Susannaelliott's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by susannaelliott  —  There are currently 54 poems total — keep up the great work!

Castles in the Air

Happy are those children that have railways in the hall,
Painting in the kitchen and stories when they’re small.
Friends to come and visit them - ribbons for their hair,
To so many lonely children is a ‘Castles in the Air.’

Mothers doing...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 2 months ago
A Silent Litany

A Silent Litany
The cold, wet breath of night drips its stalactites -
nature’s pyramidal spikes frozen in time.

Mountains mourn the loss of summer,
their faces veiled in white, hiding from the world,
lost in silent prayer.

Rivers course...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 11 days ago

I am that tiny speck of light
that sneaks through the horizon at dawn,
sparkling like a jewel
before opening the door to day.

I am that crisp bite of morning
that strikes so sharp like a whetted knife,
piercing so cruelly
but awakening you...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
This Life

This life is not my native land.
This mortgaged lot of heart and hand
With lease of mind to understand
This life is not my native land.

This world is not my native place.
This mortgaged plot of time and space
With peace of mind to know in...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
A Reflect at Midnight - What did I do wrong?

You graced my life
for a brief moment
like a dew drop landing on a leaf,
before sliding off
into oblivion.

Your residue,
that soft fragment of connection,
remained like a sinew-thin moon outline,
etched across a darkening sky,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Grains of Sand

Poems are little grains of sand
in which I share an insight into my thoughts.
As they fly through the air,
they sparkle in the light
and morph into words on my pen,
creating lyrical ideas
I craft into...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

You can take to me with lumps of wood
And I wouldn’t make a move to stop you.
You can hurl your anger and hit out
At me in any way you see fitting,
For I will stand and take it -

You can become annoyed with me for
Using my voice...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Dead and Living Things

These perfectly elongated teardrops
Are living cellular sculptures.
Their bladelike edges slice the air,
As they gently fall to earth.

Their spear tips – razor sharp, drop like feathers,
But their soft, delicate bodies
Soon harden and crack...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Tree of Life

I’ve heard it said that tree is life.
It breathes and expires as we do,
giving us our food and our homes.

From what I’ve tasted of this life,
I’ve not seen care enough for tree,
only wonting greedy desires.

I hold with those who treasure...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

I lie awake and wonder
How the universe was made,
And how the planets rotate
On axes well-behaved.
I float in eons of space
With their myriad of suns,
That fuel a million lifetimes
Through which the comet runs.
I sail the dark and silence,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
I Died Today

I died today.
Quite suddenly,

When dreams are shattered
And hope smatters all thoughts,
Then life matters little.

I cried today.
To see my tears falling.

When friends leave our lives,
And loneliness resides,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
The Leaving

You are one who has known darkness and pain.
You have felt the heavy burdens of grief -
grief caused by others seeking selfish gain.
You have stepped out with pride but stepped back – cried,
your tears falling unnoticed in the rain.

You are...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

Is freedom our rite of passage?
Is it gifted to us at birth?
Can we say, do, think, dream or love
Whatever we desire?

What does it mean to have freedom?
To speak our minds and know no shame
In disagreeing with others,
Would that be our...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

 1 View
added 1 month ago
Disturbed at Daybreak

A flock of long-billed corellas
Calls on the wing a mournful song
At daybreak, to gather its throng.

These ragged arrow-headed birds –
Their oversized secateur beaks
Are snipping tools for fruits and seeds.

Their blue encircled, granite...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
A Fleeting Embrace

A stray leaf
Brushes your shoulder
In the breeze
And sees the real you

It sees hats
Changed like underwear
Just briefly
For the games you play

Your mask masks
Your soul that knows you –
The real you
Hidden deep in heart


by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
The Gift of Suffering

We enter the world upside down
and journey through life backwards.
We cannot know what lies ahead,
as this would destroy all purpose.

We only see where we have been.
The mistakes we've made are clear,
as we survey each passing glance
in our...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

The freefall backwards is just the beginning.
All is white, roaring confusion.
For what seems like hours,
I am flung about.

Hungry for air, I push towards the surface,
only to find there is no surface,
just swell on swell on swell

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
The Eagle

Scanning the escarpment for signs of the eagle,
my hands clasp the tangled shreds of seaweed
and feel the breaking edges of the shells,
that have lain discarded in careless curves
along the seashore.

The eagle swoops to devour a tasty morsel...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
The Deep

I don my suit and other paraphernalia and plunge
down into the deep, exploring like a veteran shark or Shortraker.

