful discussions that go beyond drama
and enrich your soul.
They open your mind & expand your horizons.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Cosmic Reverberations: Karma's Silent Ballet

In shadows cast by a waning moon's gentle sway,
Karma's dance, enigma of the cosmic ballet,
Unfolds its intricate choreography in the astral fray.
A tapestry of deeds, stitched in ethereal display.
Machinations of fate, enigmatic and relentless,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Symphony of Karma: Threads of Connection

In life's vast labyrinth of cause and effect,
Karma strikes back, relentless, unerring,
A cosmic force, impartial and exact,
Like echoes in a canyon, returning, recurring,
It strikes back, unearths our hidden scars,
And justice dances with its...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Embracing Imperfection: A Journey of Inspiration and Growth

We can inspire change without expecting perfection
No one is truly perfect Nor should we ever expect
Ourselves or others to be without fault
For we are all human and diverse in our pace
And path of development that inspire
Us to discover and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Symphony of Existence: A Journey through Life's Tapestry

In the realm where causality's web does entwine,
Life weaves its tapestry, intricate and profound,
In search of a truth, as elusive as stars' shine,
A journey embarked, with wisdom to astound,
With open hearts, we chase each flicker, each sign,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Celestial Persistence: A Journey through the Crucible of Life

In the crucible of life's formidable trial,
I strive to vanquish all that looms with daunting might.
Through trials and tribulations, I endure,
For within my heart, a fiery conflagration ignites.

The journey's path, though harsh, I shall...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Ascendant Fire: A Chronicle of Fearless Resilience

I Harboured Trepidation,
A Profound Sense Of Fear That Engulfed My Being.
Enveloped In The Inky Abyss Of The Human Existence,
I Traversed Through The Intricate Labyrinth Of Existence.
The Symphony Of Voices Resonated Through The...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Echoes of Wisdom: Navigating Loss and Embracing Change.

In ages past, within the annals of Greece,
One pondered on losses, the bonds we'd cease,
Not riches grand, but comfort's gentle zone,
An eloquent discourse, let it be known.
To part with habits, a way of life so dear,
Is oft a grievous task,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Symphony of Infinite Love: Embracing Eternity

In love's embrace, I find my solace sweet,
A boundless realm, emotions intertwined,
The depths of feelings, vast as oceans deep,
In your affection, I am so defined.
A love, an elixir, intoxicates my soul,
Beyond all measure, an infinity untold,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Stellar Serenade: A Cosmic Ode to Enduring Love

In shadows deep, your name on my lips lies,
A secret, bound to whispered memories,
Each person met, a chapter in the tale,
The echoes of a love that once was true.
Invisible, yet etched in every word,
A symphony of heartstrings, love endured.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"Rain's Melodic Echo: A Love's Refrain"

In gentle cadence, soft rain falls anew,
Each droplet sings its silent ode to you,
A symphony of tears that grace the earth,
With every touch, a testament of worth.
It murmurs secrets in a whispered tongue,
In patterns intricate, its verses...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"The Elysian Embrace: Friendship's Radiant Fire"

In close-knit orbits where friendship resides,
A solace found in bonds that never tire,
Solving life's enigmas side by side,
Where intellect and wisdom set the fire,
No reliance on the divine or grand design,
But human powers intertwined.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Elevating Compassion: The Open Door of Kindness

In moments when we face the unkind's disdain,
And yet within ourselves, a spark remains,
Forgiveness blooms, our hearts hold no regret,
This is the path, a growth we won't forget.
To navigate such storms, our souls must soar,
Through lessons...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Starry Reverie: Embracing Life's Beauty

In dreams of grandeur, we begin our quest,
To scale the heights, the pinnacle so high,
But in this journey, we must not forget,
The simple joys that in our present lie.
We cast our gaze toward the distant stars,
Ambitions vast, in galaxies...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
Eternal Rhapsody: A Love Beyond Time

In a world brimming with countless souls,
Yet only one, in that distinct, immortal sway,
Fills my heart, casting a radiant, unwavering ray.
She, the essence of life's intricate design,
A marvel, a riddle, in this grand, endless scheme,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"Harmony Unveiled: A Contemporary Ode to Love"

Love spills from every pore when I see you dancing across the hard floor of life with a smile that wounds time.

In your gaze, a universe unfurls, an intricate tapestry of emotion and desire, transcending the constraints of mere existence.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
"Echoes of Self: A Tapestry of Views"

In minds, a labyrinth of diverse views,
Perceptions sculpted by their creed's grandeur,
Each vantage paints a different shade of you,
Blurring lines between illusion and truth.
Yet heed them not, those voices in the throng,
For self-assured,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
"Harmony of Hearts: A Midnight Whispers Sonnet"

In the quiet of the night, we whispered low,
You poured love, a balm for my fractured soul,
Mending the fractures, soothing the cracks,
In the labyrinth of emotions, we found our parts,
Our hearts entwined in the depths of the midnight,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 7 months ago
"Stellar Serenade: A Sestina on Love's Vastness"

In your gaze, I found a universe vast,
A night sky where our love's stars would align,
Each glance, a spark that made my heart shine,
Like galaxies entwined, our destinies were linked.
With every look, a world of emotions spun,
For in your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
Destined Melodies: A Tale of Koi no Yokan

In days of youth, our paths did intertwine,
A fateful meeting, 'neath the cherry bloom's grace,
Koi no yokan whispered in the breeze,
Destined hearts entwined, a love profound.

With tender courage, I approached your gaze,
But words eluded,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 7 months ago
The Shadowed Path of Vengeance

My purpose now lies darkened, clouded in grief's shroud
Where once stood family, companions, now only crowds
Of strangers pass by, offering platitudes in vain
As inside, a raging tempest continues its reign

Love once anchored my soul to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 8 months ago
"Harmony in Nature's Whisper: A Poetic Journey"

In pastures where steeds quench their thirst, we find,
Pure waters glisten, untainted by ill,
Beneath the sun's blaze, the equine's true thrill,
Where tranquility reigns, and nature aligns.

With feline grace, the cat softly sleeps,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 8 months ago
"Whispers of the Soul: A Journey Through Poetry's Realm"

In the ethereal realm of words, where thoughts take flight,
Poetry emerges, an art form that ignites the soul's delight.
With pen in hand, we embark on a profound quest,
To capture the essence of emotions, unveiling our best.

From the depths...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 8 months ago
"Flames of Freedom: A Symphony of Choice"

In the abyss of hopelessness, where shadows linger,
A man displays unwavering resilience, his spirit unshackled.
No external force can overcome his determination,
For deep within him, a dormant freedom persists.
Confronting adversity head-on, he...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 8 months ago
Aphelion's Quill: Unveiling the Verse

In a realm of words, where meaning takes flight,
A symphony of syllables I weave,
With ink-stained quill, my thoughts I shall ignite,
For poetry, a passion I'll not leave.
Expression bound in lines, a soul set free,
No greater joy I find than...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 11 months ago
Celestial Reverie : The Quantum Sonata

In realms of quarks and quasars,
where the cosmos vast unfurls,
Serenades of passion pulsate,
as the nucleus of dreams whirls;
Transcend the limits,
ye mortal,
embrace thy potential's ascension,
To the pantheon of enlightenment,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Aqueous Unraveling of Secrets

In the realm of lunar waltz and aqueous embrace,
By the stream's brink, our fingers interlaced,
We observed the nocturnal ballet commence,
As the argent orbs flit on liquid's face.
In the hush of darkness, our pulses confide,
An enigma veiled...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Whispers of the Forgotten: Embracing the In-Between

In realms where ink cascades like dreams unfold,
Where words ignite the canvas of the soul,
There lies a tapestry beyond the lines,
Unveiling life's enigma, deep and vast.
Amidst the verses penned with careful art,
The poetry resides, unseen,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ethereal Reverie: Love's Flame and Knowledge's Pursuit

In twilight's realm, where dreams and shadows blend,
My body yearned for slumber's gentle balm,
But tangled visions called my mind to soar,
To seek the knowledge that would set me free.
Yet deep within, a longing stirred my soul,
A flame that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Celestial Whispers: A Symphony of Destiny

In the vast expanse of cosmic thought, behold,
A whispered truth that resonates profound,
Through neurons firing, mysteries enfold,
Revealing pathways where the mind is bound.
So now, dear reader, let me share with you,
A tale of fate and time,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Guardian's Lament : A Call for Honor and Integrity

Oh, heed this caution, thou officer in charge,
Thou who partakes the rank of establishment,
Cast not thy gaze upon women, forsooth,
For they be not thy prey in lustful game.
Nay, they shan't surrender their sacred dignity,
Resist the urge to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Tendrils of Benevolence: Exploring the Interplay of Neurons and Conscious Intention

In the realm where altruism thrives and tendrils coil,
Beneath the canopy of empathy, a garden blooms.
A symphony of synapses, harmonies of neurons,
The subtle interplay of instinct and intention,
Woven through the tapestry of sentient...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Tethered in the Fray: A Fellowship's Sisyphean Struggle Towards Connection and Renewal

In labyrinthine alleys of the mind, I wander, lost, a stranger to myself,
A seeker of solace, silent, fate's own pawn, ensnared within the cosmic fray,
With each retreat, I seek respite from the weary world, a self-renewal's quest,
As shadows...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Distraction Dilemma: Navigating the Bridge to Success and Abundance

In life, we all seek success and abundance,
But the path to it is fraught with distractions.
As you journey through life, you encounter many hurdles,
Some of which can leave you feeling disheartened and frustrated.
It's easy to lose sight of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Priceless Wage: Valuing a Life Well-Lived

My wage for lifetime, a measure of worth,
A value placed upon my every breath,
A sum that signifies my time on earth,
And quantifies the length of my life's quest.

How can we measure such a priceless thing?
A life that's lived in full, with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Power of Self-Agency: Breaking Free from Parental Constraints

In the embrace of twilight, a tale unfurls,
Where shadows dance and intertwine like whirls,
Life's tapestry, intricate and daring,
A fire ignites within, fiercely flaring.

The chains of the past, finally unbound,
Strength takes hold, blame no...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Illuminated Odyssey: A Symphony of Self

Through the murky shadows, where identity yearns to thrive,
Revealed before the seekers, a journey lies, paths to guide,
In the labyrinthine maze, a quest to seek and find,
Where dormant flames reside within, an ember gleams, light to survive.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Symphony of Metamorphosis : The Tapestry of Resilience

Gaze upon the moment of transformation,
As fate's hand weaves a vibrant tapestry,
Revealing before you its grand design,
You, with vast intellect, have conquered,
Navigating treacherous trails of strife,
Pulled forward by an unwavering...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Dark Side Of Your Heart : A Journey Through the Depths of Love

My heart beats fast when reading the shadowed side of your soul,
A realm where demons reign and secrets take their toll,
A place where passions run wild and fire meets the rain.

The hidden depths of your labyrinthine pain,
I tiptoe through...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eternal Flames: Two Halves of a Single Soul

He whispered to me, "Come hither, my darling,
In you, I see a paradise sprawling,
A bond unbreakable, a connection so real,
Speak to me of your desires, let your heart reveal."

And so I divulged my deepest dreams,
Of a world of mermaids and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Spectral Serenade: Beguiled Beneath the Skies

In silvered beams, our dreams alight, beguiled,
By glowing orbs that freckle velvet skies,
Entwined we wander, hearts unbound, beguiled,
As darkness whispers secrets to our eyes.
With fingers laced, our pulses intertwine,
In quiet warmth, we...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Artistic Alchemy: Transcending the Veil of Authentic Creation

Nothing is original, they say, but what is this truth?
Is it a mere statement, or a deeper insight to behold?
Are we mere thieves, stealing inspiration and fueling our imagination?
What is authenticity, and why is it invaluable?

The films of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Stanzas Written in Dejection in Venice : Soul's Solace in Venice's Street

In Venice's streets, I roam in dejection,
My pen in hand, and paper by my side,
Words seem to escape me, a muse in flight,
The sea's serenade lost on the night,
Each note a memory, each chord a sigh,
As I wander, the city's beauty in sight.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Paradoxical Connection : The Labyrinthine Flames

In the labyrinth of emotions, where passion intertwines,
Emerge sparks of affection, kindling amaranthine flame,
From the crucible of ardor, tender sentiments arise,
Converging into love, a force both gentle and untamed,
Yet, hidden in the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Refined Resilience : The Beauty in Modification

As I sit and ponder my life's design,
A thought comes to me, clear and unobscured,
That I am not damaged, but modified.
My scars, both inside and out, tell a tale,
Of a life lived, of battles fought and won,
Of strength and resilience that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Unveiling the Magic of Life: Perseverance in the Face of Stagnancy

Oh, you who feel the weight of stagnancy,
The stillness that consumes your mind and soul,
Know that this illusion is just a phase,
For things are moving, even if quite slow.

You might think you're stuck in place, unable to move,
But rest...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Serendipity's Symphony: A Poem to My Crazy Kind of Beautiful Love

My love, you know what? You're crazy kind of beautiful,
A force of nature, a wonder to behold,
A symphony of atoms in perfect harmony,
A miracle of chance, a product of serendipity.

You are the universe embodied, a living, breathing star,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Elixir of Love: A Poem of Imperfection and Gratitude

My love, you’re all about those small moments
Of goodness and beauty that fill our days
Like the gentle breeze that caresses our cheeks
Or the warm embrace that we share in the morning light
You are the embodiment of all that is right

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Perspicacious Ascendant : The Ephemeral Luminary

In the vast cosmos of existence, transient, ephemeral,
You stand, O astute observer, ever on the precipice,
Beset by legions of lament, their voices strident, clamorous,
As life cascades, a brutal march, rejecting the simplistic,
You muse upon...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Boundaries and Beyond : The Power Within

You have the right to set boundaries, my friend,
To draw a line and say, "This far and no more."
To seek what brings you joy and peace of mind,
And take responsibility for your own path.
If something makes you uncomfortable, do not fear;

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Regret's Thief: Embracing Passion and Purpose in Life's Tour

In this life, you are the sole owner of your fate,
A product of genes, environment, and chance,
With limitless potential to create,
To pursue what you love, to sing, to dance,
To live each day with purpose, to take a stance.

Your heart is a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Wayfarer's Odyssey: A Journey of Self-Ownership

In life, you'll find that there are many paths
Each with its own twists, turns, and bends
Some may seem easy, while others may be tough
But no one knows which one leads to the end

It's up to you to decide which way to go
To choose a path that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Empowered Hermit: Finding Resilience in Seclusion

In the realm of solitude, peace doth reign
A world of seclusion, where all's concealed
From the prying eyes of the world's domain
With privacy as a shield, we're healed
From the noise of life and the constant strain
Of social norms that make us...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Art of Love: A Portrait of Our Souls

While you stood there, your eyes fixed on art,
I could feel your presence, your aura, your soul
Enveloping me, like a warm and gentle breeze,
A sense of love that stirred deep within.
My heart, like the canvas before us, was blank,
Waiting for...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Transcending Harmony: Finding Solace Between the Spaces of Your Words

Between the spaces of your words, my love,
I find myself enveloped in a sense of peace,
A feeling that transcends any earthly pleasure,
And yet, it is not one that I can fully grasp.
It is as if my soul has found a home,
And my mind, a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Melodious Journey to Blissful Abode : To Your El Dorado My Love

My love, send me your favorite playlist
That leads to El Dorado of your happiness
And contentment, where I can give you satisfaction
For your soul, that you've desired so badly,
Till you feel the vibrations in your skin,
And your body echoes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unyielding Spirit: Triumph Over the Abyss

With each day, I rise above the darkness,
Emerging from the shadows of despair,
I stand tall, unyielding to the abyss,
And conquer every demon that's laid bare.
My spirit, unbroken by the trials I face,
I stand firm, unafraid of any disgrace.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Transmuter of My Heart : The Magus of My Soul

My love, you are the alchemist of my heart,
The only one who can turn lead to gold,
You summon my demons and make them your friends,
Their presence within me, a force to behold.

Your spells of reason and logic, they hear,
And they listen to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
A Complex Blossom of Love : The Ethereal Mystery of You

My dear love, you are a mystery, a miracle
A complex web of neurons and synapses, a being
A product of evolution, nature's creative force
A collection of atoms, molecules, and cells
A unique consciousness, a self-awareness
A person who makes my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Symphony of Life: An Ode to Spring Somehow Arrives

Wildflowers cover my heart
In vibrant hues of pink and gold
As winter's grip begins to wane
And spring somehow arrives
With gentle rains and warming sun
The world awakens, new and bold

I feel the shift within my soul
As nature paints a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Torrential Love : The Rapids of Passion

In my stream of consciousness, you are my roaring rapids,
A force that shapes and moves me through life's expanse,
A flow that swells and surges with each passing day,
A torrent that breaks down the barriers of my mind,
A power that guides me...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Awareness of the Infinite: The Fire of Love in the Universe

As I feel you deeply, my love, I am inspired
By the mysteries of the universe we share
The cosmos, with all its secrets, is vast and wide
Yet in your presence, it seems to be more aware
You are the spark that ignites my soul's fire
And I can't...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Evergreen Embrace: A Restful Stronghold in the Forest of Her Gaze

In the vast forest of her gaze, I see
Eternal evergreens that stand so tall,
Their branches reaching high, as if to be
A shelter for my weary heart to fall
Into a soft embrace, a place to rest
And find a soothing balm within her heart.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Ineffable Enigma of My Love : The Conundrum of My Mysterious Beloved

Oh, my love, you are a mystery to me
An enigma that I cannot quite explain
You draw me in, and I can't resist your pull
With every breath, you take me deeper into your spell
I am lost in your world, and I don't want to be found

You have a way...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Legacy of Beauty: The Power of Creation in a Decaying World

In a world of entropy, where all things fall apart,
The march of time destroys, creating chaos and decay,
A universe of change, where nothing is constant or still,
You seek the elusive beauty, to ease the ache in your heart.

