Judas Tribe's Betrayal Ballet

The masquerade unmasks, pretense laid bare,
When shadows creep from hidden crevices,
And silver tongues reveal vulgarities.
Friends flee, foes multiply, beyond compare-
The tribe's true face unveiled without a care.
All light extinguished, plunged in dark abyss,
Alone, adrift on merciless, cold seas.  
But O! the wisdom waiting to be shared-
The hard-earned gems, uncovered 'neath foul lies,
More precious than dull quartz of common days.
Accept each trial, transcend and rise-
On broken wings, a wounded phoenix flies.
Renounce vain hopes, fear not the lonesome maze-
Walk on, though all familiar landmarks fade.

What use are sunlit meadows, tranquil waters?
Nothing revealed but surface, gossamer.
The tempest breaks, unmaking all that was.
Yet, from the ruins, firmer faith still gathers.  
Resilient roots probe hidden rocks for purchase.
Upturned earth unveils fertility beneath.
From depths unknown, springs of renewal burst.
So falls the shadow, light shines forth the brighter.
Be not the water-lily on the lake,
Fair and fragile, torn by rains and wind.
Descend, seek treasures that the darkness makes.
Though all seems lost, much is still left to find.
In solitude the soul awakes, unbound.
Climb Jacob's ladder - heaven is underground.

O Judas tribe, beyond all trust's revoking!
What sought you with kisses of betrayal?
In innocence the lamb plays, unknowing
The butcher's shed where death impatiently waits.
Yet no mistake to trust where trust is owed.
The fault lies not in open hearts, but those
Who feed on faith with harmful intent sowed.
Naivete sees beauty, though hot winds blow.
While seasoned eyes detect the coming storm.
Forgive them, for they comprehend not their acts.
Glimpse the garden beyond this desert swarm.
When all friends desert, divine friendship attracts.
On the rosebush, bright blooms and thorns both belong.
Without the grim night, dawn's anthem goes unsung.

How stark, this solitude devoid of company!
Like skeletal trees, stark-white on hillsides hoar.
Their whispered secrets only ghosts can see.
Yet herein, a subtle freedom lies in store-  
No ceremony, no false affections worn.
The bare soul stands, stripped of custom's disguise.
Now separation's agony is borne.
But O! the vision waiting to arise!
Beyond roles assigned and ties that bind and chafe,
Who are you, in the stillness, undefined?
Outgrown the shell, spread forth and take your shape!
You owe existence no explanations.  
While the world's eyes accuse, fixed heavens approve.
On sacred hills, pray to the God you love.

How empty, garish, once-loved haunts appear!
Hollow revelry, by quiet moon admonished.
The circus remnants, now absurd and drear.
Once-wise counsel, into platitudes demolished.
Fair weather friends take flight like frightened birds.
How fickle, fleeting, were those bonds now gone!
Abandoned altars, fractured images and words.
Yet even idols, in their breaking, impart
Account of what the soul once deemed divine.  
The deepest heartbreak, a treasure bestowed.
Weak locks unbolted, stronger gates now bind.
Freedom demands all comforts disavowed.  
Seek higher Wisdom, whose enigmas seduce-
Whose hands uphold you, though you face the noose.

Upon this alien shore, no kindred spirit in sight,
Wandering alone through cold and murky fog,
Each step uncertain, indistinct the path ahead.  
Like shattered mirror, identity now fragmented.  
Familiar moorings all abandoned, dissolved in mist.
No guide, nor grammarye, nor map to lead the way.
Why come you here, O Soul, to this benighted land?
Take courage! Though the comforts of old are gone,  
There is wisdom in walking paths never before trod.
With each faltering step, new strength is forged.   
Friends prove false, but faith and valor find renewal.  
Beyond the fog, behold majestic peaks unknown!   
In strange music, a new language is revealed.  
’Though exiled, walk on as one who knows no bounds.  
Ahead, a promised land where holy light abounds.   