On and on I steer, lazily gliding over waving bushes
that greet me with bouquets of floral designs unseen in any other realm.


by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

We interact with space in peculiar ways.
We run, dance and do somersaults when we play.
We can’t see the barriers
that divide our world,
but that’s not to say they’re not there.

The barrier of time is of our own making.
We place stress and...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
A Feast of Rosemary

I look out upon a sea of colour
when spring is sprung her best,
leaving poor winter desolate,
gnarled and spectre grey.
Red cedar’s colour now returning,
as his reddish tinged sweater
adorns his gracious form.

The garden’s blossoms - such...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

Something here now that wasn’t here before.
That something that awakens my senses,
Giving me now an appetite for life,
That life had not afforded me before
I knew something.

I come after it with a keen notion.
Like an eagle who has spotted...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
On the Edge

He’s on the dark side of an unknown land.
A land where no-one cares about his name.
He’s cold and lonely – afraid of himself.
He’s through with caring…he’s through with fears.

The sun comes up now giving way to dawn.
Dawn’s cold, crisp air...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
A Candle in the Wind

Nothing gold stays too long.
Nature’s first green is gold.
She then transforms her form
as leaves subside to leaf.

When dawn gives way to day
a single leaf can flower
in this early morning hour,
a green and golden bower.


by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
The Velvet Tiger

He lies in wait amidst the vast,
dense jungle, camouflaged by brown
dirt, twigs, grasses and open plain.

He lies so still with scarce a breath
escapes his lungs, for fear of sound –
he matters not if pouring rain.

He hunts by ponds of...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

The insects cluster casually
adorned in their honeyed capsules
that glisten in the morning sun
like sparkling golden jewels.

These creatures slumber peacefully
in the crevices of the pines,
with their ancient kauri residue
and microscopic...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

On my way to work I reflect
on that sinking feeling
caused by rebuttal.
Harsh words, angry emotions
fuelled by personal perspective.
A bias perhaps – or a prejudice?
This residue remains
like stale ground dregs, dark and impervious.


by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Camden Poplars

Old soldiers these, their lances guarding land
Purloined from tribe and tilled by convict hand.
Macarthur’s sheep they pierced and prodded back
With solid shafts of shadow golden-black.

Till trade took root upon Nepean’s banks
And profit...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Ode to the Fallen

Oh, marvellous light
Your glory bright
That once shone where
The poppies grew.

Such precious lives
Lie buried low
In Flanders Fields
Where daffs now grow.

Old bones rest on
Their souls long gone
Hold in mind

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Nature's Gifts

This tangled mat of seaweed and shells
lies discarded in careless curves
strewn along the shoreline.

Stranded in time by receding waves -
these gifts are left by lonely sea
and promise to return.

Then once again this tangled embrace

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Memories of a Childhood

This old house stands tall in treetops grand,
with its ankles soaked in Queensland sand.
When rains do fall, as heavy they sheet,
the shutters rattle flung from their feet.

Fans push the air like helicopters
landing in every room as night...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
No Words

The Lord came to our little town,
a babe in arms, fragile and pure.
He grew as all God’s children do
to live and work in God’s own land,
by healing sick – through God’s own hand.

When on the cross so crucified,
the New-Found Christians...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

On my way to work I reflect
on that sinking feeling
caused by rebuttal.
Harsh words, angry emotions
fuelled by personal perspective.
A bias perhaps – or a prejudice?
This residue remains
like stale ground dregs, dark and impervious.


by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
The Road Less Travelled

I took the road less travelled,
as the path was fresh and green.
The undergrowth so lush and moist,
as none I’d ever seen.

I took the path less travelled,
as this path beckoned to me.
The swaying trees so lithe and tall,
so salient to see.

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Do We Really Care

Paper or plastic, cotton or elastic, bits and bobs and saws galore
are fuel for bins or rubbish tins when we don’t want them anymore.

Which does baby prefer? A soft, cotton nappy soaked in bleach for hours galore
in plastic bins with fitted...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Those Golden Days

The news spread quickly at first.
Those that had the funds just left.
The rest of us followed when
We had the means to survive.

Our families said farewell
To our friends, neighbours and jobs.
Times were exciting but harsh,
But we all shared...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

The ocean currents begin to grow dark,
as the formidable shape of shark
enters the stillness of the bay,
cruising in tune with tide’s ebb and sway.
So smooth – such ease
as he doth please,
this cunning beast slinks fathoms deep
to realms...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
Ode to the Fallen

Oh, marvellous light
Your glory bright
That once shone where
The poppies grew.