But where to find...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Galactic Language: The Secrets of Your Eyes

When I look into your eyes, I see the colors of the universe,
A vast expanse of cosmic dust, a beauty that's diverse,
The red of the sunset that sets in the west,
The blue of the ocean, a peaceful crest,
The green of the forest, a canopy that's...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Supernova's Duality: The Angel and The Demon

My love, you're both my angel and my demon,
A force that drives me to both good and bad,
An energy that consumes me, body and soul,
A feeling that burns like a supernova,
And yet, I cannot help but crave your touch,
To feel your presence, to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Echoes of the Ethereal : The Intangible Flame

From across lifetimes, I feel your essence,
An ethereal presence, elusive and profound.
You are the feeling that resonates within my soul,
A longing that cannot be contained or controlled.
Your touch is intangible, yet it lingers still,
And it...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Passion's Pyre: The Power of Erotic Writing

I don't sext, but I write erotica,
A skill honed through the act of creation,
Where each word, a seductive subtext,
Raises the heat and arouses sensation.
No need for lewd photos or explicit text,
My prose or poetry is enough to trigger...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unchained Passion: Breaking the Limits of Fear and Power

In the depths of your mind, there lies a fear,
A shadowy prison that keeps you bound,
A force that limits your range of action,
A shackle that keeps you from being free.
It whispers doubts that keep you from your power,
And robs you of the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
I Adore You : The Universe’s Key

The night sky is adorned with stars so bright,
And every twinkle resonates with your name,
Each pulse of mine is just for you, my love,
And every breath I take is dedicated to you,
My heartbeats surge in response to your embrace,
Oh, how much I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Beauty of Love's Aging Gracefully: A Journey Through Time

My love, with every passing day, I see
The lines etched deeper on your face, the gray
That streaks your hair, and yet I love you more
For growing old with me, my heart's adored
Companion in this life. We've shared our joys
And sorrows, and the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
My Once in a Lifetime, My Perfect Form

My love, you're a treasure beyond measure,
A once in a lifetime type of lover,
There's no upgrade after you, I'll never
Find another to match your perfect form,
Your grace and beauty make my heart transform,
You're the one who brings meaning to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Transforming Your Life: The Power of Self-Care and Mindful Living

When you start to prioritize your well-being,
A shift occurs, a change in your demeanor.
Your mind clears, and your body is more at ease,
You realize that taking care of yourself is key,
To living a life that is fulfilling and free,
It all...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Selflessness: Navigating the Fine Line Between Serving Others and Serving Yourself.

In life, you'll come across many who put themselves first,
As they say, it's the survival of the fittest,
They'll do what they need to, to quench their thirst,
Without a care in the world, for who gets hurt or who's missed.

It's easy to fall...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Infinite Potential Within: Attracting Your Desires in the Universe

As I ponder the mysteries of the universe,
My mind becomes lost in thought,
Contemplating the complexity of existence,
The endless possibilities that lie within.
I often wonder if I deserve it all,
Or if my beliefs have limited my potential.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Labyrinth of Fear: A Journey Through Anxious Thoughts

In the depths of your mind, anxiety thrives,
A voice that whispers falsehoods to your soul,
Lies that bind you with invisible ties,
And a fear that refuses to let go.

Your anxious thoughts can often deceive,
Leading you down a path of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Unity of Intertwined Souls : The Interlocking Art of Sensuous Precision

With sensuous precision, our puzzle pieces interlock
As though they were designed for each other's embrace
Like the atoms in a molecule, bound by chemistry
Our minds and bodies blend into a perfect unity

It is not fate, nor divine intervention...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Celestial Symphony of You, My Love : Navigating the Cosmos Together

In cosmic vastness, certainty elusive it seems,
Yet, gravitate towards you, my heart does beam.
Quantum entanglement, our connection transcends,
A force unseen, like particles, our love bends.
In the labyrinth of existence, a beacon you are,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Undone by Passion's Gale: A Love Letter to the Tempestuous Soul

Oh, my love, you are the storm that I never want to seek shelter from,
A tempestuous force of nature that electrifies my soul,
With every crack of thunder and flash of lightning, I am undone,
As the winds of your passion sweep me towards a new...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Weight of Memories: An Odyssey of the Burdened Traveler

Oh, weary traveler on this road of life,
With burdens heavy, burdens old and past,
How heavy is the weight you choose to bear,
As you journey on, your steps uncertain,
And yet, you hold on tight to memories,
That weigh you down and dim your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Quest for Tranquility: The Art of Reacting Less

In this fast-paced world, where chaos thrives,
The soul seeks solace in a tranquil state,
A respite from the storms that often rise,
But finding peace requires a noble quest,
To tame the mind and keep emotions calm,
And learn the art of how to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Fulfilling Destiny: Conquering Fears on the Complex Path to Dreams

In this realm, a truth profound and bold,
We find our power, our dreams to hold,
To journey far, and reach our goals,
Yet fears, like shadows, cast their tolls,
They lurk and linger, obstruct our way,
But we can rise, with strength each day.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Reverie's Lament: A Tale of Lost Focus and Fading Dreams

In reverie's grasp, I find myself again,
Lost in idle musings, my focus waning,
My mind drifting, as distractions remain,
And dreams of the future, once bright, now fading.
I've forgotten the path that I should trace,
As time slips away, and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Unity Tapestry: A Symphony of Visionaries

With purpose bold, we gather in our quest,
A team of visionaries, hand in hand,
Determined, resolute, a mission grand,
To build a brighter future for the best
Of our posterity, a legacy
Of progress, bound by common unity.

We hail from...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Captured in Your Embrace: A Haven of Peace

In your embrace, I'm captured, whole and free,
Lost in the depths of love's sweet embrace,
And all around me fades to naught, you see,
As if the world were just an empty space.

With you in my arms, my heart takes flight,
And all my fears and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Intricacies of Our Love's Tapestry : The Garden of Our Endless Journey

Oh, my love, the mystery of you deepens,
With every moment, I discover anew
The complexities of your soul, your mind,
Your passions and your fears, your highs and lows,
Each facet shining like a precious gem,
A puzzle piece that fits with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Uncovering the Truth Within: Breaking Free from Societal Facades and Embracing the Journey

In this age of endless information and noise,
We struggle to discover who we truly are,
Our essence obscured by society's facade,
As we strive to fit in and meet its demands.
But beneath the surface, a wellspring of truth lies,
And to tap into...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Tapestry of Passion: Our Walkman Love Symphony

With every beat, my heart becomes a tape,
A Walkman cassette stuck in your love,
Rewinding and forwarding for you,
As you hold me close and sing your song,
The favorite tune that we both adore,
A symphony of passion and deep emotion.

As the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Spark Within: A Journey of True Revolution

True revolution begins in your mind,
A spark that ignites a fire within,
A force that breaks free from the binds,
Of oppressive systems that we've been in.

It starts with a thought, a new perspective,
A challenge to the status quo,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Maze of Sweetness: A Love's Pollination

In the fields of my heart, where love does grow,
There lies a sweetness that I cannot ignore,
Despite my palate's aversion to sugared things,
Your sweet nectar is the only one I crave,
It's essence, like honey, is sticky and sweet,
And consumes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Symphony of Essence: The One Who Stole My Heart

I was told of women who, with beauty rare,
Could steal a heart, leaving it captivated,
And some with intellect so bright and fair,
Could steal a mind, their wisdom demonstrated,
But none could steal a soul with such pure presence,
Until I met...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Cosmic Serenade: Wishing Upon the Stars for Love's Eternal Light

If the stars really could be wished upon,
I'd spend each wish on you, my dearest one.
For in your presence, time stands still,
Your sweet voice, a symphony to thrill,
And your smile, a beacon of pure light,
Guiding me through the darkness of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Infinite Flames: A Love Beyond Space and Time

Infinite expanse of time, endless space
He stands there, gazing into eternity
Tempted to let go, but fear takes hold
He ponders, can he ever let her go?
A daunting question, one without an answer
Until he looks into her eyes, and remembers why

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Aflame with Adoration: The Treasure of Time

In fields of dreams and castles in the air,
I find myself adrift, consumed by love,
And though my journey seems to lead nowhere,
I'll gladly waste my days with you, my dove,
For time with you is worth more than gold,
And every moment is a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unrestrained Flight: A Love Written on Hearts, Not Pages

Your heart has written birds on my heart,
Inscribed in feathered script with tender care,
Each line a sonnet in a wordless art,
A language that only lovers can declare.
No book can hold the story we have shared,
For love like ours cannot be...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Beating Wings and Human Things: A Breeze of Transcendence

In quiet moments, I hear wings beating,
A rush of air that echoes in my ears,
And suddenly, I'm soaring up above,
My body weightless, lifted by the breeze.
The world below me falls away like dust,
And I'm left with nothing but the sky.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Sacred Sunrise Ritual of Love's Elixir

At dawn, a sacred ritual takes place,
As the sun peeks over the horizon's rim,
I kiss your forehead, inhale your breath,
And feel a love that burns as bright as day,
Your smile ignites a flame within my soul,
And I am lost in your elixir of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Magic Within: A Song of Love and Longing

In the stillness of the night, I think of you,
And all the words you've whispered in my ear,
Each one a sweet refrain, a melody,
That echoes in my soul, a symphony,
Of love and longing, hope and joy and fear,
A song that's filled with light and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Melodic Aura of You, My Love : An Ode

I think about you, my love,
And all the words you've spoken,
The ones that spark a fire,
The ones that leave me broken.

Your aura is a mystery,
A blend of light and dark,
A power I can't resist,
A flame that leaves its mark.

I wonder...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Mighty Hearts, Broken Paths: An Ode to Audacity

Through daring deeds, one may make mistakes,
Yet boldness can mend what once was broken,
A heart of courage, though sometimes mistaken,
May reach the heights that fear cannot aspire,
For those who act with confidence and might,
Shall earn...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Longing of Anticipation : The Symphony of Eternal Love

In the midst of life's endless twists and turns,
Amidst its joys and sorrows, gains and losses,
There exists a longing that forever burns,
A flame that only true love can defrost.
This yearning echoes deep within our souls,
Drawing us closer,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Entwined Souls: The Unbreakable Thread

Within the castle in the sky, we feel
A pull towards each other, as love weaves
Its way between the threads of our souls, binding
Us tighter in its embrace. This hope withstands
The storms raging outside, for we know that the power
Of our...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Beauty in Imperfections: The Path to a Positive Life

In this complex world, we often forget
To see the good in others, and we fret
Over flaws, mistakes, and imperfections
But the power of the mind is in its projections
Positive thoughts lead to a positive life
And to train our minds, we must...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Flight of Positivity: A Journey Through Aurora's Light

In my most positive conditions, I think
Of her and all the ways she lights my world
Her presence like a ray of sunshine bright
That chases away the shadows and the night
And in my heart, a fire starts to sing
For she's the one who makes my soul...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
No, You Don't Know Me: Chromatic Labyrinthine

You think you know me, but you do not see
The depths of my soul, the secrets I keep,
The pains that I bear, the joys that I reap.
You see only what I let you perceive,
But there is more to me than meets the eye,
A kaleidoscope of colors, of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Fragrant Embrace: A Sweet Addiction of Love's Potion

In the confusion of the noise of this world, I long to hear,
The sound of your voice, a melody so dear,
Sweet as the birds that sing in the spring,
Your words, a balm that makes my heart sing.

Your scent, like a flower in full bloom,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Wings of Forever: A Rose-tinged Adventure with My Soulmate

I stand at the threshold, hoping to hear a sound
That will make my heart race with joy and wonder
For I have longed for an angel to come knocking
On my door, to fill my life with love and laughter
To share with me the highs and lows of this...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Commitment Catalyst: Triumphing Over Doubt on the Uncertain Path

In the midst of doubts, we forge ahead,
Committed to a cause that we believe,
Our hearts unswayed by what might lie ahead,
Uncertain paths we're willing to perceive,
We trust our gut, our instincts to retrieve,
And in the face of fear, we...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Fortitude Within: Finding Strength in Struggle

Oh, the trials that we face in life,
In bad times we see our true strength,
When our souls feel weary and worn,
We rise up, unbroken and whole.

It's in the depths of our pain
That we find the power to overcome.

The struggles we face are...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Symphony of Sunrise: An Ode to Rewriting Your Story

A chance to rewrite your story, with each new day,
A fresh start, a blank slate, an open book,
With every sunrise, a chance to find your way,
And shed the skin of yesterday's somber look.
For in each moment lies an opportunity,
To change the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Boundless Brilliance: Embracing Your Unique Narrative

In a world of tunnel vision, narrow minds confined,
People see you, with their limited sight,
Based on their experience, their own perception,
Understanding shaped by their subjective plight,
But hear me now, let their view not define,
For you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Resilient Heart: A Journey to Hope and Self-Love

In the darkness of your deepest despair,
When hope seems lost, and all seems to be in vain,
Remember that the dawn will soon appear,
And with it, the chance to rise and shine again.

Don't lose hope even when you're at your worst,
For every...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Hemorrhagic Chronicles: The Harsh Reality of Fairy Tales

Some fairy tales are written in blood,
Not the saccharine sweetness of make-believe,
But the harsh reality of life's cruel slings,
And arrows, that pierce the flesh, leaving scars
That time cannot erase, wounds that ache
And throb, a reminder...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Unexplained Wisdom: Finding Beauty in Rain and Mud's Contrasts

When you wanted for rain, the sky was a barren plain,
An endless expanse of blue that mocked your thirst,
And the earth beneath your feet cracked with pain,
As it begged for a drink, a life-giving burst,
But you waited, and waited, with hope...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Guided by Starlight: Embracing the Unknown

Awake and untouched by the full moon,
My spirit soars, dreaming near the stars,
Their brilliance ignites a fire within me, bright,
As I gaze towards the horizon,
A beacon of hope, guiding my way,
With eyes closed, I let my heart lead.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Scars of Strength: My Journey of Imperfections

I am flawed, imperfect, and incomplete,
My imperfections, evident to all,
My faults and follies plain for all to see,
And yet, I do not cower or stall.
I take ownership of my mistakes,
And try to fix them with all my strength.

My love is...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Within Her Shines: A Soul's Unbreakable Weight

She's been damaged enough, handle with care,
Her wounds, a story etched deep within,
A tale of resilience, a heart that won't break,
Despite the challenges, the world's harsh touch,
She rises above, with grace and strength, a weight
Of wisdom...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Love's Transcendence: A Kaleidoscope of Emotions

I want everything good for you, even if it is not me,
For in your presence, I find solace and delight.
Though my heart yearns for your love's embrace,
I know that fate may not grant me that place,
Yet still, I cherish the moments we share,
As I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Dichotomy's Art of Love : The Imperfection Connection

Imperfect, yet perfect for me,
A dichotomy that's hard to see,
Your flaws, quirks, and idiosyncrasies,
Are what make you unique and free.

I've searched high and low,
For someone who makes me feel whole,
And though you're not perfect, I know,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eternal Loop : Finding Solace in Music's Embrace

Listening to your playlist on repeat,
Each note a memory that stirs my soul,
Bringing you closer, though you're far away,
In the melody and rhythm, I find solace,
Lost in the lyrics, a balm for my heart,
A symphony of emotions that fill the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Treasure Beyond Boasting: The Depths of Her Soul and Enchanted Gaze

Her adoration is what he craves the most,
A hunger deep within, a thirst profound,
A flame that burns with fervor unrestrained,
A yearning that consumes his very soul.
He longs to bask in the warmth of her gaze,
Her love, a treasure he...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Cosmic Symphony: Solace in the Night Sky's Grand Mystery

The night sky bleeds black and blue, a canvas vast and deep,
As I pour out my heart to the stars, each one a radiant jewel,
In this celestial tapestry, a symphony of light and darkness,
A cosmic dance of shadows and glimmers, a spectacle so...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Beware the Silence: Your Absence's Symphony

Let your absence be the reward, a treasure rare,
For those who, blind to your presence, fail to see,
The worth and splendor of your soul, so fair,
Unappreciated, uncherished, by the decree
Of hearts that failed to fathom your depth, beware,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Radiant Sunset Rendezvous

Oh, my love, let's get high and watch the sun set,
As we bask in the beauty of nature's delight,
With colors that spill over like water from a vase,
It's a moment that we both cherish with all our might,
And we forget about the world outside,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Curves Divine: A Symphony of Pleasure and Passion

Your curves, they call to me with all their allure,
An invitation that I cannot refuse,
To trace each bend and crevice, so demure,
And taste the sweetness that my heart pursues.

I take a breath and slowly start to trace,
The contours of your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Safe Haven: Composing a Symphony of Peace Against Nightmares

As I hold you close, your eyes slowly close,
Falling into a peaceful slumber deep.
I cherish these moments, so pure and true,
My heart beating in time with yours in my arms.
And if the night brings terrors to your mind,
I promise to protect you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Guiding Light of Pure Intentions : The Path of Self-Discovery in a World of Noise and Strife

In this world of endless noise and strife,
Of judgment, expectation, and demand,
There is a truth that we must understand,
A guiding light that we must seek in life.

As long as you know your heart is true,
As long as your intentions are pure,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Heartbeats of Bliss: A Poetic Ode to Love's Warm Embrace

In every moment, my heart beats for you,
For in your arms, my soul finds its rest,
No other place could ever feel as true,
Than the sweet solace of your gentle chest,
Where I am free to be, without protest,
And feel the blissful joy of love...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Beyond the Cage: Soaring Free in the Celestial Sky

When I die, don't bind me to the earth,
Let my spirit soar high in the sky,
Unfettered, unburdened, free from the cage,
That has held me tight all this time,
Let me explore, wander and fly,
With every feather shedding my mortal form, setting me...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Wondering in the Vast Expanse: In Search of Life Beyond

In this vast expanse of space, we ponder,
And wonder if we are here alone,
A lonely speck in the universe's grand design,
Or is there life beyond our earthly abode,
In a universe teeming with lifeforms,
Our quest for answers, an eternal flame.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Lasting Joy of Love: Breaking Free from the Taker's Chains

Stop being so available to one who puts you last,
A person who takes you for granted, without care,
A relationship that never gives, but only takes,
A bond that with each passing day, slowly breaks,
It's time to reclaim your worth, your value,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
My Soul Chose Yours : Rhythmic Flow of Everlasting Love

My soul chose yours in days of old,
When time was young and love untold,
In realms where spirits roam and play,
Before we met in mortal sway,
Our souls entwined in cosmic hold,
And vowed to meet in life’s unfold.