How fickle curst ambition, hungry for renown-
Fair friends now 66684 enemies abound.
Yet slander and deceit but test the truth.  
Blow, forge, tempestuous winds on Doubt's harsh anvil,
Till shine alone the silver grains of sooth.
Flee gilded shelters, face at last the tempest-
No more in antique mirrors seek your reflection.
Blinding fog at first, will burn away to reveal  
Landscapes and truths never dreamt before.
In caverns measureless to man, descend.  
Though all light forsake you, keep faith yet.  
No guide but resolute will, let it suffice.  
From deep mines issue richer jewels up to paradise.
Those once held dear, now strange phantoms seem.
But O, within! what hidden realms yet to gleam.

Where lingered the honeyed breezes of yester-morn?  
Only the ashen ghost of memory remains.  
No birdsong, nor breath of spring, solace forlorn.
World lies defiled, profaned by falsehood's stains.  
Each familiar comfort, now strange and remote.
Once-sheltering groves, now wintry haggards appear.  
Trusted intimates, like actors doffed their roles.   
Yet, grieve not this loss, but the flaw within self.   
For trusting unwise, the wound too soon revealed.    
In flames of disillusion, let the dross be smelted,
And forth issue new-wrought steel, true-tempered.   
Venture beyond old haunts, no longer haunted.   
Let the maze mislead- wander where it will.    
Loyal lanes once walked, now with thorns instilled.
Yet ahead, behold sunlit peaks, virgin still.

O bitter blessing, this isolation unveiled!  
No longer mid half-hearted well-wishers to dwell.  
At last, truth's stern visage unveiled, sharp and clear.
No more the winsome masquerade, wine-inspired.
All fare-thee-wells now farewell, trust contravened.
Yet glean from the ashes of pyres erstwhile raised-   
Friends prove fickle, but faith yet firmer grown.  
No smiling visages, but His face alone.  
Let go the anchors, no safe harbor in sight.  
Launch forth, though dread leviathans lap the keel.   
Bind close His words- no other light suffices.   
Let go all that entices, enamors or avails.   
Deep caves summon now- therein wisdom unveiled.  
Take heart, though former haunts and friends now fail.
New stars shine when once-trusted lights grow pale.

No more the garish glow of crowded halls,  
Where revelers in painted masks drink deep.  
How loud and vain their idle laughter falls!    
Here solitude and silence my vigils keep.    
Let go the ways once walked, waters once sailed.    
No guiding stars, nor tracks, nor chart nor compass.    
Now set your face toward horizons veiled.   
Though dangers dire loom, falter not, hold fast.  
Through bleak and blasted heaths, behold unseen  
Far green Edens gleam- take heart and carry on.   
Where all familiar lights failed, new suns rise to shine.   
At the grave's cold lips, hear death's defeat sung.
Though former friends flee, His friendship fast remains.  
Walk on, His hand will guide where human succor wanes.  

How stark the lonely vigil, bereft of earthly cheer!
No fond companion nor fair wine to warm the heart.
The hour of desolation nears, all comforts disappear.  
Yet trust- though foes surround, His love stays near.  
Endure the test, seek wisdom in adversity.   
Let sorrows carve channels, barren rock now a fountain.
Where deepest darkness dwells, there truth lies.   
Descend the secret stair behind the tapestry.  
Underground await prizes yet undreamt.   
Seek not respite nor redemption from earthly woes.   
But treasure each pang that provokes the soul's growth.
Let the torrent rage, froth and foam, O human rose.   
Your thorny path, though twisted, toward heaven climbs.  
In the stark forest, by failings unfurled, the flower of spirit blooms.
Forsake empty praises, now the godhead looms.

 How stark, these dismal woods where no light shines!  
Each step uncertain, brambles tear the skin.   
No birds sing here, no breath of springtime.   
Abandoned altars, only ghosts haunt these ruins.    
All familiar props and patterns now dissolve.  
Alone on strange seas, no harbor in sight.   
O Soul, trust yet the time-tempered resolve       
That steered your prow beyond past shores of light.   
Through mist and murk, keep an inward flame alight.   
Untrodden ways summoned you- take heart and go on.  
Though the quest seems cursed, press toward horizons bright.   
At night's zenith, intuit the coming dawn.  
New stars shine forth when once-trusted suns expire.   
Though the path twist, His hand shall still guide higher.  