Such precious lives
Lie buried low
In Flanders Fields
Where daffs now grow.

Old bones rest on
Their souls long gone
Hold in mind

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

In the meadows rich with corn,
Where once the battlegrounds were born,
The soldiers bravely gave their all,
Until they heard the bugle's call.

By the ponds round orchards sweep
Apples and lemons fruited deep.
The mounted armies plundered...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago

In the meadows rich with corn,
Where once the battlegrounds were born,
The soldiers bravely gave their all,
Until they heard the bugle's call.

By the ponds round orchards sweep
Apples and lemons fruited deep.
The mounted armies plundered...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 1 month ago
What's in a Name?

The teacher recollects the name
from somewhere eons in her past
and asks if it’s the name of fruit,
that’s sweetened way beyond the sweet
to a crystalised solid cast.
Nay, not this name, for there’s no shame
in responding with a spondee,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 2 months ago
The Funfair of Life

An eerie silence enshrouds,
Closing tightly around
My ears and neck until
I shiver violently.

I’m asked this question often.
Would I step on again
Knowing the grief and pain
Each ride forced me to endure?

The park is deserted now.

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 2 months ago
Privileged Lives

We are guests in this world:
Souls creating experiences in human bodies.
We aim to bring consciousness into a material form
To create a deeper awareness of the purposes of each visit.

By understanding this,
We learn the coveted secrets of our...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 2 months ago
Full Circle

Our love was a season in summer’s joy.
We walked in fields of daisies, our hands clasped,
tripping over carelessly discarded
leaves that crunched and crackled under our feet.
We lay on grasses lost in the moment,
yielding to love, comforted in...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago
Love Lost

When love speaks, her words are an orchestra

of harmonious sounds that resonate

rich and mellifluous in andante


When that love is lost, all that remains is

a sinew thin residue of moonshine

so fine, its threads stravaig -...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago
Dystopia Under a Utopic Sky

Clouds paint an ashen sky,
with fine brush strokes
that begin as feathery ephemeral wisps,
then transmute to fluffy cotton wool balls.

Stratus strides his boldness -
hues of pure white
blending into deepening blues reaching outwards,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago
Dystopia Under a Utopic Sky

Clouds paint an ashen sky,
with fine brush strokes
that begin as feathery ephemeral wisps,
then transmute to fluffy cotton wool balls.

Stratus strides his boldness -
hues of pure white
blending into deepening blues reaching outwards,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago

Do I delude myself that I can write,
or is it fanciful simulation,
born in the annals of boredom or sloth.

Do those who read my triflings feel pity,
like pathetic fallacy trapped in thoughts
my brain indulges and encapsulates.

Idle tears,...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago

Do I delude myself that I can write,
or is it fanciful simulation,
born in the annals of boredom or sloth.

Do those who read my triflings feel pity,
like pathetic fallacy trapped in thoughts
my brain indulges and encapsulates.

Idle tears,...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago
What's in a Name?

The teacher recollects the name
from somewhere eons in her past
and asks if it’s the name of fruit,
that’s sweetened way beyond the sweet
to a crystalised solid cast.
Nay, not this name, for there’s no shame
in responding with a spondee,

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago
Melancholy Mood

Among the fretful moorings of my mind
I search for clarity within discord,
as cadent tears assuage my sombre fears,
that propagate in melancholia.

Will this mood lighten and erase these thoughts,
infus’d into my mind from lassitude?
Can my...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 3 months ago
Feeling the Heat

Cicadas screech the sound of summer,
signalling a long, hot day ahead.
Shall I find some shade?
Know I’ll find a good book.
Or …
better still –
write some poetry.

How I love to lounge in nature’s shade,
under weeping willow's sweeping...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 4 months ago
Past the Shallows

Past the shallows now,
well and truly into deep water –
water that is charcoal cold.
I navigate these waters alone.
Children playing in the bay
race to collect the early morning treasure
gifted by tide,
left lying on sandy mounds.
In these...

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 4 months ago
Staring into Darkness

Darkness grows in my doorway,
letting tears intrude
where music should reside.
I’m hungry for the sound of wind.
I listen so keen
for willow’s soft whispers,
but my mind finds only silence.
Time rests on my wrists
wrenching me prisoner.

by Susanna Elliott-Newth

added 4 months ago

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I wandered lonely as a _______ that floats on high o'er vales and hills
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