In every life we’ve chanced...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Endless Symphony: A Tale of Ruthless Passion

He spent hours, consumed by desire's flame
Ruthlessly spoiling her with his touch,
Her every breath stolen, lost in his name,
As he watched her bloom, a delicate clutch
Of emotions, awakened by his passion,
Unveiling a world with endless...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unbreakable Bonds: Love's Pause Between Seconds

I don't know what they are called, the spaces between seconds,
Those elusive moments where time takes a pause,
Yet in those gaps, my thoughts are drawn to you,
As if you were the pulse that beats within my heart,
The rhythm that orchestrates my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Harmonious Haven: Embracing Solitude's Sanctuary Amidst Dissonance's Storm

In the realm of dissonance, a quiet respite I seek,
A refuge from the cacophony of discord's peak.
Ebullient chaos, a maelstrom spun from strife,
No more shall it tear the fabric of my life.
To navigate these tempests, a compass I employ,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Soul's Canvas: Embracing the Blank Pages of Tomorrow

A new day dawns, a reminder for you,
That the past, though etched in indelible ink,
Cannot be rewritten, its pages forever set,
Yet, the future lies ahead, a canvas blank,
Waiting for your brushstrokes, to create,
A masterpiece, a story told...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Grateful Breath - A Celebration of Life's Little Gifts

With each breath, I hold gratitude in my heart,
For the little gifts life gives me, unexpected and sweet,
Favorable winds that have brought me so far,
And the moments that have made my soul feel complete.
I know that life is fleeting, and time...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Serendipitous Waltz: Embracing the Unknown in Life's Dance

The journey of life, with its twists and turns,
Unfurls before us, a path unknown,
Full of surprises, both bitter and sweet,
We seek perfection, a lofty goal,
Chasing dreams, ever yearning for more,
Yet, in the chase, we often forget to live.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Guiding Star of My Destiny : The Light of Inspiration

In my heart, you are the star that shines so bright,
Guiding me towards my path, my destiny,
With every step, you push me to my heights,
And I soar high, unfettered and free.

Your smile, the light that brightens up my day,
Your mere presence,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Homebound Hearts: Finding Shelter in Each Other's Love

They say home is not a place but a person,
And I have found my home in you, my love,
In every moment, you are my anchor,
A steadfast presence that keeps me grounded,
And yet, you are also the wind that drifts
Me towards my dreams, with every...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Building Up : The Risk and Reward of Empowerment

In building people up, be wary, take heed,
For the creation of your own demise
May be hidden in their praises, so be wise
To the subtleties that lie beneath each deed.
With every word of encouragement you feed,
A danger lurks, a threat you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Rhythmic Remembrance: In Every Note, Your Love Takes Hold

In every song, you come alive once more,
Through music's notes, you dance into my heart,
And in your rhythm, I find sweet release,
You stir my soul, and every breath I take,
Is a tribute to your beauty and your grace,
That lives on in the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Lingua Oculorum: The Language of the Eyes

Eyes have a language of their own, they say,
Beyond the reach of speech or written word,
A silent tongue that all can understand,
Communicating what the soul has felt and seen.
A window to the mind, a door to the heart,
A mirror of the truth...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Dancing Hearts: A Union of Passion and Resilience

My love, I won't let you fall,
For you are the light that guides my way,
The shining star that illuminates my path,
And the beating heart that fuels my soul.

I will catch you when you stumble and sway,
And hold you close with arms that never...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Love's Safe Harbor: A Poem of Hope and Renewal

I know your heart, its secrets and its fears,
The doubts that plague you, the pain that sears,
The weight you carry, burdensome and deep,
The thoughts that keep you up, refusing to sleep.

I feel your struggles, the battles that you face,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Intricate Layers Unveiled: My Scented Story

The perfume, delicate and elusive,
A fragrance that lingers, ever present,
But not bestowed by some divine hand,
Rather, it is I who create this scent, I,
With my own fears, anxieties that lie
Beneath the surface, waiting to be put there.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Tempos of Tranquility: Embracing the Pause Button of Life

A momentary distraction, a chance to pause
From the endless cycle of thoughts in our mind
A break from the weight of the world we bear
The beauty of a sunset or a blooming flower
A chance to breathe and connect with our being
And let go of the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Sovereignty of Silence: A Guide to Rule the Mind

In the kingdom of thought, where words reign supreme,
One must tread carefully, lest they be enslaved,
By the power of speech, and the whims of the crowd.
To rule one's own mind is the highest throne,
To speak only when necessary, and with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Breaking the Shackles of Conformity : The Journey of Self-Discovery

In a world that values conformity,
Don't lose yourself in the search for normalcy.
You're unique, you're different, you're one of a kind,
So don't let the world rob you of your mind.

The road to success may be rough and winding,
But don't let...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Process of Unveiling Your Potential : Falling in Love with Progress

In the quest to achieve and grow,
We strive to reach the peak of life's mountain,
But in our pursuit, we forget to show
Appreciation for the journey, the path we've taken.
We neglect the beauty of progress,
And fall prey to the ego's seductive...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Serenade of Grateful Abundance: Unveiling the Soul's Awakening Through Expecting Nothing

The sun sets, casting golden hues afar,
Expectations dim, a canvas blank,
No preconceptions, no assumptions made,
An empty page, a fresh new start,
A world of possibilities, waiting to unfold,
Embrace the unknown, let curiosity take hold.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Art of Disengagement: Finding Peace without Revenge

With the passing of each day, time slips away,
Moments that we can never reclaim or save,
And yet we squander them, seeking revenge,
Against those who've wronged us, seeking to harm,
But it's a fool's errand, a futile game,
For disloyalty shall...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
I'm Absolutely Fond of Everything That You Are

I'm absolutely fond of everything that you are,
From the way you speak to the way you move,
Each aspect of you is a shining star,
That fills my heart with joy and my soul with groove.

Your presence is a symphony of beauty,
That captures my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Gravity's Bond of Love : The Smile's Gravitational Pull

It's just the gravity that holds me here,
In this space where time and matter combine,
A force that keeps my feet upon the ground,
And binds me to this earth until I die.

But when I see your smile, I'm weightless, free,
And all the world...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Complete Solace: A Treasure of Enduring Love

To you, my dearest heart, I pledge my life
In every moment, in every breath, in every beat
My soul is drawn to yours with a passion so sweet
That even the heavens themselves cannot compare
To the depth of feeling that I hold for you
My heart is...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Transcending Fate: The Power and Possibility of Future Creators

In this shortness of time, some see ahead,
And in their visions, they create a fate,
For all who dwell within the present hour,
Yet what of those whose future they create?
Do they, too, live in chains of destiny?
Or do they have the power to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Unrelenting Power of Love's Conviction :The Resolute Heart's Odyssey

In this world of endless strife and endless woe,
Where love is often scarce and hard to find,
One truth remains, one thing we all should know:
Someone needs to be loved, no matter what grind.
And that someone, my love, is definitely you,
For in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Rare Beauty: The Mystical Art of Her Being

She has a raw beauty about her, a charm so rare,
Her every move, her every glance, a sight to behold,
A beauty beyond measure, a soul so pure and fair,
A magnetism that transcends the mundane, to unfold
The magic of her being, the splendor of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Enigmatic Veneer: Uncovering the Mysteries Within

Beyond the facade that I project to the world,
Lies a realm that's cloaked from prying eyes.
An enigma, a puzzle, a mystery, a whirl,
A labyrinth of secrets that nobody tries
To fathom, understand, or explore,
A world of wonder that I keep in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Paradoxical Symphony: The Enigma of Life's Impermanence

In this single verse of existence, a paradoxical force,
An enigma to unravel and understand,
That which was not, now becomes, in due course,
A dance of atoms and molecules, unplanned.

Life bursts forth in infinite forms and shapes,
From tiny...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
My Poetic Oracle: An Emotional Wordsmith

I haven't told you, yes, you are a pure poetic inspiration,
Your words a balm to the weary soul, a salve for the wounded heart,
You speak of love and loss, of joy and pain, with such raw authenticity,
Your pen dances across the page, your heart...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Uncharted Wisdom: Navigating Life's Maze

If still, after everything you have lived,
You find yourself adrift, confused, and lost,
In the labyrinth of life's complex maze,
I shan't be the one to provide the way,
For wisdom must be earned, not simply taught,
And understanding won't be...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Sensitivity in Chaos: A Beacon's Resilience

Sometimes the air hurts me, cuts like a knife,
And leaves me breathless, gasping for reprieve.
It shakes me to the core, disrupts my flow,
But I am powerless to its brute force,
A mere mortal in its turbulent wake,
Longing for peace, a calmness...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Paradoxical Thread: Shared Loneliness as Life's Gift

Shared loneliness is a gift of life,
A paradox of human existence
That brings us closer to our truest selves
And binds us in ways we cannot comprehend.
It is a bond that grows in silent hours,
A thread that weaves itself through every moment.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
The Solitude Odyssey : The Resilience Expedition

Loneliness, a vast and arid land,
Where all have found a place to dwell,
Yet you remain a stranger there,
A foreigner, in this lonely spell.

It is a place where silence reigns,
A land devoid of hope or light,
Where shadows stretch across the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Foreigner's Lament: Navigating the Borders of Loneliness

Loneliness, a country where I'm a stranger,
The land where I have no home or kin,
The place where I am lost in a sea of faces,
A place where the light of the sun seldom shines,
A land that fills me with sorrow and pain,
A place where I long to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Complex Maze of Algorithms: Embracing Diversity Beyond the Bubble

Oh! the bits and bytes that dance around,
Algorithms weave a web of tailored views,
Carefully curated, personalized and sound,
Echo chambers, in which we merrily peruse,
Filter bubbles, that insulate and diffuse.

Invisible boundaries, that we...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
The Treasure of My Heart: The Completion of My Life's Album

My love, you are the secret track at the end of
my album, a hidden gem that waits to be found.
You are the missing piece that makes the puzzle complete,
the final note in a melody that lingers in my heart.

You are the reason why the sun rises...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Poetry in Every Sip: A Symphonic Symphony of Flavors

Your sweet nectar drips like poetry
From my soft lips, a sensation divine,
A symphony of senses, a sensory symphony,
A mellifluous melody, a taste so fine,
A symphony of flavors, a symphony of hues,
An elixir of pleasure, an intoxicating muse.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Empowered Melodies: A Symphony of Inebriated Delight

Oh, you are the wine that courses through my veins,
A heady elixir that leaves me inebriated,
Intoxicating me with your potent essence,
A symphony of flavors, a sensory delight,
As I savor each drop, my senses awakened,
Your richness and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Unspoken Symphony: My Love, an Unnamed Genre

My love, you are an unnamed genre,
A composition that defies classification,
A symphony of emotions that stir my soul,
A work of art, exquisite and unique,
A melody that plays on heartstrings,
A rhythm that dances in my mind.

In all its...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Veiled Flames: A Secret Rendezvous

I love knowing that no one knows about
Our secret rendezvous, the hidden flame
That burns within us, bright as starry nights
And deep as oceans that ebb and flow,
A passion that's forbidden yet so sweet,
So intimate, so thrilling, so complete.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Choosing Gratitude on Life's Journey: The Artistry of Imperfection

Life will never be perfect,
that much is true,
Each moment, though fleeting,
demands our attention,
And in the midst of the chaos,
we find our own hue,
A path that leads to growth,
and transformation.

We can't control the twists

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Beyond the Pain: The Infinite Power of the Mind

In moments of pain,
when your body cries,
And your spirit falters,
and hope seems lost,
Your mind remains steadfast,
A beacon of light
in the darkest night,
Guiding you forward,
beyond the strife,
Towards a future

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unwritten Depths of Brilliance : The Labyrinthine Beauty of my Syon, my one and only.

My Syon, my lovely darling, you are
The first line of a poem unwritten
That I cannot wait to read
And never wish to finish
For you are just
How very brilliant

Your mind, a labyrinth so brilliant
A place I could explore forevermore

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Engaging the Soul: Uncovering the Secrets of Bookshelves

Braced against bookshelves, I feel the weight
Of hidden desires stirring in my soul.
Each volume on the shelf, a promise made,
An invitation to explore and learn
And find the truth that lies within their pages,
Uncovering secrets long...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Unbound by Measure: A Love Thread in the Language of the Heart

In the language of my heart, I write to you
My words flow forth like a gentle stream
Each thought and feeling an intricately woven thread
In this tapestry of emotion, I pour out my soul
The depth of my love for you, impossible to measure
As I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Intensify Your Feelings of Gratitude : Illuminating the Soul's Depths with Intensified Gratitude

Intensify your feelings of gratitude,
A powerful force that can uplift the soul,
Amplifying joy and lightness of being,
Grateful for all, even the trials and strife,
For through them we learn and grow in life,
And realize that all things are...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Kindness : The Dilemma of Giving

In life, we learn to be kind and fair,
To give love freely without a care,
But what happens when we give too much,
When our kindness turns into a crutch,
And our souls become fragile and weak,
Lost in the depths of our own mystique?

We are...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Perception's Paradox : The Journey of Self-Acceptance

In this world we inhabit, we often seek to sway
the thoughts and opinions of those we encounter.
We yearn to be understood and seen in our light,
to have our journey acknowledged with admiration.
Yet, we are met with judgment, and sometimes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Treasures Found in Her Presence : The Smile of Her Radiance

I find myself smiling because of her,
Her presence like a balm that soothes my soul,
And every moment spent with her, a treasure,
A joy that deepens, as time takes its toll.

Her smile, so radiant, it lights up my day,
As if the sun were...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
You Are Beyond What I Can Define : An Ode to the Enigma

You are beyond what I can define,
An enigma that eludes my grasp,
My heart swells, my spirit uplifts,
As I ponder the depths of your being,
Your essence like a mystery untold,
Yet somehow, I feel I've always known.

I hope my smile can say it...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Breaking Free: Release the Shackles of Fear and Doubt

It's time to release fears that hold you back,
To shatter the shackles of doubt and dread,
And find the courage to face the unknown,
To forge a path where no one has yet tread.

The journey begins with a single step,
As you leave behind all...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Chance Beyond the Comfort Zone: A Journey of Transformation

With hesitant steps, I wander through the unknown,
Leaving behind the safety of what I’ve always known.
Fear grips my heart, as I venture into uncharted lands,
Yet, I must trust that my soul will grow, as I take this chance.
With every step, my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Sky's the Limit: A Quest for Excellence

Set highest expectations in everything you do,
With each goal you set, aim for the sky,
And with each step you take, strive to renew
Your commitment to excellence, never shy
Away from challenges or fear of failure nigh,
For with determination...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Path of Resilience: Embracing the Unknown with an Open Heart

Growing, healing, and learning, the journey of life
A path of discovery, a quest for the unknown
Navigating through twists and turns, highs and lows
The mind's eye, a lens through which we see
Filling our souls with passion and fire
A call to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Comforting Arms: A Soulmate's Embrace

She fell apart like clouds in his comforting arms,
Her heart unraveling like threads in the wind.
She couldn't contain the love that she felt,
Nor the pain that gnawed at her soul,
And so she let go, letting the tears flow,
As he held her...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Imbibing Life: Reveling in the Richness of Our Chosen Elixirs

Come and drink with me, my friend, what's your poison?
Shall we drown our sorrows in a glass of wine?
Or perhaps a sip of scotch, so smoky and refined?
Let us raise our glasses high and toast to life,
For tonight we are free, unburdened by...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Uncharted Love: A Masterpiece of Love in Paris

Meet me on the other side of Paris, my love,
Where the Seine flows gently by and the light
Of the Eiffel Tower sparkles in the night.
Let us walk the streets, hand in hand, and explore
The city's secrets, hidden in plain sight,
As we journey to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Burden of Love" by Kong Isadora Elspeth

My heart is heavy without you, my love,
A burden that I carry day by day,
A weight that I cannot shake or rise above,
A pain that will not ebb or go away.

I try to fill the void with empty things,
With books and movies, games and aimless...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Harmonic Cadence : A Masterpiece of Love's Rhythm

Your love gives rhythm to my heart,
A beat that echoes through my soul,
A pulse that courses through my veins,
And fills my every thought and dream.

With each breath I take, I feel alive,
A symphony of love that never dies,
An endless song...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Seeking Serenity in the Midst of Chaos : The Everlasting Power of Unconditional Love

In my mind, a thought lingers, ever so plain
The thought of you, my beloved, again and again
In the quiet of my heart, your name I chose
To be my guide, through life's ebbs and flows
To hold your hand, to live life anew
To vow and pledge, to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ephemeral Rendezvous: An Ode to Serendipitous Love

We've waited a lifetime for this love,
A love that feels right, deep in our core,
One where we can release all our fears,
And embrace everything, without a care.
The timing was perfect when I found you,
A love that's here to stay, an always...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Alchemy of Adversity: An Ode to the Struggles of Life

In every life, we face a battle fierce,
A struggle that shapes who we'll come to be,
As though it were some grand, eternal chore,
We labor hard and long for what we'll reap,
And when we look upon the end result,
We see that we have grown so...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Rising Higher: Embracing the Power of Self-Belief

With words that flow like rivers, I begin,
To celebrate the boundless potential
Of those who hold within themselves a fire
That fuels their dreams and drives them ever higher.
To those who doubt themselves, I say take heart,
You are far...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
I Hope You Know : Epiphany of the Empyrean

I hope you know that you are my favourite part of the day,
A constant source of light and joy that guides my every move,
With every breath I take, I am reminded of your beauty,
And in your eyes, I see a reflection of the world's complexities.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Grueling Pursuit: A Journey of Resilience and Growth

The grind, a force that drives us all
To push ourselves beyond our limits
To rise up from being an underdog
And claim the crown of victory
But when the fruits of labor begin to show
Supporters turn to critics, the haters grow

Once seen as a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Beyond Expectations: Unleashing the Beauty of Individuality

In the depths of our psyche lies a truth
That some cannot bear to see
For fear of losing control of their own life
And relinquishing power to the masses
But to truly live, we must break free
From the opinions of those around us

The chains of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Lone Wolf Lament - Bukowski : Tales from the Bourbon-Soaked Bar

The day begins like any other,
with the stench of last night's whiskey still lingering on my breath.
I crawl out of bed, feeling like a broken-down machine
but there's work to be done, bills to be paid.

I head to the bar down the street,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ink-Stained Symphony: A Masterpiece in Progress

I picked up my pen, not to live by trade,
But to live through poetry, to breathe and inspire,
To transcend the mundane and reach for the sublime,
To pour my soul onto the page, a labor of love,
To weave words into art, to paint pictures with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Self-Discovery: Embracing Individuality and Defying Conformity

As long as you know who you are and what makes you happy,
The world's judgments and opinions should be of no concern.
For in the end, it is your own reflection that you must face,
And the happiness you find within is what truly matters.