How jarring, the stark silence where laughter echoed!    
These vacant halls, once bright, bereft and cold.     
Each familiar comfort grown odd and remote.   
No birds sing now in the woods gone wintry.     
Yet know- in the bone-chill wakes wisdom for those     
Who dare embrace the dark, hushed void beyond forms.   
Shed the outworn robes, stand new-born and naked.    
No guides nor maps for the path you now take.     
Put away childish things, boldly walk on.    
Leave behind laurel and lute, the muse's gifts.    
Ahead loom the mountains where spirit is forged.    
Now signless realms summon- relinquish all else.   
Though former friends flee, faith remains steadfast.  
Upon this alien shore, unfold your true self.  
In strange music, hear your soul's anthem at last.

How fickle, these fair friends who took flight so swift!    
As stars that shone bright, now sudden blinking out.   
Yet mourn them not, but your flawed discernment.  
Misplaced love, unwise trust- therein lies the fault.    
Their false facades flaked, now truth stands bare.   
All accidentally wise- now poor and unclad.    
Once-hallowed halls now darkened, stripped and bare.   
But temples true rebuild in your steadfast heart.   
No need of outward lamps or altars anymore.    
Nor prayer wheels spun blindly, ritual words by rote.    
Light inner flames, God's living presence adore.   
Meet Him in the stark stillness, without moor.
On this bare plateau, bold new structures erect.    
By strange stars entranced, let your life reflect.  

O bitter blessing, this stark solitude unveiled!    
No longer mid the lukewarm to indolently dwell.    
Now Truth's stark silhouette, sharp and severe.   
Once honeyed halls now desolate, friends contravened.    
All comfort stripped, yet wisdom crystallized.    
No more the winsome wine-tinged masquerade.    
See clear at last,MIXER friends investiture repaid.   
Harsh yet vital vigils, winter woods where you stray.    
Lost, yet found- cold precision reveals the way.   
Take heart, though former faiths fray and fail.   
Each loss but some lustrous veil lifted.    
Shed old water-skins, stretch forth to Truth's grail.    
Let sorrows carve channels where spirit flows free.    
At the grave's cold lips, hear death defeated.   
Die to the past- soul's true home is still ahead.  

How stark and cold, this lonely landscape bare!    
No sheltering trees, only the icy wind's lash.    
Abandon hope all ye who enter here    
Where even prayers freeze mid-air with a crash.    
Yet from such flash-frozen seeds, faith yet may rise    
and find firmer root, when transplanted to kinder climes.    
For when all comforts melt in winter's wrath,    
the soul is tempered, forged hard as polished steel.    
Venture on, wanderer, though the way ahead is veiled.   
Beyond the driving hail and sleet, a warm hearth awaits.    
In ice, fire dwells- though hearts harden, hold to the flame   
that glows within yet, that searing spark untouched.    
Let outer garments stiffen and crack in the killing frost-    
there, find the true self that no exterior can exhaust.  

How strange these empty halls, once so populous!    
Hush now, no more echoes of mirth and music.    
Only the wind's hollow lament in the rafters.    
Each soul now his own small island, cut off.    
Adrift on lightless seas, no harbor ahead.    
Drink the divine draughts sent to your lips.    
The cup is bitter, yet offers wisdom's wine.    
All human bonds now broke, behold- divine friendship remains.    
Walk on though all earthly lights extinguished.    
The darkest night still cradles dawn in its wings.    
Though former comrades flee, imagine those yet unmet.    
Waste no tears for the footprints washed from the shore.    
Lift your eyes beyond- envision the steps yet before.   
Storms grant unasked for favors- they carve secret doors.    
Trust- though strange, this path leads where your soul longs to soar.

How stark, these ruins where revels once rang!    
Hollow now, the halls where honeyed wine flowed.    
No lamps lit, only shadows haunt the dusty corners.    
Once bright banquets silent, spiders weave abandoned dreams.     
Yet deeper life throbs beneath the pompous corpse of the past.    
Dig beneath dead leaves for seeds awaiting rebirth.    
Do not linger mid the sham and shatter, the played out play.    
Sell your costumes, escape the painted stage at last.    
A naked night awaits, with unknown stars agleam.    
Venture into the forest with empty hands.    
Carry nothing from yesterdays now dissolved.    
Shed borrowed plumes, find your song, sing it bold.
Let the storm scatter the rot, make space for new roots.   
Trust- though strange, this night leads where your soul takes wing at last.  