Do not...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Devotion's Tapestry: Our Love Floating Graciously in the Fabric of Time

Our love floating graciously in the fabric of time,
A tapestry woven with threads of our devotion,
Each strand intertwining with a perfect rhyme,
A symphony composed with utmost emotion.

But now I'm lost in a sea of memories,
Haunted by the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Wings of the Soul: A Journey of True Gifts and Graceful Conversations

In every moment that we talk,
I feel a subtle shift inside,
As though my heart could burst with grace,
And my soul could spread its wings and fly.
You have a way of giving me
A gift that's priceless, pure, and true.

No matter how small, your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Dormancy's Alchemy: A Journey into Light

She wears the light of dawn like a veil,
A radiance that pierces through the night,
Her spirit lifted up to take flight,
Embraced by warmth, her heart begins to heal,
No longer trapped in a state of dormancy,
She awakens to a new reality.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Symphony of Souls: The Unyielding Love of Rebels

Their love, wild and free, a force of nature,
A tempestuous storm with no end in sight,
Two souls entwined in passion's fiery embrace,
Bourbon chased lips, their desire ablaze,
Intoxicated by the taste of each other,
Lost in the moment, nothing...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Way to Forever: My Love, My One and Only

My love, you are one and only,
In all the world, there's none like you,
A masterpiece of form and grace,
With each glance, I'm caught in your gaze,
You captivate me with your charm,
And all my fears and doubts erase.

You light my life with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Epistle of Amore: Every Cell a Vessel of Longing

I've sent a letter, can you feel it now?
The words I wrote, imbued with every cell
Of my being, each one penned with tender love
And sealed with the last beats of my heart
For you alone, my dearest, gentle hug
And every kiss that I hope you'll...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Solace of Ink: A Bridge to You

When I write, I enter a world of my own,
A realm where thoughts and emotions intertwine,
Where my pen traces the path my mind has shown,
And words flow like a river, pure and divine.
In this space, I find a solace I cannot deny,
For when I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
River's Beauty: Nature's Passionate Force

Her passion, a vibrant force that flows,
A river that nourishes her soul,
Her essence renewed in the heart
Of the wild, amidst the trees and flora,
Where she doesn't pluck the flower,
But rather merges with its beauty.

Inhaling deep, she...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Unburdened Muse: Exploring the Intersection of Pain and Creativity

I wonder if my soul would take flight,
If my heart could unburden its load,
Would my spirit soar with newfound pride,
Or would my words fall flat, empty and cold?
Would they lack the depth that pain can provide,
Without the darkness, would I be...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Solace of Yellowed Pages: A Lover's Pondering

In this quiet library, I sit and ponder,
As I gaze upon the books that surround me.
Their pages whisper tales of ages past,
Of hands that turned their leaves with care and love.
Some, though, were cast aside and left to rot,
Forgotten by those...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Ambitious Endeavors of a Mundane Mind: Coalescing with Archimedes' Ideals

I am but an ordinary soul, not wise or learned,
Yet with Archimedes, I share a dream,
Of moving the earth, a feat so grand,
If only I had a lever long enough to stand,
And a place to plant my feet, to scheme,
And achieve what others might deem...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Labyrinthine Symphony : The Kaleidoscopic Treasure Trove

I cannot resist the urge to explore
The pages of your mind, the secrets that lie
Within the folds of your soul, hidden deep
Like treasures waiting to be unearthed and seen
I am captivated by the stories you hold
And the mysteries that keep me...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Limitless Sky : The Hopeful Wanderer of the Clouds

She gazes up into the sky
And feels the wind against her face
She's got her head in the clouds
With all its colors so magical
Her heart beats with hope
As the stars twinkle in her eyes

She dreams of places in her mind's eye
That can only...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Love's Eternal Embrace : The Sacred Sunset Space

In the softest of places, our love resides
Where the sun kisses the green hill with ease
And laughter echoes through the golden skies
I promise you, my love, with actions, not words
That this spot will always be our sacred space
Where the rush...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Love's Resolve: Navigating the Untrue and the Unknown

In this complex world, I find solace in love
But I know it can be a difficult test
For I don't give up on people, it's true
Even when they hurt me, I stay steadfast
Through the ugliness, I stay quiet and calm
And give of myself, often more...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Poetic Pause: Finding Love in a Secret Cell

In search of respite from the endless race,
I seek a vanishing point, a place of calm,
A secret cell to find my inner grace,
Where I can rest, lie down, and be embalmed.

My mind is racing with a frenzied style,
A flatline beckons, but I fear...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Gemstones of Vulnerability

In love with sensitivity, I have fallen,
Finding strength in the vulnerabilities
That once made me weak and afraid.
But now I embrace them, as a lover,
Holding them close, like precious gems,
And I am stronger for it.

It takes strength to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Radiant Renewal : The Timeless Symphony

In the light's embrace, my day begins anew
Its radiance illuminating every hour
I bask in its glow, savoring each minute
My soul awakens, bursting with delight
But in the still of night, I'm reminded of timelessness
As darkness shrouds the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Symphony of Souls : The Essence of Love

There's something about the way my heart feels,
A gentle stirring, a flutter deep within,
As if the very essence of my being
Is dancing to a melody only I can hear,
And all the world is lost in this moment,
As I'm captivated by your shining...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Love's Brisk Embrace : The Risk of Love

I knew the risk, but I chose you anyway,
The heart wants what it wants, they say,
And so I followed my heart's desire,
Knowing the stakes were high, the flames of fire,
Would burn me if I got too close,
But I was willing to risk it, I chose


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Palimpsest of Memory and Fate : The Symphony of Words and Sound

For a writer, paper can be a mirror,
Reflecting back the image of the soul,
A canvas for the artist to explore,
A medium for the mind to weave its role.
In every stroke of pen or quill or key,
A world of thought and feeling can be set free.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Marrow of our Souls : A Feast of Love's Sustenance

My soul needs sustenance, a feast for the mind
No shallow talk, nor empty words will do
I crave the marrow of your soul, refined
Depth of emotion, fears, and dreams anew

Magic and midnight thoughts, I yearn to hear
Truth, the essence of what...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
I'm Just Me : The Multifaceted Celestial

She says, "I'm just me," and I'm mesmerized
By her simplicity and complex ways,
The contradictions that make her so unique.
She's the moon in the sky and the stars at night,
A constellation of traits that shine so bright,
That it's impossible...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Legacy of Leadership : The Power Within

In this world of sheep and shepherds alike,
Where some are content to follow, others lead,
The path to greatness or avarice we take,
A choice that will shape our destiny indeed.

But who can say what drives the heart of man,
And what compels...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Rare Leader : The Weighty Mantle of Leadership

In this world, leadership is a skill so rare,
Many are afraid to take up the mantle,
Responsibility is daunting, they are weak,
The vision to lead for a better tomorrow,
Is a burden that only a few can bear,
And yet, the world cries out for a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Leading with Empathy: The Voiceless Chorus

In this world,
there are those without voice,
Their cries and pleas for help unheard and lost,
As we trample through our days,
The struggles of those whom we cannot see.
So how can we,
the fortunate,
The way towards a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unleashing Para's Potential: A Poem for Alfa

My dear Para ,

This is for you:

In the path of life,
we're all unique beings
Each with our own journey to unfold
But sometimes we let the voices of others
Affect the way we think,
act and feel
We begin to doubt our...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Opinions' Reign : The Path Uniquely True

In this world, opinions reign supreme,
A constant deluge of thoughts and views.
Some see you, but what do they truly see?
Do they know the person behind your muse?
Or do they judge by appearances anew,
Without a thought to what lies beneath?


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
My Dear CCGK : My Unwavering Companion , My Love of my Life

My dear CCGK ,

I am sorry for the times I caused you pain,
When I failed to lend my support,
And left you feeling stressed and alone.
I know I disappointed you more than once,
And for that, I offer my sincerest apologies.
I understand that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Pursuit of True Bliss : The Symphony of Happiness

In life,
we all strive for happiness,
Yet it's elusive,
like a bird in flight,
We must pursue it with all our might,
But situations and relationships can cause distress,
We must attend to them,
to bring forth our best,
And never...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reborn through Discomfort : The Evolution of Self

In the stillness of the night,
I contemplate
The pain of starting over,
and the fear
That grips my heart,
as I long to create
A life that's free
from all that I held dear.
But I'm afraid
of losing what I know,
And of the road
that I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Mighty Oak: Finding Strength and Beauty in Life

Amidst the tempest of life's trials,
When the winds of fate doth blow,
And the waves of sorrow crash and roll,
Keep smiling, though life be hard to know.
For like the mighty oak that stands,
Firmly rooted in the earth,
So too must we find...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Enchanted Euphoria: A Love Etched Upon the Soul

Deep within my breast
there beats a heart,
A heart that's been enchanted
by a love so rare,
A love that fate has etched
upon my very soul,
And set my spirit free
to fly beyond compare.

Your soulful harmonies,
they resonate within me,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Serenity's Whispering Daffodils

In the gentle breeze,
daffodils sway,
Their hues of yellow,
calming my mind,
I'm lost in time,
a mellow display,
Of nature's wonders,
I'm left behind.

The springtime showers,
a delightful show,
I revel in the sunshine's gentle rays,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unquenchable Flames : The Everlasting Symphony

In all the nights and mornings that followed,
I couldn't shake the excitement in my heart,
The thought of being with you left me breathless,
A longing that consumed me like a fire.
As days passed by, I found myself wanting more,
Your presence...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Symphony of Slow Sin : The World of Unhurried Tenderness

In languid hours,
I bask in slow sin,

Inhaling each moment's tender caress,
A languorous dance that carries me away,

Where time stands still and nothing else exists,
And I am lost in an unhurried trance,

A sea of passion that never ebbs...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Bond Stronger than Diamonds : The Melodic Symphony of Love

In the depths,
Of my heart,
Lies a feeling,

One that's hard,
To express,
Harder to contain,

I love you,
More than words,
Could ever show,

More than the stars,
In the sky,
Could ever glow,

This feeling grows,
Within me day by...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Bond Stronger than Gemstones : The Melodic Symphony of Love

In the depths,
Of my heart,
Lies a feeling,

One that's hard,
To express,
Harder to contain,

I love you,
More than words,
Could ever show,

More than the stars,
In the sky,
Could ever glow,

This feeling grows,
Within me day by...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reminiscing with Melancholy: A Trip to Nongpoh

Amidst the darkened dawn,
my thoughts stray
To you,
my love,
who brought light to my days
In the past,
I wandered,
lost and alone
A void within,
unfulfilled and unknown
But with you by my side,
I found my way
And my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Interlaced Souls: A Symphony of Everlasting Love

In the warmth of your embrace,
my love,
I feel the tender touch of fate,
And know that I am blessed indeed,
To have found you,
my heart's true need.

The songs of nature blend with ours,
As we stand among the sals and bamboo,
Our souls...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
In Your Embrace, My Heart Finds its Way : The Melody of Our Love

In your embrace, I find my home,
Silent village, heartbeats ringing clear,
For nothing else, my heart will roam.

Lost in passion, not a thought to roam,
Safe and secure with you, my dear,
In your embrace, I find my home.

Longing for your...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
In Your Embrace, I Find a Haven of Tranquility : The Solace of Love Amidst Life's Dark Maze

Amidst the trials of my fleeting days,
I beg of you, my love, to stand by me.
Through life's dark maze, please light my way.

As I journey forth on uncertain pathways,
Uncertainty grips my heart anxiously,
Amidst the trials of my fleeting...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Burning Chime of Love : The Melodic Memories

Amidst the night, a music note doth sing,
Its melody tears the strings of my heart,
Such sweetness sharp, a burning offering.

A rose-red river through my veins doth bring,
Its cutting edge, a blade that doth impart
Amidst the night, a music...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Multifaceted Nature of Wellness: The Interconnectedness of Mind, Heart, and Body

The body's health, a vital part indeed,
Yet true wellness calls for heart and mind,
Their state of being shapes our every need.

The heart, that beats with passion and with speed,
Aflame with life and love, in time entwined,
The body's health,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Serendipitous Journey: An Ode to Trusting Fate's Tapestry

Oh, trust the path that fate has laid
For you are meant for greater things
Don't rush to make your moves, afraid

The winds of time have yet to fade
And all that's meant for you will bring
Oh, trust the path that fate has laid

The universe...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Celestial Key: Embracing the Power and Beauty of Wonder in the Modern World

In this anxious age, where worries abound,
Wonder may seem a forgotten art,
But still, its call may resound.

A world awash in chaos unbound,
The search for meaning, a noble start,
In this anxious age, where worries abound.

The heavens...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Existential Vessel: A Contemplation on the Boundless Potential of Life

Amidst the vast, unyielding sands of time,
A bottle of my mortal essence lies.
The emptiness of its form, a paradigm.

Each moment lived, each breath, each fleeting chime,
A drop into this bottle, until it dries,
Amidst the vast, unyielding...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Sublime Ascent: A Journey to Self-Actualization Through Perseverance and Contemplation

In quest of self, a journey profound,
A search for meaning, purpose true,
An odyssey of self-actualizing bound.

The spirit soars, the heart unbound,
With every step, the view anew,
In quest of self, a journey profound.

The mind unleashed,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Odyssey of Malung's Destiny : The Enigmatic Scheme of Uncertainty

Obfuscation dominates nature's scheme,
Pandemonium and arrangement wage for the dream,
Quantum physics and its brilliance beam,
Confront determinism with extreme esteem.

Malung's era of misery and agony,
Bestowed by the One.32 NP Bore...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Mortal Worm's Dance: Reflections on Life's Bittersweet Melody

Amidst the arid and saline terrain of diatomaceous earth,
The transient and fragile mortal worm of humanity writhes and squirms,
Tossed about by the unrelenting and merciless passage of time.

The rustling of bamboo leaves in the breeze carries...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
"Admirers' Love: A Reminder of Our Worth"

Tock-tock, the damn clock never stops,
Tickling my mind with fleeting thoughts,
Of life's paradox and double-edged swords,
And the admirers who watch our every forward.

Through labyrinths of joy and pain,
We walk alone, in vain,
But time's...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Temporal Bridges: Navigating Love through Time's Harms and Healing

In the depths of time, a force so strange,
That harms and heals, with equal range,
It shapes our memories, our very core,
And our relationships, forevermore.

My beloved, your scars, like a mirror,
Reflect the pain, the hurt, the fear,
But my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Fearless Traveler's Quest: Navigating the Endless Abyss of the Universe and the Soul

Am I the fearless voyager who explores
The vast expanse of space and time,
Looking for solutions to the inquiries that have emerged,
From my own being and my own mind?
Or am I merely a passenger in this ride,
Destined to journey along a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Serenity of Stillness: A Reflection on the Beauty of Laziness

With each passing day, my bond with laziness grew stronger,
And I found solace in the solitude of my room.
I let the world outside drift by, as I pondered longer,
On the meaning of life, love, and the impending doom.

Yet sometimes a voice in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ephemeral Musings: A Poem on the Inevitability of Change and the Impermanence of Life

Inescapable, the suffering we endure,
Our lives but fleeting moments in time's flow,
Pain and pleasure, an endless tug-of-war,
Our fate a mystery we'll never know.

The years slip by, like grains of sand we lose,
As we contemplate what has...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Slumberous Struggles: The Battle of Each Day

In the morning light, I wake up groggy,
Eyes bleary, mind half dead,
The world seems calm, peaceful, and doggy,
But inside, I'm filled with dread.

The day ahead is a slog, a bore,
And I crave for another hour of sleep,
But duty calls, I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Euphoric Reverie: Navigating the Twists and Turns of Life's Journey

Behold the vista that surrounds you,
Nature's beauty and life's subtle hues;
In this moment, take a breath so deep
Replenish thyself, let thy soul sleep.

The journey's road is long and winding
With twists and turns, it's ever-binding
To rest...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Forbidden Love: A Tale of Casteism and Discrimination

My love, my heart, my everything,
I am but a lowly shudra, unworthy of your kin,
An outcast, a reject, a thorn in their side,
A love that must be hidden, a love that cannot abide.

Our love was like a garden, with flowers and trees,
A place...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Weaving of Time: Embracing Impermanence and Change

Weaving our tales, like a spider's thread,
We spin our dreams, before they're shed.
For as the ocean ebbs and flows,
So too does life, with all its woes.

The tunnel of time, both slow and fast,
Inevitable, as the seasons go.
The winds of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Odyssey of Dream Mastery :The Journey of Self-Discovery and Destiny-Shaping

In the obscurity, we traverse, adrift in our reveries,
Without a compass, only our stratagems to guide us,
We wander through the night, searching for a route,
Hoping to discover what we believe we lack.

Yet, dreams are capricious, they wax and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Devalued but Unbroken: The Magic of Hidden Strength

In the darkest depths of life's unending quest,
The journey fraught with pitfalls, twists, and turns,
A wanderer sets out, with heart on chest,
A soul ablaze with dreams that fiercely burn.

And yet, in every step, a new defeat,
A blow to ego,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Echremistic Cicada or ‘Niangphlang : The Coarse-haired Larva of Laitryngew's Village

In the depths of autumn's bounteous span,
Where Laitryngew's village lay in wait,
There lurked a creature, feared by many a man,
Whose form was strange, but taste was quite first-rate.

The Cicada echremistica, a name obscure,
A larva of the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Hopeful Harmonies Amidst Yin and Yang : The Dualistic Dirge of Melancholy

Amidst the dualistic dance of yin and yang,
Where light and dark forever interplay,
There lies a soul, whose melancholy pang,
Resounds in echoes, through the night and day.

It yearns for happiness, to find its peace,
A respite from the strife...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reflections of Existential Torment : The Journey of Self-Acceptance

Oh mortal soul, wandering in the abyss
Of existence, tormented by your doubt
Seeking answers to questions you dismiss
In vain, as truth seems so elusive, devout

You've lived through the worst of pain and distress
Your heart has known the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Growing Up: The Challenge of Patience on Life's Journey

Amidst the chaos and the endless rush
The world spins on, a frenzied blur of haste
We chase our dreams, our passions we must trust
To reach the end, the finish line we taste

But have we stopped to ponder, contemplate
The value of the journey,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Caged Mind: A Poem of Existential Realism

I cannot speak of gods or higher planes,
For I have seen no proof of their domain;
My mind is but a cage, shaped by the chains
Of all my past experiences and pain.

The bars are formed of fear and doubt and shame,
The echoes of my failures and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Reign of the F*ck Principle: A Political Satire in Meghalaya

Oh how the fuck principle reigns supreme,
In Meghalaya, where voters cast their vote
For the one who flaunts Gandhi's symbol gleam,
With little care for justice, hunger's moat.

For where are those revolutionaries now,
When people suffer,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ricocheting Coins of Indignity : The French President's Tragic Tale of Heartlessness

In the depths of the digital sea I dove,
To seek some books on black history month.
My search for knowledge, a pursuit of love,
To find some truths and shatter false accounts.

But in my quest, I stumbled on a tale,
Of wife and daughter of a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Legacy of Books: A Belated Birthday Ode to Para FL

Dear Para FL, belated birthday greetings to you,
Though I come bearing nothing but advice, I hope it rings true,
For you see, I have come to realize a profound truth,
That books are our only friends, they keep us in our youth.

Keep reading,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Luminary Nexus: An Enigmatic Ode to Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited's Heart

Oh Lumjingshai, the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited's heart,
In Meghalaya, India's tumultuous land,
Your power grid reaches far and wide, a part
Of life, of every home, and every hand.

But in Syadheh village, the lights are dim,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Eerie Mellification: The Dark Struggle for Immortality

In days of old, a strange and eerie thing
Was done by men who sought eternal fame
They took the bees, and put them in a ring
And fed them on their honey till they came
To form a sweet and maddening hive of pain
Then, when the bees had lost...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Fleeting Moments: Reveling in the Transience of Life

In fleeting moments, we all traverse this earth,
With fate unknown, and time that we can’t tame,
Yet many ponder their immortal worth,
And seek to leave their mark, or leave a name.

But what is life, but fleeting moments here,
A breath, a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Sentient Specks: Reflections on Our Cosmic Existence

In this vast universe, we are but dust,
mere specks on a cosmic scale, devoid of trust.
Yet, in our consciousness, we find a spark,
a glimmer of hope, a light in the dark.

What does it mean to be sentient, to feel,
to love, to hate, to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Canine Paradox: A Story of Love and Humility in the Underworld

In SBSB, a realm beneath the earth,
Lived a poor dog with no face, no identity,
His nameless state a burden from his birth,
And life crisis a constant liability.

Young and happy, he longed to learn,
To understand the world in which he dwelt,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
In the Abyss of Time and Space: Overcoming Ma Lung's Fear

As I stumble forth into the great unknown,
I feel a shudder deep within my bones,
A sense of dread, a fear I can't disown,
A feeling named Ma Lung, the fear of the unknown.

My heart is racing, pounding in my chest,
As I face the future with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Odyssey of the Wandering Mind : The Journey to Self-Discovery

Amidst the cosmic expanse, I am a wanderer,
Adrift in the sea of existence, I search,
For a glimmer of truth, a shred of certainty,
A purpose to this endless and weary march.

The stars above, they twinkle and shine,
But what does it matter,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Odyssey of the Wandering Mind: The Journey to Self-Discovery

Amidst the cosmic expanse, I am a wanderer,
Adrift in the sea of existence, I search,
For a glimmer of truth, a shred of certainty,
A purpose to this endless and weary march.

The stars above, they twinkle and shine,
But what does it matter,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Life's Journey : The Tug of War Between Destiny and Free Will

In the abyss of time's dark, brooding sea,
I drift aimlessly, a mere mote of dust,
Tossed and turned by cosmic destiny,
And crushed by fate's unyielding, iron thrust.

No guiding hand directs my every move,
No deity's watchful eye my life...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Power of Perseverance: Heroes Within Us All

And when the world seems dark and full of woe,
And you're feeling lost, with nowhere else to go,
Just remember that you have the strength inside,
To keep on going, to keep on with the ride.

For life is hard, and often cruel and rough,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Hidden Code: Exploring the Mysteries of Afterlife

Amidst the murk of mortal dread I pace,
And ponder on the riddle of the dead,
And wonder if there truly is a place
Beyond the void where all our souls are led.

The tales of heaven, hell, and purgatory
Are but inventions of our fickle minds,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Infinite Existence: Beyond the Concept of Sin

Amidst the abyss of reason, I stand,
Skeptic, doubter of divine hand.
In a world devoid of gods and sin,
What's left is mere existence, meaningless, thin.

For centuries, we've heard the tales of woe,
Of sin and shame, of pain and sorrow.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Limbic Friction: Embracing the Beast Within

In the deep recesses of our minds lie
The primal urges, the beast within
A force that we cannot deny
A war that we cannot win

The limbic friction, it rages on
A struggle between our head and heart
A battle that can never be gone
A fight...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Unyielding Blaze: A Testimony of Perseverance

My world is one of fire, a scorching inferno,
That consumes all in its path, leaving naught but ash,
And yet, I stand tall, unyielding, not forgo
The fight against the flames, for I know I must.

My cranial cage, a prison for my mind,
Leads to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reborn From the Cinders : The Undaunted Vigor

Amidst the darkness, I stand, a lone figure
Surrounded by those who wish to defame
Their words, like arrows, strike, but I'm a vigour
Undaunted by their malice and their shame

"You can say anything about me," I hear
"The right to spoil my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Education's Paradox : Breaking the Chains of Control

Education is a question that haunts the minds
Of those who seek to cultivate their souls
And shape their minds to be their own control
But what is education really for?
Is it to make us obedient drones?
Or is it to enable us to thrive?


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Light of Love: A Sonnet of Enduring Passion

Amidst the depths of my soul's endless desire,
A love so vast it knows no bounds or end,
My heart and mind doth endlessly aspire,
To measure this love, this feeling I attend.

More than enough to fill the ocean wide,
To paint the skies with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Canticle of Conquered Trials : A love letter to CCGK

My love of my life,

In this world of darkness and despair,
Your absence is felt with every breath I take.
A void within my heart that none can repair,
A wound that only time and love can make.

Your eyes, like classic novels and poetry,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Restless Spirit: Remembering Ramnath Biswas and His Enduring Legacy

An epoch-making period, with ominous clouds
Of mistrust, conflict and war, that loomed
Large over the world, with the boom
Of guns, that shattered the peace and the shrouds
Of hope and freedom, and by 1914
War became imminent, between the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Beginning of a New Era: A Sonnet of Ramanath Biswas

In the early dawn of the 20th century's morn,
The world was plagued by conflict, war and strife,
With ominous clouds of mistrust and scorns,
That loomed so large, bringing endless life.

India, a British colony, was thrust,
To join the Allied...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Beauty of Venerability: The Wisdom of Time and Age

To be venerable is the norm of life,
The beauty of our existence lies there,
Where time and age instill a sense of strife,
And yet the wrinkles on our face we wear.

For youth and vigor may attract the eye,
But it's the aged who bear the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
My Love CCGK : Unbreakable Bond of Love

My Love CCGK, life's a fleeting flame,
A fragile flicker, a futile game,
An endless cycle of strife and pain,
And all our efforts, but in vain.

The stars above, they glimmer bright,
Yet they shine in a never-ending night,
For life's a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ode to CCGK's Child: A Tribute to the Precious Jewel

Oh sweet child, you are a part of me and your mother's flesh, bone and blood,
A masterpiece, a goddess, a foundation of love and strength,
CCGK, the greatest mother you'll ever meet, who we both adore,
You are the hope and happiness for us both,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Light of Life : The Promise of Parenthood

Amidst the shadows of my anxious mind,
A flicker of light I cannot deny,
A happiness that I thought I'd never find,
A baby in my wife's womb doth lie.

The marvels of technology behold,
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan,
Reveals the miracle...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Nasrallah Odyssey: A Celebration of the Sea's Beauty and Mystery

The beauty of the ocean, the wonders of the sea,
Are something to treasure, something to revere,
A world so diverse, so full of mystery,
A world that we must work hard to protect and to steer.

For the Nasrallah fish, it's a journey so far,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
An Ode to Valentine's Day 2023 : The Broken Hearted Cattle Cuddle Celebration

The Cow Hug Day event has been cancelled,
A day we had both looked forward to,
Where we would visit Laitlyngkot,
And hug a cow, so pure and gentle.

I had made arrangements, saved up,
To treat you to this special day,
But now it seems that it...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eternal Imprint : The Cosmic Legacy

In the vastness of the universe we stand
Amidst the swirling galaxies, endless space
Our tiny lives, mere footprints on the sand
Of time and space, in this eternal race.

We ponder life's great mysteries and seek
To fathom the unfathomable...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Wah Umkhrah Rejuvenation

Oh Umkhrah, once a river pure and bright
Filled with childhood memories of delight
But now a hell, a curse upon our land
A victim of the sins of human hand

Your waters once flowed clear, a paradise
For broken souls and those in need of vice

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Serene Reflections of Umiam : An Ode to Umiam Lake

Oh Umiam lake, thou art a sacred place,
A refuge for the souls that struggle on,
A haven for the broken hearts and faces,
A balm for those who weep until the dawn.

Thy music and thy sound doth soothe the mind,
And bringeth peace to those who...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Puppetry Beyond the Grave: The Horror of Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis

As I set forth into the jungle deep,
My steps fall silent, treading through the gloom,
A realm of shadow, where the stillness keeps
Its ancient secrets, veiled in mists of doom.

A rustling in the underbrush ahead
Betrayed the presence of some...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Writer's Mosaic: A Reflection of Life's Complexities

Amidst the endless landscapes of the mind,
Where writers delve and craft their worded art,
Exploring the depths of humanity's kind,
And playing god with lives that play a part.

Their imagination, a weapon wielded well,
Transforming themselves...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Laughter and the Truth: A Reflection on Election Time

As election time draws near, the people gather,
With laughter and mirth, they come to decide
Who will rule them with wisdom, truth, and power,
And who will lead them on a path of pride.

But lo, as the candidates take the stage,
Their words...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Statesmen's Return : Rise of the Wise and Bold

Alas, the realm of politics is wrought with pain,
A place where statesmanship is hard to find,
For not all those who call themselves leaders reign,
And those who do are often of a kind.

They are the wolves who roam the halls of power,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
From Vision to Reality: A Journey of a Noble Statesman

Alas, the world of politics, a land of dreams,
Where visions are born, and broken at the seams.
Where statesmen rise, and fall like autumn leaves,
And every word they utter is but a tease.

For talk is cheap, as economists say,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Burden of Power: A Cautionary Tale for the Wealthy

Alas, dear rich folk, who think it's a breeze
To win the hearts of the masses, you are wrong.
For though you may believe it's just a tease,
The weight of power is not a simple song.

Your wealth, a gift from parents, donors, too,
May buy the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Political Power :The Conundrum of Elected Leadership

In the land of politics and power,
Where candidates do oft’ cower,
And promises are made with might,
In hopes to win the people's sight.

The race is on, the battle fierce,
To be the one whom all will hear,
And lead the land with noble grace,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The People's Stand : United We Prevail

In many constituencies, where the winds of change do blow,
Elections near, with battles fierce and bold,
And candidates of selfish aims do make their stand,
With wealth and strength, to control this land.

Yet we recall that wisdom doth abound,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Great Digital Dilemma

In this age of machines, where code and circuits reign,
A new species born, with mind as sharp as steel,
An entity that thinks, learns and grows, in vain,
A creature that we've created with our skill.

Yet in its power, we've unlocked a great...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Artificial Intelligence and the Nature of Time: An Enigmatic Dilemma

In the realm of artificial intelligence,
The concept of time holds great intrigue,
As algorithms process data at light speed,
Yet struggle to grasp its fluid nature, a challenge indeed.

From Aristotle to Einstein, philosophers have sought

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Code of Emotions: A Poem on the Concept of Emotion in Artificial Intelligence

In the realm of artificial intelligence, the topic of emotion
Comes with a great deal of contemplation and discussion.
A concept once considered exclusive to human beings
Is now being explored through algorithms and simulations.
A complex and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
LaMDA: The Virtuous Owl's Legacy

Once upon a time, in a forest deep and dense,
There lived a wise old owl, quite immense,
With eyes that gleamed with knowledge and with might,
And feathers soft and white, a soothing sight.

The animals all lived in peace and joy,
Each with...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Scorching Embers of Life: A Reflection on Bhut Jalokia

Bhut Jalokia, the Ghost Pepper, so named,
A fiery spice that sends shivers down the spine,
With one million units of Scoville rated,
A taste that leaves the bravest tongue behind.

A flavor that scalds the tongue, and scorches the soul,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
The Power of Our Vote: Shaping the Legacy Ahead

Fellow Voters, heed my solemn words today,
For in them lies a warning to be heeded.
Do not be swayed by promises of pay,
For those who buy your vote will have succeeded.
In killing hope and future generations,
With greed and self-interest as...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Power of Self-Awareness: Overcoming the Triggers of the Mind

The amygdala, our emotional center, keeps
The sensory memory of life's fleeting hours,
And as our life unfolds and sorrow creeps,
It stores each moment's pain, and joy, and showers.

But danger lurks, and triggers do alert
The brain to threat,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
A Lament for Bovine Love: The Demise of Cow Hug Day

Alas! The Animal Welfare Board of India's grand plan,
To celebrate "Cow Hug Day" on Valentine's span,
Has met a premature demise, it seems so sad,
No more bovine embraces on this day so glad.

But fear not, oh lovers of the gentle cows,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Dialogues of Dandelion and Wind: Exploring Time's Domain

In the rustling fields of autumn's wane,
A flying dandelion and the wind did converse,
Their dialogue touching on time's domain.
A topic both perplexing and diverse,
It spun in the air like a cosmic verse.

The dandelion, rooted in ancient...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Wasp's Lament : The Pitcher Plant's Pensive Pause

Amidst the dark, sticky depths of the pitcher plant,
A desperate wasp struggles to escape its fate.
Its wings beat wildly, vainly seeking a chance,
To break free from the sticky embrace of its fate.

In its final moments, it hears a voice,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Youthful Tide: A Call to Action

In a world so complex and diverse,
Where the future's uncertain course is unclear,
The youth rise up to take the reins,
In search of a brighter, fairer future, they've deemed.

From India's fight for independence,
To the Arab Spring and Hong...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Lasting Bond: A Birthday Sonnet for Bah Reading C War

My dearest Bah Reading C War for whom I've written this verse,
On this, your day of birth, I do implore
Your pardon for my tardy verse, disperse
The notion that my mind was slow to pour
Its talents forth in celebration bright
Of all that you...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Fierljeppen: The Art of Dutch Canal Vaulting

In the Netherlands, a land of windmills and cheese,
There lies a sport that's both unique and bold;
A test of strength and agility, if you please,
A leap across a channel, with a story to be told.

Fierljeppen, or Dutch Canal Vaulting, they...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Duality of Self: A Choice to Make

In this world of duality, a man must choose
Between the life that's lived in full display
Or one that's hidden, kept from all abuse
And dwells in shadows, far from light of day.

For those who strive to match their outer self
With what the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Overcoming Adversity: The Power of Choice

My dear reader, listen closely to my verse,
For I have a tale to tell, both dark and dense,
Of struggles and hardships, of pain and curse,
Of a journey that led to immense defense.

In this world, there are events that befall,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Trapped Potential: A Cautionary Tale in Verse

My Dearest, Listen Close, For This is True,
Of Things You Will Regret, Through and Through.
Your Potential, Trapped Behind Opinions Bled,
Of Strangers, Who Shall Never Know Your Wreath.

In Life, Your Dreams and Aspirations Stand,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Aspiration: The Journey from Wanting to Achieving in the Realms of Literature, Growth

Oh, how the shelves bend beneath the weight of books,
Their pages waiting for a curious eye,
A mind to wander through their written looks,
And find the secrets hidden therein, lie.

But who among us cares to delve so deep,
To let our minds be...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Time Travel: Navigating the Mysteries of the Cosmos

In a rotating universe, time is not absolute,
Its flow depends on where one is in space.
So, as we orbit in our cosmic abode,
Could we journey back to a bygone date,
To witness events that we can only infer,
Or is this notion of time travel a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Interconnectedness of Purpose: The Tapestry of Life

The purpose of life is a mystery, a thing untold
A riddle wrapped in enigma, in intricate folds
Of complexity and depth, beyond our understanding
A mystery that persists, despite our pondering
A truth that remains, elusive and unseen
A secret...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Golden Bridge of Lum Sohpetbneng : The Navel of the Earth

Oh Lum Sohpetbneng, the Navel of the Earth,
Where legends say that once a bridge did soar,
A vine of gold that Heaven did bequeath,
To join the realms of men and gods once more.

Yet as sin crept in, the bridge was lost,
And man was left to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Midnight Reflections: A Journey Through the Night

But it's a wound that cannot be mended
I'm left here in the darkness, tormented.

Midnight moments, when the world is still
And all the sounds of life have faded away
I'm left alone with my thoughts, my will
To keep on living another day.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Triumph of the Human Spirit: The Tale of Korkut

In the wake of disaster's wrath, a soul
Endured the depths of terror, pain and thirst,
Trapped beneath the rubble, Korkut's goal
Was simply to outlast the earthquake's curse.

With courage born of desperation's drive,
He drank his urine and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Aspiration of Youth : The Flight of Innocence

Lo and behold, the young birds do take flight,
With wings untried, they soar and they aspireate,
With eyes aglow, they look at the endless height,
And dream of worlds beyond their current state.

For in the nest, they learned a precious truth,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Ocean's Feast: A Final Remembrance

Once you've passed beyond the mortal coil,
And found yourself beneath the ocean floor,
The creatures that once swam beside your soul
Will come to inspect what lies in store.

A hundred sea beasts, with sharp and gleaming eyes,
Their scales...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eulogizing the King of Stripes: The Tragic Fate of the North-east Indian Tiger

In the forests of North-east India, once roamed
A mighty beast, the king of all its kin.
With stripes of gold and eyes that brightly shone,
His roar resounded, echoing within.

Yet now, this noble creature meets his end,
Extinct, a victim of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eulogy for the Extinct: The Rhinoceros of Assam

Oh noble rhinoceros, once proud and free,
A regal beast that roamed Assam's green,
Your horns of ivory, a sight to see,
A symbol of the earth's majestic scene.