How strange this silence, once so filled with familiar sounds!    
No more the ritual talk, the social pantomime.    
Words all worn thin, eroded of meaning.    
Mere mouthing now, divorced from the throbbing heart's blood.   
Now only the naked cry suffices, primal utterance.    
All costumes shed, plunge naked in the surging waters of soul.   
Face at last the void, emptiness stretching forever.    
Leap into the still pool, fathomless, without trace of bottom.    
Drink at last from undiscovered inner springs.    
No need to revisit the old cisterns, cracked jug.    
Wander trackless wastes, carve maps in the unknown.    
Hold fast the fire within, let it guide and suffice.    
When familiar stars fail, summon faith's strange music.    
Step bold into the silence, let it transform your heart's rhythm.    
There are moorings even here, where spirit reigns free.  

How stark, this empty hall where feasts once echoed!    
Stripped bare now, only cobwebs inhabit its corners.    
No more the honeyed wine nor rose-peaked pleasure domes.    
Only wild grass between the cracked flagstones.    
Yet, look up- through broken roof, heaven's vault gleams.    
Overturned bowls let divine draughts flow direct.    
No more need of goblets glazed and painted.    
The crude clay chalice serves for truth's high sacrament.    
Flee the sham revels, false friends at their charades.    
Here ruins summon- in gray dust, redemption awaits.    
Meet the daybreak clear-eyed, empty-handed.    
Shed pilfered robes, glow naked in wisdom's first rays.    
Soul's true home beyond words, rituals, robes and forms.    
Journey there- though all familiar lights left behind.    
Untrodden the path- yet His lantern lights up the storm.  

How ghostly now these halls, bereft of music's swell!   
Only the hiss of silence where revellers trod.    
The court stands empty, devotees fled elsewhere.    
Yet deeper wisdom in the dissolution of distant drums.    
Let the proud palace crumble to dust at last.    
Die to all that dazzled in the days past.    
Sweep clear the ruins, make straight the crooked.    
Prepare open ground for the rule of the way.    
When all falls to fragments, let your heart stay whole.    
Cradle carefully the glowing ember within.

   The poem is part of a full version found in the book “Homo Sapiens” Part Part I - XVIII, written by Mawphniang Napoleon. This book is part of the popular “Homo Sapiens” book series, which can be purchased online at various online bookstores, such as Amazon. The book is available for purchase for those who are interested in reading the complete version of the poem. Remember to get all the books from the “Homo Sapiens” series, as well as other books by the same author.   So, don’t hesitate and get a copy today from one of the many online bookstores.   Khublei Shihajar Nguh,  (Dhanewad  )(Thank you )

About this poem

The poem explores the theme of self-discovery through solitude, betrayal, and the dissolution of familiar comforts. It emphasizes the value of enduring trials, shedding false identities, and embracing the unknown. The imagery of masquerades, shadows, and storms symbolizes the unmasking of truth and the transformative power of challenges. Despite the loneliness, there's a call to venture into uncharted territories, finding wisdom in adversity, and seeking a deeper connection with the divine. The poem encourages resilience, introspection, and the recognition that true strength emerges from the harshest trials. 

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Written on November 04, 2016

Submitted by Mawphniang.Napoleon on November 13, 2023

Modified by Mawphniang.Napoleon on November 13, 2023

14:21 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme Text too long
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 16,121
Words 2,834
Stanzas 22
Stanza Lengths 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 15, 10, 1

Mawphniang Napoleon

Mawphniang is a person who is always striving to live life to the fullest. He is someone who is always open to new ideas and ways of living and is unafraid to take risks in order to explore the unknown. He is passionate about life and is always looking for ways to make use of his time and energy. He has an inquisitive nature, and is always looking for answers to life's mysteries and questions. Though Mawphniang does not pretend to have all the answers, he is determined to taste life and live a simple life, without overcomplicating things. He's a person who appreciates the small moments and cherishes the little things in life. He enjoys spending time in nature, exploring the world, and connecting with people. He is a person who is always up for a new adventure and never stops learning. He is on a daily journey of self-discovery, trying to make sense of the world and his place in it. more…

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