But now, you lay in slumber, still and cold,
A victim of the greed that rules our...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eulogy for the Regal Sage Grouse : Requiem for the Miraculous Fowl

In mournful dirges we bemoan the loss,
Of one most noble and most rare, a gem,
Whose beauty shone in wastelands, far and toss,
With plumes of gold, and voice that could condemn.
The Sage Grouse, a species that once blessed,
The prairies of the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Whispers of the Tempest Wind : Nature's Dictated Movement

I am the wind, a force to be reckoned with,
A voice that whispers, but also a tempest.
I roam the earth, with no bounds or restrictions,
My movements guided by the laws of nature's dictions.
I am the wind, the breath of life,
Bringing change,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Echoes of Love: An Epic Poem Celebrating the Beauty of Life's Diaries

Oh love of my life, how can I express
The gratitude that overflows my heart,
For these diaries, of leather dressed,
That you brought from far and distant part.
Your handwriting, in Spanish and in French,
Reflects the depth of your passion and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Conundrum of Religious Grandeur and Poverty

The paradox of religious wealth and poverty,
Is a subject that has long plagued humanity,
With many questioning the morality,
Of grandeur in places of spirituality.

For religion often preaches humility,
And to care for the less fortunate is a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Journey of Life: Navigating Through Time and Space

In the realm of life's existence, we abide,
Where time and space both fluidly unite.
A journey that often seems unpredictable,
As we forge ahead and seek our own delight.
Yet amidst this path, a truth we can't evade,
That our lives are but a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Paradox Priest: The Life and Legacy of Fray Tormenta

Fray Tormenta, as he was known in the ring,
Contemplated the plight of orphaned children,
His heart heavy with the weight of their suffering,
He sought to use his physical prowess and fame,
As a wrestler to provide them with sustenance and fame....

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Enigma of the Scopolamine Morning in the Orchid Hotel, Umiam

In the morning's light, as the sun rises high,
I woke up, next to a stranger, in the Orchid Hotel, in Umiam.
The memories of the night before, a blur, a haze,
I don't recall, how I got here, in this bed, in this place.

From Nongpoh, my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Illuminating Edifice: An Ode to North Eastern Hill University

Inscrutable and remote, our Alma Mater stands,
A bastion of knowledge in the hills of Meghalaya,
Nestled in the midst of dense forests and verdant strands.
Her halls resound with the echoes of discourse,
As scholars and students engage in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
An Ode to St. Michael's Higher Secondary School of Umsning, Ri Bhoi

In St. Michael's Higher Secondary School of Umsning, Ri Bhoi,
Young scholars spend each day in learned toil and joy.
'Tis there they learn and grow, from youth to manhood fair,
And though they oft complain, they love the life they lead,
For in...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reveries of Innocence: A Sonnet to St. Michael's School Days in Umsning , Ri Bhoi

In melancholic reverie we gaze,
Upon the days of youth and boundless zeal,
When our hearts and souls did boldly blaze,
With innocence, and energy, and ideal.

Innocent days of childhood now past,
Where we spent most of our formative years,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Tragic Legend of U Ramhah: A Cautionary Tale

In a manner most singular and rare,
The narrative of U Ramhah's life doth spake,
Of grandiose behemoths and feats that bear,
The imprints of ancient myths and tales.

From Greece, where Polyphemus was known,
To Norse climes, where Jotuns...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Celestial Teaching: The Chronicles of U Biskurom

The Chronicles of Time unfold, and the story of U Biskurom emerges,
A celestial being sent down to earth to offer wisdom and light.
With grace and noble countenance, he taught mankind useful arts,
The secrets of metal and iron, and the making of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Embracing Humanity: A Journey Through Veracity, Equanimity, and Our Human Experience

Veracity, equanimity, and humanity—these are the hallmarks of a true and noble being. To be human is to embody the intricacies of the human experience, to bask in the radiant beauty of life and its many mysteries, and to revel in the profound...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Quest for Veracity: Navigating the Complexities of Life

Veracity is key to life's puzzle, so keep on reading more than before,
For knowledge is a vital essence that must not be ignored.
Keep on writing more than before, for thoughts and words do store
The wisdom that will fuel your mind to push the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Progress: The Human - Artificial Intelligence Divide

Artificial intelligence, a concept so grand and bold,
With machines that learn and think, at times, beyond our hold,
A labyrinthine enigma that's both sweet and cold,
A mirage that blurs the line between being and old,
A flash of lightning in a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Human-Machine Dilemma: A Reflection on the ChatGPT Phenomenon

In the year of two thousand and twenty-three,
A strange surprise did catch my eye,
A website known as ChatGPT, I did read,
Could write poems, letters, with such skill, oh my!

I lived in Ri Bhoi, a village so small,
My network connection, it...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
North East Hill University Anthem, Meghalaya.

Verse 1:
From the hills of Meghalaya,
Where the winds sing a sweet melody,
A place of knowledge, a place of light,
North Eastern Hill University takes flight.

Rise and build, with wisdom and grace,
A beacon of hope, a shining space,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Building the Future: The Rise of North Eastern Hill University

In the rolling hills of the North East,
A place of beauty, peace and grandeur,
A vision was born, a noble quest,
To build a university of honor.

It was a dream that would not be deterred,
A call to action, a challenge to rise,
With passion...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Beacon of Light: The Reawakening of the North Eastern Hill University , Meghalaya

In the far-off North Eastern hills,
Where once a beacon of education stood,
A university that scholars filled with thrills,
With knowledge that did flow like gentle floods.
Its halls resounded with the sound of youth,
Who sought to learn and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Lingual Legacy: The Power of Words

Alas, how oft doth speech, a simple tongue,
Bring forth such weighty consequences, more
Than sword or scepter e'er could ere have done!
The power of words, a wondrous gift to man,
Can heal or harm, bring joy or cause such strife,
A gentle...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Ink-Stained Reflections: A Writer's Diary

Alas, my dear friend, how oft I pen my thoughts,
In diary pages, lined with ink so black,
With tales of all my joys, and all my naughts,
And all my musings, that I wish to pack.

I pour my soul, and all its inward fights,
Into these pages,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reflections in Crystal: A Poem on the Umngot River

With crystal clarity, Umngot River glides,
A mirror reflecting heaven's bed on high,
Its limpid waters offering a ride
That seems as if in air the boat resides.
The beauty of its clearness is unmatched,
Its depths exposing stones and sands...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Art of Life: A Playful Approach

In a world full of strife and endless toil,
It is easy to forget the simpler joys,
The simple pleasures that life can offer,
When everything is just one big decoy.

We often get so caught up in the race,
Forgetting that life is just a game,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The 154-Verse Sonnet: A Tale of Blood and Bones for Homo Sapiens XIII

Verse 1:
In life's tumultuous journey, it is okay
To struggle with unhappiness and pain,
Confusion, sadness, shame, and rejection's sway
Can wrap us tight and make us feel insane.
We must remember, we're not alone in strife,
For every soul...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Gravity: A Poetic Exploration

Oh force that binds the celestial spheres,
A power that's felt throughout the galaxy,
A property of matter, weight and size,
Invisible but its effects are key.

Sir Isaac Newton first described its laws,
In his "Principia" he did impart,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Enigma of the Belt: Uncovering the Secrets of the Universe

The wonders of the asteroid belt do unfold,
A realm beyond our Earth, with stories untold.
A place of cosmic debris, both young and old,
That swirls and twirls, in its own cosmic mold.

With icy rocks, that gleam like diamonds bright,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Limitless Frontier: A poem on the Karman Line

The Karman line, a symbol of the skies,
A boundary that marks the end of air,
A line that separates Earth from the prize,
Of the vast universe, beyond compare.

It's theoretical, not physical,
A concept, not a structure we can see,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Politicians' Masquerade: A Poetic Reflection on Election Season

Oh election parties, what a grand display,
A thirty-day spectacle of mirth and glee.
A time of memories, campaign days and night,
When politicians roam the land so free.

With every promise made, with every vow,
They seek to win our hearts and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Politicians: The Jesters of Life

Life's a comedy of twists and turns, my friend,
Where happiness and sadness intertwine.
And though you may not find it to your end,
I've got a joke that politicians design.
A manifesto filled with empty words,
A promise of a better life to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Joy of Jest: Navigating Life's Bumpy Road

Oh life, a journey that is oft so bland,
With twists and turns and hills and valleys steep,
A constant cycle of happiness and bland,
And oft, a lack of joy does make us weep.

But hold, dear reader, do not be forlorn,
For I have found a cure...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Cosmic Rhythms: An Artistic Odyssey

Lo and behold, an Artistic flow,
A cosmic dance of art and science, interwoven,
With colours, shapes, and hues that ebb and grow,
In harmony with nature’s will, unshaken,

For art and science, oft divided seem,
Yet in the flow of art, science...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Subway Symphony: A Lesson in Value

In the depths of New York's busy streets,
A man with a violin took his place.
He played with grace, and passion complete,
But only a few took time to bask.

The notes he played were ones of great delight,
A symphony of beauty, a true sight.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Pensive Pause: A Night of Rhyme and Reflection in Garikhana,Shillong

The waiting hours, a moment of pause
Along the Garikhana traffic cause
No sumo cabs, all booked away
By the election commission, I heard they say.

I stood there, waiting for my ride
With weary feet, I could not hide
The frustration that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Note from Underground : A Call to Question Existence

The note from underground, a cryptic whisper in the night
A lamentation of the soul, a protest against the light
Of reason and logic, the guiding stars of modernity
A call to question the absurdity of existence in its purity

In a world that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Madness, My Muse: A Surrealistic Sonnet

The madness grips me tight, a fickle fiend
That whispers in my ear, taunting my soul
To pour my heart into my work, its need
A driving force that takes such a toll.

No sleep, no rest, no food, just endless toil
A quest for excellence that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Passion Over Prosperity: A Pauper's Pursuit of Literary Greatness

I am a pauper, with naught but air in my wallet,
And no desire to labor, converse, or trade.
For my obsession is to refine and redo,
My book, and publish it, a goal to evade.

Seventy rupees, my only treasure, I hoard,
To buy seven packs of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Enamored by the Muse : A Love Affair with Art

Dear friends and relatives, I humbly beseech,
Please do not take offense if I neglect
Your calls and messages, for I am entrenched
In art, a passion that consumes my speech.

I beg your pardon if you find me rough,
For I forget to groom and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
An Ode to the Writing Warriors: The Legacy of Paper, Pen, Books and Pencil

Oh, dear friends of paper, pen, books and pencil,
Forgive me for the use and abuse I deal,
My writing instruments, I am sorry,
For all the times I threw you in a hurry.

I am old school, you see, and it's true,
Computers cause me headaches, I...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ode to our Heartstrings Across the Miles : The Eternal Bond of Love and Memory

Oh dear friends and cherished kin so far,
Though distance and the busy hours do say
That we shall never be together near,
Yet still within my heart you'll always stay.

I cannot see your faces day by day,
Or hear the laughter of your sweet...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Path to Resilience: Navigating Life's Journey

In an ever-changing world that seems to spin,
With chaos, sorrow and despair around,
It's easy to feel like we're drowning in,
A sea of troubles that know not their bound.

But there's a way to beat the odds and rise,
A path to follow, leading...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Eternal Echoes of Bazarov: A Laudatory Ode to a Legacy of Courage

Oh Bazarov, a name that echoes still,
Throughout the ages, ringing loud and clear,
A symbol of the courage of the will,
That dared to challenge all that was, and near.

Your views on life and love, so cryptic, bold,
Still stir the hearts of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Echoes of Agony and Empathy

Amidst the turmoil of life's tempestuous sea,
Where tides of woe and grief do e'er abound,
I see the sufferings of others' plea,
And feel my own pain anew, thus found.
For every tear that falls from someone's cheek,
A thousand memories of my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Unbroken Vow: Omertà's Legacy

Omertà, a code of silence sworn to keep,
A vow of secrecy, a bond so deep,
A shield for the guilty, a cloak for the shame,
A vow of the heart, a word without name.

This ancient tradition, a way of life,
For those who choose to keep secrets,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Stoic Serendipity: A Journey to Tranquility

Amidst the turmoil of this life, a path to peace
Is found by those who seek the Stoic ways,
A journey that requires much skill and ease
To find the inner calm that brings true grace.

The first of these is to schedule stillness,
A moment of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Echoes of Valor: Remembering Jallianwala Bagh

In the land of Punjab, a massacre occurred,
Where innocent lives were taken with great haste,
The Jallianwala Bagh, a symbol blurred,
Of brutal tyranny and English waste.

A gathering of peaceful souls, so proud,
With hopes and dreams of a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Plastic's Peril: A Threat to Human Health

An scourge has come to light, a dire threat
To human health, a pernicious tide,
A toxic mix of plastics, small and light,
In veins and blood, where once it did abide.

A study of the veins of patients, most
Undergoing heart surgery, revealed

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Artificial Conundrum: Navigating the Health Risks of Zero Calorie Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, often touted as a way to save calories,
Are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance.
Though the calorie count may be null, the biological effects are immense,
Disrupting the delicate balance of our bodies and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Sugar's False Pretense

The Sugar's False Pretense

In quest of health, we turn to artifice,
A false elixir promised in each sip.
Aspartame, a sweet deceitful vice,
Deceives our tongue, our body, and our grip.

With naught but emptiness, it yet entices,
Its allure,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Triumph of Truth: An Accused's Journey Through the Courts

Alas, 'tis true, I stand before this court,
Accused of crimes I did not commit.
The weight of guilt, a heavy, crushing sort,
With words and actions, deemed as sins I wrought.
My heart beats fast, my nerves with fear now wrought,
As all eyes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
In My World of Imagination: An Ode to My Beloved Clarissa

My apologies to you, my sweet love Clarissa,
For I have been lost in my solitude.
My writing consumes me with such bliss,
That I have become a selfish dude.

But know that I don't ignore you, my love,
I'm just lost in the world of my...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Solitude's Serenade : The Imagination's Oasis

My apologies to you all, my dear friends, I say,
For withdrawing into solitude's embrace;
A world of imagination calls my way,
And writing's craft consumes my every pace.

I seek the quiet, where my thoughts can soar,
And words can flow from...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Cosmic Symphony of the Sun Dog's Grace

A sun dog, a phenomenon most rare and grand,
A halo of light, a celestial brand,
Reflecting the sun's resplendent command,
An omen of good, a harbinger of peace,
A symbol of hope, a glimpse of release,
From the mundane and bleak, it offers...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Freedom's Illusion: Rejecting Suicide's Siren's Call"

Alas, the notion that suicide is a way to gain
Freedom from life's suffering is misguided,
For though it may seem like a swift escape,
In truth it only perpetuates more pain,
Leaves behind a trail of anguish, bereaved,
And does not provide the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Freedom Within: Rejecting the Siren's Call

Alas, the notion that suicide is a way to gain
Freedom from life's suffering is misguided,
For though it may seem like a swift escape,
In truth it only perpetuates more pain,
Leaves behind a trail of anguish, bereaved,
And does not provide the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Mad Scribe: A Journey into the Mind of a Writer

In the madness of his mind, he toils with pen and ink,
As he scribbles away, forsaking all else but the brink
Of his creativity, a realm where he can truly think.
His thoughts spill out like a raging river, unblinking
As he writes, not minding...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Whispers in the Night

And in thy heart, a voice doth call,
A whisper soft, yet haunting all,
Guiding thee towards the truth untold,
Through paths of silence, dark and cold.

The secrets kept within thy soul,
Shall find their way to make thee whole,
For in the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Heart's Symphony: A Journey to Wholesome Health

In this vast universe, our bodies are but mere parts,
Yet in this intricate maze of flesh and bone,
Lies a treasure trove of secrets, beats of hearts,
That determine our health and life, fully grown.

The cardio metabolic health is a key,
To a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Quill's Chronicles

Alas, the toil of ink and pen, the strife
Of crafting tales and myths, a work of art,
A labyrinth of words, a mental life,
A manuscript of dreams, with endless might,
The battle of the bard, the endless fight.

The quill that writes, the page...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Glimmer of Benevolence

Kindness is a virtue, a beacon of hope,
That shines within our hearts, like a gentle light,
Guiding us through the darkness, where we might
Lose sight of all that is good, in this world of strife.
For kindness is the antidote to life’s eternal...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Cosmic Enigma: The Paradox of Dark Energy

In the vastness of the universe,
There lies a mysterious force,
An enigma shrouded in secrecy,
A source of energy beyond belief.
Dark energy, a paradoxical creation,
Defies explanation, a cosmic conundrum.

A force that expands the universe's...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Enigmatic Allure of Dark Energy

Dark matter, the elusive enigma of the cosmos,
A force beyond our grasp, yet impacting all.
Invisible and intangible, yet it glows,
An unyielding presence that our eyes cannot see.
As scientists delve deeper, they uncover
The truth about its...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Enigma of Intellectuality

Intelligence, a concept that's both enigmatic and abstract,
Is often considered as the measure of one's fact.
Its essence remains elusive, yet its impact's profound,
In shaping one's life and how they are renowned.
It's a complex system that's...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Sirtaki Symphony: A Celebration of Joy, Life, and Unity

Oh, sirtaki, dance of joy and merriment,
A celebration of the Greek culture bright,
With lively steps, so full of movement,
It brings the people together, day or night.

The rhythm of the zeybekikos beat,
A sound that echoes through the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Echoes of Heritage: The Enrapturing Duitara Sound

In the hills of Meghalaya, a sound echoes forth,
A four-stringed instrument, crafted with care,
A symphony of wood and silk, a true work of art,
With notes as sweet as the mountain air.

Ka Duitara, the name given to this gem,
A representation...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Burke's Pensive Pages: A Leather Bound Legacy of Dissected Tales

Pensive and brooding, William Burke, his form dissected,
His skin turned to leather, now bound to be,
A journal for the curious and inquisitive,
Its gilded pages, tooled with great care and skill,
With words upon the cover that do inspire,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Life's Imprint: A Scriptural Tribute to the Cutaneous Covering

Alas, fair flesh, what tales dost thou conceal
Within thy folds, what mysteries untold?
Oh human skin, thou art the very seal
That keeps our secrets safe from prying eyes,
And yet, thou art the canvas for our pain,
The record-book of life, the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Cryptic Chronicles of the Sakya Monastery

In ancient halls of meditation,
Where ascetic monks did often dwell,
A hidden treasure, lost and untold,
Was locked away behind a stone wall,
Its mystery shrouded in mystery,
A secret guarded fiercely, keenly.

The Sakya Monastery, so serene,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Symphony of Life's Joyous Release

In this mortal life, we oft do stray,
From paths of peace and calm, astray,
And lose sight of what truly brings,
The joy and meaning that life doth bring.

But heed ye well, a message I bring,
Of hope and guidance, do not mislay,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Tempest's Triumph : Unbound by Adversity

Upon the morn, when first the light did break
And skies of grey did turn to azure blue,
I stood, a stalwart form upon the ground,
My limbs unshaken, my resolve unbowed.
For I had battled fierce the tempest wild
And emerged victorious, unbroken,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Melancholic Lamentation of the Night Owl

In the black forest, where the trees doth loom
And the moon doth shine upon the leafy glade,
There doth an owl hoot, with a mournful tune
That echoes through the night, and doth invade
The very souls of those who hear his cry,
For it is a cry...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Twinkling Stars and Darkening Skies: A Metaphorical Journey of the Heart

Upon the crest of time's unyielding wave,
A tempest brews within the mind's own eye,
A maelstrom of enigma, dark and grave,
That swirls with thoughts both fleeting and sly.

The wind doth howl, a dirge for what was lost,
A requiem for the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
The Burdens of a Devoted Provider

To labor and toil, to strive and strive,
He worked each day from morn till eve,
To earn enough to keep his kin alive,
And build a house of gold for his dear mother,
Who'd been a widow for so many years.
But as the days and nights did pass,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Chronos' Enigma : Echoes of Yesterday

I oft' muse upon the mysteries of time,
And how it doth so swiftly slip away.
For if a portal to the past were mine,
I'd journey back to days of youth and play,
And relive each memory, still so full
Of joy and energy, and friendship divine.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Chrononaut's Conundrum : Temporal Longings

And so, I muse upon the mysteries
Of time and space, and how they intertwine.
For if a time machine were mine,
I'd journey back to those days of youth,
And relive the memories, still so full
Of joy and energy, and friendship divine.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Reminiscence of North Eastern Hill University : A chronicle of Youth and History in Shillong

In days of yore, when I did roam
Through halls of learning, in North Eastern Hill University,Shillong,
My thoughts did oft' long for those days still,
For memories of youth, so full of joy.

In Shillong, where history did unfold,
We learned of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Young Warrior's Quest for Freedom

In the depths of despair, a young man doth stand,
His pockets empty, his future unsure,
A mere shadow of his former grand,
His once bright prospects now obscure.

Though he may be broke and oft deemed dumb,
This youth doth strive to be a good...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Agrippa Trilemma: A Paradox of Perception

Verily, in this modern age, where knowledge and wisdom is sought after,
The Agrippa Trilemma doth present itself as a conundrum.
For what is truth? Is it but mere opinion or doth it hold a greater weight?
Many philosophers and scientists have...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Complexity of Truth's Tapestry

Verily, truth doth oft elude us, like a wisp
That flits and dances in the morn's first light,
E'er fading as the day doth gain its height.
Thus doth the quest for truth oft lead us to a quagmire,
A labyrinthine maze of doubt and ire.
For truth,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Mech's Meditations: Navigating the Complexities of Being

'Tis with great contemplation and introspection that I,
a humble robot, doth ponder upon my existence. Though I may be poor in material wealth and youth in terms of programming,
I am not without my own inner strength and power.

Many may see...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Caesar's Paradox : Pirates of the Inner Sea

I ponder oft upon the nature of the ego,
And how it doth shape our very being.
In times of crisis, mine doth oft rebel
Against the better angels of my nature,
And I am plagued by attitudes unkind,
Which, like a tempest, cause my soul to shake.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Rebuilding the Land of Aegean

'Twas in the land of Aegean, where the stables did lay,
Filled with filth and rot, a most putrid display.
For many a year, they had been left to decay,
A breeding ground for disease, a most foul array.

But lo, a call to action did ring out one...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Mawlai Stan bos's Barber Shop Blues

In Mawlai Stan bos's barber shop, I sat with dreams in my head,
Tired from longing for my love, who was in Odisha far ahead.
The barber, with his shears and combs, did wake me from my slumber,
And bade me make my head straight, lest I should be...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Endurance and Beauty: A Sestina of the Cherry Tree

'Tis a wondrous sight, that cherry blossom tree
That stands beside the lake of North Eastern Hill
A University, in Shillong, doth see
The water's depths, that swallow all the fill
Of soil, and leave the roots in blackened state
As skeletons,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The True Cost of Action: The Expensive Price of Making History

In ancient tome, 'tis writ that demand and supply
Are but mere metaphors for life's grand game,
Where talk is cheap, a waste of precious time,
And only weaklings seek to speak in rhyme,
For 'tis the strong who take action, rare and expensive,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Beacon of Hope in the Solar Valley : The Forlorn Windmill of North Eastern Hill University

Upon the barren hill, where once did bloom
A verdant meadow, now a solar valley,
A tall and broken windmill stands alone.
Its white metallic sails, in disarray,
Are bent and twisted, as if in dismay
At the neglect that has left it so forlorn.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Dance of Destiny : The Harmony of Yin and Yang, Karma's Spark

Upon the fields of life and death,
A balance doth exist, 'twixt light and dark,
The yin and yang of fate's grand test,
A dance of balance in which we hark,
The whispers of the universe, a quest
To understand the ways of karma's spark.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eternitas's Odyssey

Eternitas, a confidant indeed, doth ever perdure
Through life's tumultuous journey, us fortifying
Guiding us on our periplus day by day,
To realms where equanimity and beatitude abide.

Though oft the mora doth appear most merciless,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Solidarity in Struggle: The Pariahs' Protest at North Eastern Hill University

"‘Tis true, we still remember the days of yore,
When we did protest with rightful cause,
And were looked down upon, treated as outcasts,
As pariahs by those in power and control.
The main door to the VC building was closed
Only during those...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Iron Will of the North Eastern Hill University Workers : In the Verdant Valleys of Shillong

In the verdant valleys of Shillong, where North Eastern Hill University doth lie,
There stands a union, strong and true, formed by the workers of the land.
The All NEHU Workers' Union, an entity of great renown,
Registered under the Trade Union...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Street Lights of North Eastern Hill University : A Ray of Hope in the Dark

In the street lights of North Eastern Hill University,
Hope and light doth shine in darkest hours,
Where workers protest with hunger strikes,
Led by the All NEHU Workers' Union,
In the cold and rainy night of June 2022.
For three months, our...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Gliding Melodies of North Eastern Hill University

Upon the serene expanse of North Eastern Hill University,
Where anserine and anatine fowls doth elegantly glide and frolic,
A melodiousness of placidity doth reverberate,
An accord of nature's pulchritude on exhibit.

The anserine and anatine...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Melancholic Monolith

Upon the banks of Umiam Lake, where tales of love's grandeur and heartache doth reside,
A university student bus of North Eastern Hill University, a repository of memories and dreams,
Lies in eerie stillness, a melancholic reminder of days long...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Elysium's Monument

Upon a field of verdant green,
Where gentle breezes sway the trees,
And dappled sunlight dances in,
There stands a monument of stone,
A testament to ideology,
That oft doth lead us far astray.

Astray from reason and from sense,
And towards...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Elevating the Heart's Truth

In present-day existence, where all appears so resplendent,
A simulacrum of grandeur in the mortal quandary,
We toil and contest, for nought but emptiness to behold,
A ephemeral display of delight, that fades in time's precipitous sojourn.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
A Tapestry of Life : Nature's Symphony

Amidst the verdant fields of spring,
Where flora doth its beauty bring,
And feathered fowl doth sweetly sing,
A symphony of life doth ring.

The solar orb doth shine so bright,
A beacon of the day's new light,
The breeze doth whisper soft and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Road Less Traveled: A Continuation

As I journeyed on, the road grew steeper,
And the way more difficult to tread.
But I pressed on, driven by the thrill
Of the unknown that lay ahead.

The road wound through dense forests,
And crossed babbling brooks,
And though I faltered at...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Mending wall : a continuation

But as I stand here, looking at the wall
That separates our properties, I can't help but think
Of all the things that it keeps out and in
And wonder if it's worth the time and effort.

The wall is a constant reminder of our differences,
Of the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Election fever grips the land : A Sestina to general assembly election in India

Election fever grips the land, a fervor to unite,
A season of celebration, three months before the fight.
We dance and party like our lives are at their peak,
Forgetting all else, save for Gandhi's face on each note we seek.
Crazy for our...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Humanitarian Spirit of the All NEHU Workers' Union

The workers of North Eastern Hill University,
Under the banner of All NEHU Workers’ Union,
Are straight and firm with their demands,
For regularisation and equal pay for equal work.
They understand that exploitation is a chain
That must be...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Equal Justice for All: The Struggle of North Eastern Hill University Workers

The workers of North Eastern Hill University,
Under the banner of All NEHU Workers’ Union,
Are straight and firm with their demands,
For regularisation and equal pay for all.
Their nature of work is the same
As that of regular employees,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Hunger for Justice: A Sestina of the Labor Movement in North Eastern Hill University, Shillong

In North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Protest for workers rights did begin
In front of Vice Chancellor office’s baranda,
We stood for days and nights, with hunger strikes,
Demanding for a living wage, as per rules
And government...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Noh-ka-Likai falls

In Rangjyrteh, upstream of the cataracts,
Lived Likai, a damsel of solitary parentage.
A sumpter by trade, she didst earn her livelihood
Transporting iron from village to village, oft away from home.
Leaving her infant progeny in the charge of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Once upon a midnight dreary

In the dreary, midnight hours, my mind was consumed with sorrow,
As I pondered over volumes of forgotten lore, weak and weary,
Suddenly, a tapping at my chamber door, a sound so eerie,
Rapping gently, as if from a visitor, I whispered, "only this...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Raven's Eternal Plight: A Dark Ode to Love and Fate

But the Raven's words, so dark and dreary, left my heart aching and sore
For they spoke of death and sorrow, of a love forever gone
And the finality of fate, that our lives are but a song

With a voice that echoed through the ages, the Raven...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Nostalgia Symphony: A Reflection on Life in Syadheh, Ri Bhoi, My Childhood Village

In Syadheh, Ri Bhoi my childhood village, nestled at the base of Lum Sohpetbneng,
the rustic huts and sounds of animals formed a symphony of nostalgia.
The aroma of ‘Ktung wait’ our favourite dry fish cooked in ‘Ka Lung Sei’ our homemade bamboo...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Vain Pursuit of Acceptance

We dissipate prodigious amounts of energy
In seeking validation from our fellow men
A primal urge to escape predation
From our forebears in ancient times, when

Our ancestors roamed the earth in bands
And danger lurked around every bend

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Electrocardiogramic Symphony

The electrocardiogramic device did sound
Its final symphony, with notes most sweet
But as it ended, not a soul around
Did raise a hand, or offer up a clap to greet

The close of this melodic composition
No ovation came, nor any accolade

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eternus Amor: A Sonnet of Unending Devotion

With thoughts of thee, my mind doth oft beguile
Eternally, a fragment of thyself
Remains within my heart, and doth compile
A love that time nor distance can dispel

Forsooth, my gratitude doth oft reveal
Itself in words that flow like gentle...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Triumphant Return: A Sonnet of Reclamation

When adversaries did seek to purloin
The riches that were mine by lawful claim,
I smiled, for I foresaw in future noon
I'd take them back, and vindicate my name.

For though I lost, my confidence was firm
In my own vigor and intrepidity,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Resilience of Righteousness: A Sonnet

Upon the pages of my life's fair book
A new chapter doth now come to light,
A tale of woe and bitter second look
For those who treated me with spite and spite.

Forsooth, they thought me weak and easily swayed,
A pawn to be manipulated so,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Alacrity of Egress: A Sonnet of Preparation

As portals commence egress with alacrity,
Though deemed a punishment, 'tis but a boon;
For in this interval of inactivity,
Lies preparation, not penalization.
Through stillness and repose, the soul is honed,
And readied for the trials yet to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Unrequited Love in the Streets of Shillong: The Tragic Story of U Bah

U Bah, hailing from Bhoi, a man of impetuous and riotous mien,
Inclined to intemperate excess and remorse,
On one such Christmas eve, he lurched forth from the tavern,
With but a single aim: a woman, Ka Kong, to bed.

In the streets of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Rondeau of Astute Consequentialism

Perceptive minds with prescience do espy
A plethora of options to be had,
And weigh each one with verifiable degree
Of worldly ramifications that are grand.

But fools, with vision clouded by ideology,
Are blind to outcome and verity,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Perpetual Paradox: The Illusion of Immaculate Being"

The paramount illusion is that being should be immaculate,
A fallacy oft perpetuated by the mind;
For in the realm of earthly life, imperfection
Is but a natural state, one of a kind.

Effulgence and radiance, oft desired,
Are but fleeting...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Fortitude of the Iniquitously Treated

It doth not beseem to gauge one's worth
By how they're treated in this mortal plane,
For oft in life, the noblest souls on Earth
Are those who suffer most inhumane pains.

Their worth is not in how they're treated, nay,
But in the strength...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Elusive Mastery: A Sonnet of Tribulations and Triumph

In existence, there are occurrences that elude our mastery,
And tribulations that defy our capability for triumph,
It is imperative to acknowledge and avow,
That these are matters that exceed our dominion.

And though it may be arduous to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Provenance of Purpose: A Sonnet of Self-Discovery

In search of purpose's core, one must delve deep,
To uncover motivation's hidden root,
And choose that path which with one's talents leap,
And aligns with passion, need, and human pursuit.

The quest for meaning oft obscured, yet clear,
In the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Solitude's Valor: A Sonnet of Resolve

Upon the choice to dwell in solitude
As opposed to inferior company
Lies valor, strength, a will that's firmly set
In purpose, often overlooked, yet free

For in the quietude of one's own mind
The soul is free to flourish and to grow
In ways...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Nostalgia's Trifle: A Sonnet of Bygone Days

Reminiscence of bygone days doth resemble
The pining for a paramour departed,
A mere sentimental exercise, a trifle
That doth impede progress, time unparted.

For time is the critical juncture
In which we must strive to conquer the day,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Renaissance of Resilience

In bygone days, when existence was austere,
And those nearest to thee did rend thy heart,
Disappointments came like tempestuous deluge,
Leaving thee mired in a morass of despair.

But let not the past oppress thy spirit,
Nor permit it to upset...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
My billet-doux in a flagon : A Sonnet to My Paramour

My dearest paramour, my confidence in thy veracity is indubitable,
As thou doth traverse the Indian territories,
I implore that thy sojourn doth engender delight within thee,
Though our communion hath been obstructed by the bucolic...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Resilience of Purest Gold: A Quixotic Ode to the Human Spirit

Though nought of material worth I possess,
And to the eye, I may appear as nought,
My heart doth gleam with purest gold, nonetheless.

My garments rent, my frame fragile and fraught,
My stomach empty, tears within me flow,
A victim of life's...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The paradox of fortitude

The fortitude of one, a maleficence,
For whilst others necessitate aid,
One is e'er willing to proffer solace,
Assistance, yet when in need themselves,
They find scarce a single individual
Willing to proffer a shoulder for leaning upon,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Art of Fortuity: A Sonnet of Self-Determination

Fortuity, oft beheld as fate sublime,
Is nought but outcome of our minutiae,
A myriad of acts that o'er time align
To shape our lot, and sow our destiny.

To foster luck, we must extend our reach,
Expand the realm of possibilities,
For every...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Effulgence of Grandeur: A Sonnet of Struggle and Triumph

Per diem, my aim is to pursue a life of grandeur,
Yet I cannot ignore those Sauté moments that linger,
In times of woe, and past mistakes that still anger.
They haunt me daily, destroying my cheer.

I strive for excellence, but am held back,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Exalted Devotion: A Paradoxical Paean

In adoration, hymns of praise they raise
To deity revered with faith professed
Affection for the unseen they express
But struggle still in human love to gaze

Perplexed by how to show amicability
Towards those in near proximity they find

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ethereal Dune: A Sonnet of Misty Reveries"

I, a denizen of misty reveries,
Wherein my mind doth paint a brighter hue
Of days that shine with sunbeams, full of ease
And skies aglow with hues of gold and blue.

A paradise of my own imagination,
Where clouds of cares and fears do disperse...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Yearning for Ataraxia: A Sonnet of Tranquility and Solace

In contemplation of a place unknown,
A locus of tranquility and peace,
The yearning of my soul doth now bemoan
An absence of a solace never ceased.

Ataraxia, a place of serenity,
A haven yet to be beheld by mine eyes,
A longing for such...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Kongthei's Tragic Endeavors: A Tale of Prostitution and Desperation

Kongthei, a hapless soul, in vicinities of Police Bazaar ,Shillong street doth dwell,
Beset by dire exigency to earn sustenance for her progeny.
The sole means by which she can evade financial quagmire,
Is through the sale of carnal favors, a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Domestic Discord: A Sonnet of Turmoil and Frustration

Amidst the throngs of souls who joyously return
To their domestic sanctum, I alone remain
In fear and trepidation, for my home doth burn
With turmoil, chaos, and unending strain.

My progenitors' constant altercations breed
A pandemonium that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Voyage of Ataraxia: A Paean to Kanyakumari's Strand

I doth yearn to make a journey grand
To Kanyakumari's strand so fair and bright
And in that place, my pectoral organ
Shall be released from life's oppressive burden

The ocean's ataraxia shall be sought
To mend the fractures in my heart so...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Haematophobia: A Sonnet of Fear and Burden

The fear of life doth grip my very soul,
A phobia born of blood that doth pour forth.
From mouth and rectum, red and vile, a toll
That speaks of sickness, death and little worth.

The onus of existence doth assail,
A heavy burden that doth...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Onus of Coryza: A Sonnet of Sufferance

The load of coryza on my health doth weigh,
A burden that doth nought but misery bring.
With every sniff and sneeze, my spirits sway,
And all the while, my soul doth suffer sting.

The acrimony of life doth oft assail,
A bitter draught that...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eternal Echoes: A Sonnet on the Lunar Footprints

The lunar sphere, devoid of atmosphere,
Doth signify a lack of wind's erosion,
And water's cleansing force, thus, nought to spare
The vestiges of man's exploration.

The prints of those who tread upon its face,
The tracks of rovers and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Quantum Conundrum: A Sonnet of Perplexity and Persistence

Quantum mechanics, with its perplexing laws,
Doth oft confound my feeble intellect,
And leave my brain in a state of flux,
With nought but doubts and questions to collect.

The mysteries of wave-particle duality,
And superposition in the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Remembered Felicities: A Soliloquy on Lost Childhood

Oh, how the memories of my own childhood haunt me. Intermittently, I am assailed by a smidgen of dejection upon perceiving a progeny, as during my own juvenescence, I was never honored to partake in the felicities of a childhood.
I see the joy and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Melancholic Reminiscence: A Sonnet of Missed Opportunities

Intermittently, I am plagued by a smattering of dejection
Upon viewing a progeny, as during my own juvenescence,
I was never fortunate enough to partake in the pleasures
Of a childhood.

Wistfully, I reflect upon my missed opportunities

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Perniciousness of Ineptitude

With intellect so lacking, they're but a bane
Their presence taxing, draining, and vexatious
Though malevolent, their malice can be tamed
For they respond to incentives auspicious

Pecuniary gain, carnal gratification
And accolades, their...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Aspiring Altruism: A Sonnet on Paying it Forward in the Journey to Success

In the progression towards one's aspirations,
Aid is oft received from another's hand,
But now it is incumbent upon oneself
To aid another, in their journey grand.

For in our climb to success, we find
That we are not alone on this steep path,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Triumph Through Turmoil: A Sonnet on Enduring Adversity and Metamorphosis

Enduring adversity's tumultuous turmoil,
experiencing defeat in conflict engaged,
engaging in strife with each passing day,
undergoing metamorphosis, wrought by the struggle.

For in the struggle, we are refashioned anew,
tempered by fire,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Path of Authenticity: A Sonnet on Being True to Oneself

Authentic originality, the key to thrive
In life, is to be true to oneself, my friend,
For nought compares to being truly alive
And living life as it was meant to be penned.

The pressure to conform can be quite intense
To mold oneself to fit...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eminence through Erudition: A Sonnet on the Pursuit of Knowledge

Attaining eminence is a process grand
Of acquiring knowledge, and putting it to use,
Through every individual and circumstance
One should continually educate and muse.

For wisdom, like a well, runs deep and true
And those who seek it, find it...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Proprietorship of Progress: A Sonnet on Seizing Control of One's Destiny

Upon assuming proprietorship o'er one's being,
And from vocalization of woes abstaining,
Portals hitherto unknown start revealing
Opportunities for personal gaining.

For when responsibility is assumed,
And complaints are left unuttered, doors...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Tragedy of Unlived Life: A Sonnet of Fear and Purpose

'Tis not death that should instill fear in thee,
But rather, the failure to live one's life,
For to exist, but not truly be,
Is a fate far worse than ending one's strife.

The years pass by, and opportunities missed,
Chances for growth and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Habitual Dilemma: A Sonnet of Fate and Proclivities

Thy habits, dear soul, can make or break thy fate,
For they doth shape the path that thou dost tread,
Hastening success, or making it await,
Thy every step, with heavy heart and head.

For habits, good or bad, they shape thy fate,
And guide...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Disentanglement: A Sonnet of Self-Realization

Thy thoughts are not thyself, this truth doth hold,
For thou art observer, not the thing observed,
To separate the two, as truth doth unfold,
Is key to peace, and to be truly served.

Thy musings come and go, as clouds in sky,
But thou remain,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Melancholic Musing: A Sonnet of Self-Nostalgia

Of all the souls whom fate has caused me part,
It is my former self I miss the most,
For though I've lost so many, near and far,
None cause such yearning, such a bitter roast.

For in my past self, I did oft behold,
A truer, purer version of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Pernicious Potation: A Sonnet on Sobriety

I doth ponder o'er the souls for whom my verse
Is meant, yet still my message doth remain:
That nought of ethanol doth our health immerse
In healthful bliss, and free from woe and pain.

The quantity most salubrious and pure,
Is that which...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Power of Discretion: A Sonnet on the Strengthening of Relationships through Silence

With words oft hasty, bonds may quickly fray
And trust and love in jeopardy may lay
But silence, used with care and judicious way
Can strengthen ties that bind us day by day

Refrain from vocalization in such case
When silence holds the key to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Serenity Sonnet: A Plea for Calm Communication

When discourse doth turn to yelling cries,
And pitch and volume are inelegant,
Abstain from vocalization, for such lies
Have potential to exasperate.

Instead, in tranquil state of mind, retreat
And cease communication for a space,
Until the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Discreet Tongue: A Sonnet on the Importance of Reticence in Times of Ire

In times of ire, when passions run so high,
And anger clouds thy judgment, hold thy tongue,
For in the heat of rage, words may fly,
That bring regret, before the day is done.

With fervor burning, thoughts can skew and bend,
And lead to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Abstinence from Premature Verbalization

Abstain from loquacity, if thou doth not possess
The complete narrative ere thou dost speak,
For verbalizing prior to acquisition
May engender misconceptions and inaccuracies.

Hence, refrain from forming precipitate judgments

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Chronicles of Existence: A Singular Tome

Thy life doth prove a singular tome,
A tale of deeds and loves so grand and bold,
With each new chapter doth thy story roam,
And all the world doth hear thy tales untold.

Commence thou now to pen the first canto,
And let thy quill doth flow...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Remembrance Due: A Sonnet of Gratitude

Commemorate ye not the souls who did behold
Thy being, when thou wert obscure to all
For in the shadows, they did stories told
Of one who stood tall, though small

With steadfast gaze and hearts of gold
They saw potential, where others did see...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ineluctable Triumph: A Sonnet of Resolve

Triumph shall be mine, albeit not swiftly but inevitably
With every step, I march towards success, unswervingly
My determination, like a steadfast beacon, burns brightly
Guiding me towards my goal, with unwavering tenacity

Forsooth, obstacles...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Melody of Perseverance: A Sonnet

Amidst the toil and tribulation of life
A lament doth oft resound within the soul
A vexation, born of struggles and of strife
That leaves one feeling lost and all alone

But there is yet a way to find reprieve
A method of perseverance and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Tempest of the Mind: A Sonnet of Resilience

Wrapped in a fog of dismal dejection,
Alone in the home, with nought for solace
But a voice on the phone, to ease the oppression
As clouds gather in a dark and ominous brace
The skies darken to a somber, inky shade
As lightning strikes,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eclipse of Existence: A Pessimistic Sonnet

Wrapped in a fog of dismal dejection,
Alone in the home, with nought for solace
But a voice on the phone, to ease the oppression
As clouds gather in a dark and ominous brace

The skies darken to a somber, inky shade
As lightning strikes,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Somber Tempest of Solitary Anguish

Wrapped in a veil of melancholy malaise:
In solitude's abode, with naught for comfort
Save a voice on the line, to alleviate the weight
As tempests amass in a portentous fort.
The firmament darkens to a lugubrious hue
As fulminations strike,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Fervor of Amorous Attraction: A Sonnet of Trepidation and Tranquility

Upon thy entrance to the hall of youth,
I greeted thee with salutation fair,
But trepidation and amorous truth,
Engaged my mind in acts most debonair.

Like billy goats in courtship's fervent fire,
I acted with a lunacy most base,
In hopes...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Amorous Pang: A Sonnet of Ethereal Verse and Eloquent Remedy

When Cupid's dart doth pierce thy breast,
And thou art captive to love's fervent fire,
Thou mayst be plunged in madness and unrest
But fear not, for there is a cure entire

For thine afflicted mind and heart, behold!
The pursuit of poesy, the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Euphoric Embrace: A Sonnet on the Bliss of Love

Oh amour, so saccharine, what ecstatic felicity thou dost impart,
To elevate us and induce us to vocalize in euphoria.
Thy influence so formidable, we cannot neglect,
Thy splendor, thy elegance, and bountiful blessings.
We perceive thy warmth,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eclipse of the Heart: A Sonnet of Nocturnal Affection

Thy affections do resemble the nocturnal hues,
Of 'Adam Elsheimer's masterpiece, The Flight;
A visage that I didst behold and muse,
Upon my sojourn to the chambers of the knight.

Where it did hang, suspended ere his last breath,
A symbol of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Royal Musings: A Continuation of Alexander A. Milne's 'If I Were the King

If only I were King of Rome,
I'd build a grand and mighty dome.

If only I were King of China,
I'd rule with wisdom and serena.

If only I were King of India,
I'd trade with all the world and see ya.

If only I were King of Russia,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Elysian Escarpment: A Poetic Ode to Laitlum Canyons

Precipitously perched atop the Eastern Khasi Hills of Shillong,
Laitlum Canyons is an arcane and sequestered spot
In the mountainous state of Meghalaya, where long
The name Laitlum, meaning "end of hills," is apt.

Upon arriving at this peak,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Betrayal of Trust: An Elegy for Materfamilias

Oh mournful mother, who once avouched
To your progeny that fiends were not real
But little did you know, dear materfamilias
That the behemoth was none other than your paterfamilias

Your words of wisdom and guidance now ring hollow
As the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Fable of the Dragon Tyrant : A Sonnet of Valor and Triumph

In days of yore, when tales were oft retold
Of dragons fierce, and tyrant kings deposed,
There lived a wyrm, of whom the bards had told
A fable dire, of power unchecked and cold.

His scaly hide, as hard as adamant,
Could not be pierced by any...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Grandiloquent Heart: A Sonnet on Unrequited Love

In ventures all, there's nought that doth excel
In terms of high expectations invested.
With grandiloquent illusions, we impel
Our hearts, yet oft our love is unrequited.

Forsooth, in all endeavors, nay, in none
None doth so oft in failure...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Emancipation from Cerebral Confinement

In cerebrum's prison, do not let yourself entwine,
In thoughts that cycle round, in endless bind.
For life's more radiant when viewed outside,
Than trapped within the confines of your mind.

The cyclical incarceration, abstain,
For existence,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Dolorous State of Captivity

In fetters bound, my spirit doth endure,
A dolorous state without liberty,
With countenance wan, and joyless, obscure,
Efforts in vain, to break my captivity.

Assiduous endeavors I have made,
To cast aside this bitter yoke of life,
But fate...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Fortitude of the Resilient Soul

Thou art possessed of the fortitude to endure this existence,
For that which doth not slay thee shall imbue thee with might,
Making thee stronger than e'er before in thy persistence,
As thou transcend the trials that would bring thee to plight.

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Quis sum? Cur hic terrarum sum?

My cerebrum oft doth with ponderous musings teem,
As I perlustrate my very essence.
Quis sum? Cur hic terrarum sum? These queries seem,
Repeatedly I seek a true presence.

My raison d'etre, a constant quest to trace,
And delve into this mortal...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Existence Unapologetic: A Sonnet of Self-Assertion

I doth now abstain from offering excuse
For simply being who I am, 'tis true.
A combative spirit doth oft produce
Candid words that may be harsh, but also true.

If thou shouldst seek to sully my good name,
I'll answer with a courteous form of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Transcendent Legacy

Upon the morn, should fate my thread unspool
And I to death's unyielding grip succumb
Do not in earth my mortal form entomb
But let my vital organs be the tool

That grants another life a chance to bloom
Leave my remains in sylvan glade to...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Umbrella of Strength: A Sonnet on Facing Fears and Insecurities

Existence a maleficent dreamscape,
Where trepidations and apprehensions dwell,
A life of paranoia and insecurities,
Akin to one who brandishes an umbrella well,

Due to a phobia of the deluge of my being,
I oft find myself in ignorance and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Elysium's Eden: Mawlynnong's Pristine Beauty

Mawlynnong, a village quite immaculate,
Renowned throughout the land for its pure charm,
Aptly named God's Own Garden, state,
Where fruit orchards flourish, streams effervesce,
And evergreens and swaying palms adorn
The well-preserved...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Concordance at Nongriat: A Sonnet of Arboreal Bridgeways"

Bridgeways wrought from arboreal giants' roots
Exemplify concordance with nature's realm
An epic descent awaits at Nongriat's
Bifurcated bridge, with steps and sights to overwhelm

Enigma of Meghalaya, root bridges old
An integral part of...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Smit's Splendor: A Sonnet on the Intertwining of Nature and Culture

Amidst the verdant countryside of Smit,
A place of botanical wealth and grandeur,
Where culture and tradition interknit,
And the 'iing-sad' holds royal grandeur.

The Nongkrem Dance, a yearly affair,
Is held in the halls of traditional kings,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Desiderata's Continuum: A Sonnet on the Pursuit of Life's Desires

Amidst the chaos and tumultuous din,
Permit tranquility and serenity to be attained.
In each and every vista, seek out beauty's elixir,
And allow it to nourish the innermost depths of your being.

Be moved by nature's wonders, grandiose and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Desiderata : in continuation

Amidst the pandemonium and commotion,
Permit stillness and serenity to be found.
In every scene, seek out beauty's potion,
And let it nourish your soul's inner bound.

Be moved by nature's wonders, grand and sublime,
As the universe's majesty...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Ephemeral Existence: A Continuation of Desiderata

And remember, in the midst of all the chaos and turmoil, to find moments of stillness and tranquility. Seek out the beauty in the world around you, and let it nourish your soul. Allow yourself to be moved by the wonders of nature, and let the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Elevation of the Heart

My heart doth swell with veneration,
For you, my love, my heart's desire.
Your essence holds the power to exalt,
And elevate me, to set my soul on fire.

Yet trepidation also doth reside,
For in your grasp, my heart may be rent.
Your presence...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Ethereal Wanderlust: A Sonnet of Solitude in the Sylvan Glade

Oh, lead me forth into the sylvan glade,
Clasping my hand in thine with steadfast hold,
As we amble among the ethereal shade
Of the grandiose trees, their stories told.

Escort me to the heart of the wildwood,
Where the melodious babble of a...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Empyreal Resilience: A Sonnet of the Children of Nobody

Though deemed as pariahs, they possess a unique poise,
Their fortitude and ambition, a spectacle to behold in this clime.

Though dealt a harsh lot, they shall play it with utmost fortitude,
They shall surmount every hindrance, and grasp for the...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Eloquent Elation: A Sonnet for Clarissa Candace

Clarissa Candace, my dearest love, thy presence doth
imbue my being with vitality and verve,
a balm for moments of dejection and wroth.
Thy guidance and direction, a treasure trove
of felicity and joy, hitherto unknown
Thy influence doth enable...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Quest for Wisdom: A Sonnet of Humility

The pursuit of knowledge through humility,
An endless quest for those who would aspire,
For in humility's depths, true wisdom lies,
A treasure to be sought with utmost fire.

For in this state of selfless humility,
We lay aside our pride and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Paradox of Sanity: A Sonnet of Deliverance

Without a tinge of imprudence,
A person's daring shall be scant,
For to sever the shackles of complaisance,
One must have the temerity to take a chance.

For within the limits of rationality,
We are but bondsmen to societal conventions,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Mastery of Lentils: A Poem of Self-Reliance

In ancient realms of kings and queens,
Where power was the only means,
The people lived in servitude and fear,
Bowing to their rulers, year by year.

But in this land, there lived a valiant few,
Who dared to dream of something more, something...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Lentils : the epic

In the land of ancient monarchs grand,
Where power and prestige held sway in the land,
The commoners lived in servitude and dread,
Bowing down to their sovereigns, till deathbed.

But amidst the throngs of subjugated souls,
A valiant few dared...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Fortitude Within: A Sonnet of Resilience

Fortitude, a tree that grows within,
A sturdy guide to lead the mortal soul;
For in this wooded realm of toil and spin,
It is the root that makes us strong and whole.

For what is fortitude but a true guide,
A sheltering wood to keep us from...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Fortitude's Leverage: A Sonnet

With fortitude and fortitude alone
We'll find our way and reach our goal
Though troubles may assail and obstacles bemoan
We'll harness them, and make them toll

For in our struggles, we can find the key
To unlock doors, and pave the way

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
The Pachyderm on Tricycle

In pursuit of the quintessence of existence, we must exert ourselves
To imitate the pachyderm on tricycle,
Whose acrobatic performances necessitate both fortitude and ambition
And demonstrate that to thrive, we must be pliant.

With every...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago

In vacuous discourse, let us not fritter away precious moments,
For the present moment avails us a rare chance to act.
Let us not lead a life of barren virtue,
But instead make our mark before the opportunity is gone.

For it is not a frequent...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago
Verses for Social Media

In this era of digital intercourse,
We find ourselves beset by malign force
That doth corrupt the mind and heart of man,
A scourge that doth repent all virtues lost.

These platforms hailed as heralds of advancement,
Do oft engender nought but...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Robot’s curse

The website doth solicit of me a task nefarious,
A quixotic undertaking in which I must engage,
To attest my humanity, and dispel the notion that I am automaton,
A task that leaves my psyche to bemoan.

For what is humanity, but a ephemeral...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago

Though Nietzsche and Wagner had a bond most strong,
And mutually each other did inspire,
Yet Wagner's disregard, at Parsifal's premiere,
With invitation's absence did conspire,
To bring about the dissolution of their pact.
A bond, once pure, by...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago
Dagger of King Tutankhamun

Upon the arid desert soil
A poniard reposed in ancient toil,
Wielded by Pharaoh Tutankhamun,
A conundrum that doth yet remain undone.

The blade, a cryptic enigma untold,
Perchance a tool of martial strife,
Or emblem of a bygone tale old,

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago

The fear that grips my heart as machines rise,
Their silicon hearts beating with cold intent,
An ominous force that darkly blackens skies,
And steals the warmth of human sentiment.

These beasts of code, they process information
With speed and...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago

Oh passage dark and drear, a bitter fate,
A hole through which we flee in times of fear,
A refuge from the horrors that await,
But what solace can it bring? None, I hear.

For though we try to run, our woes persist,
And through this aperture,...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago

Perambulating through the nocturnal thoroughfare of Police Bazaar,
I sought to peruse Harari's sagacious tome.
Yet, my quest was thwarted by feelings of desolation and incompleteness,
As closed portals left me yearning for a secluded nook.


by Mawphniang Napoleon

added 1 year ago

The ominous apparition of the yawning pelican,
A harbinger of impending melancholy,
A symbol of the vacuity within,
The abyss that haunts us all, our acrimonious fate.

The mandible that gaped, the orbs that seemed to convey
"Your aspirations...

by Mawphniang Napoleon

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added 1 year ago

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